
单词 possessioner
释义 poˈssessioner Obs. exc. Hist.
[f. possession n. + -er2.]
One who is in possession, or holds possession, of something; a holder, occupier; a proprietor, owner; an owner of possessions.
1382Wyclif Acts iv. 34 How many euere weren possescioners [Vulg. possessores] of feeldis or howsis.c1450Godstow Reg. 89 They called before them the lordis and possessioners and tenauntis of the mylles.1544tr. Littleton's Tenures (1574) 67 b, Possessioners of a warde of the bodye of a childe within age.1563Bonner in Strype Ann. Ref. (1709) I. xxxiv. 341 Not being lawful Bishop of Winchester, but an usurper, intruder, and unlawful possessioner thereof.1681J. Chetham Angler's Vade-m. xl. §25 (1689) 299 The Owners or Possessioners thereof.1807Britton Beauties Eng. IX. Linc. 571 The sum of 1000l. borrowed of the king, lords, and great possessioners, till it could be levied by the commissioners of sewers.1884Q. Rev. Jan. 107 The grasping spirit of the new lords and possessioners.
b. spec. A member of a religious order having possessions or endowments; an endowed clergyman or ecclesiastic.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 144 Þise possessioneres preche and depraue freres.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. I. 212 Popis and bishopis and prestis and þese new religiouse possessioneris and beggeris.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) iv. vi. 167/2 Yf he be a relygyous possessyoner endewed by temporal goodes, he may releue them.1545Brinklow Compl. xxiv. (1874) 69 But the son of man hath not where to rest his head. Such possessionars were the bysshops of the prymatyue church!1855Milman Lat. Chr. VI. xiii. vi. 125 It was the villeins demanding manumission from their lords, not Wycliffe's disciples despoiling possessioners.

