
单词 living-room
释义 living-room
Also living room.
[living vbl. n. 7.]
1. A room that is set aside for ordinary social use (as opp. to a bedroom, etc.).
1825Greenhouse Comp. I. 9 No living-room should depend for its ventilation on such of its windows as may communicate with a green-house.1857C. Vaux Villas & Cottages 119 Under the..living-room is a basement-kitchen.1867‘T. Lackland’ Homespun i. 139 The joy with which grand parents welcome us in the great living-room.1879F. R. Stockton Rudder Grange i. 7 There was a kitchen, a living room, a parlor and bedrooms.1884Illustr. Lond. News 1 Mar. 209/2 From all the living-rooms glimpses were obtainable of soft green hills and white cottages.1911C. Harris Eve's Second Husband 310 She occupied one chair in the living room all day.1911H. S. Harrison Queed xix. 239 Queed..went upstairs to the comfortable living-room.1917–18T. Eaton & Co. Catal. Fall & Winter 416/4 Massive living-room arm chair.1931A. J. Cronin Hatter's Castle i. i. 12 The common room, the living room of the house where its inhabitants partook of meals, spent their leisure and congregated in their family life.1933Discovery July 218/2 The growing popularity of the living-room as the central dominant feature of the modern dwelling..has completely altered the design of the house.1933H. Walpole Vanessa ii. 287 The room at the top of the first stairflight that had once been the drawing-room with the fine gilt chairs,..the rosy cupids on the ceiling, was now the general living-room.1953G. Greene (title) The living room.1967E. Short Embroidery & Fabric Collage iii. 78 [The cushion] can transform a divan from a bed into an acceptable piece of living-room furniture.1971Daily Tel. (Colour Suppl.) 12 Nov. 30/1 In the living-room is the Steinway upright.
2. tr. lebensraum.
1938Times 18 Nov. 17/6 The Danube valley and the Balkans are..the natural ‘living-room’ of industrial Germany.1940‘G. Orwell’ in New English Weekly 21 Mar. 321/1 Hitler envisages, a hundred years hence,..a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of ‘living room’.1942E. Paul Narrow St. xxxiv. 305 The leaders had told them Hitler would behave, if appeased, that he did not want their lands and goods but only ‘living room’.

