
单词 Marxian
释义 I. Marxian, a.1 and n.1|ˈmɑːksɪən|
[f. the name of Karl Marx (1818–83), German-born socialist writer + -ian.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the socialist doctrines or theories of Karl Marx. Also Marxian-Soviet adj., of or pertaining to the type of socialism found in the U.S.S.R.
1887G. B. Shaw Let. 17 May (1965) 169 Your notion that he is getting the best is a Marxian illusion.1896B. Russell German Social Democracy 71 The ‘honourable’ Social Democrats, as they called themselves, the party of thorough-going Marxian Communism.1902B. Kidd Princ. Western Civilisation 87 [Spencer] really has in view, like the Marxian socialists, a state of society in which [etc.].1919J. Spargo Psychol. Bolshevism iii. 12 Only an infinitesimal minority of those who call themselves Marxian Socialists have ever studied Marx at first hand.1920M. Beer Hist. Brit. Socialism II. iii. i. 21 He [sc. Harney] stood much nearer to O'Brien and Louis Blanc than to the Marxian policy.1930T. Okey Basketful of Memories vii. 61 The Marxian revolutionary social teaching was slow in penetrating this country.Ibid., Indications were obvious..that the Marxian bible..had begun to leaven English democratic thought.1948J. Towster Political Power in U.S.S.R. i. 4 (heading) The Marxian-Soviet view of state and law.1949Koestler Promise & Fulfilment ii. v. 281 The marxian dictum that man is a product of his environment.1959C. Mackenzie Lunatic Republic xi. 190 We also regard revisionism as treachery to Marxian ideology.1966E. A. Carlson Gene ix. 95 ‘Morganism’, to this rival school, represented ‘reactionary’ and ‘idealistic’ tendencies which ran counter to the ‘materialist’ attitudes expressed by Marxian and Leninist (later Stalinist) outlooks on science.1966P. Heath tr. Wetter's Soviet Ideology Today iii. x. 294 The Marxian theory of value and surplus value has encountered its most serious troubles over the question of the average rate of profit.1971Z. A. Jordan Karl Marx 20 Recent contributions concerning the concept of alienation..follow the Hegelian rather than the Marxian path.
B. n. One who holds or supports Marxian views; a follower of Marx. Cf. Marxist n.1
1896B. Russell German Social Democracy 89 Although this programme showed, on the whole, a victory of the Marxians, Marx protested against it.1918E. B. Bax Reminisc. 138 The question of Internationalism was indeed one of the great bones of contention between them and the Marxians.1923E. A. Ross Russ. Soviet Republic 394 Even though it fell in partly with the program of the extreme Marxians, the expropriation of the landlords and capitalists was not really a thing planned.1935D. Fahey Mystical Body Christ ix. 199 Marxians will take account of circumstances, in order to get their programme accepted.
Hence ˈMarxianism, adherence to Marxian doctrines or theories. Cf. Marxism1.
1896B. Russell German Social Democracy 93 The new philosophy of life which Marxianism had introduced.1905J. R. MacDonald Socialism & Society iv. 99 Marxianism, however, is a product of German thought during the second and third decades of the nineteenth century.1912Eng. Rev. June 413 The British workman will never take up the theoretics of orthodox Marxianism.1926Spectator 22 May 871/2 It was Western Europe which gave Marxianism to Russia.
II. Marxian, a.2 and n.2|ˈmɑːksɪən|
[f. the name of the Marx Brothers (Chico, Harpo, Groucho and Zeppo), American comedians + -ian.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the Marx Brothers.
B. n. An admirer of the Marx Brothers. So ˈMarxism2, (a) the type of comedy performed by the Marx Brothers; (b) a witticism typical of the Marx Brothers. Also ˈMarxist a.2 and n.2
1933Cherwell 25 Feb. 131/2 No one who disliked Monkey Business will be converted to Marxism by Horse Feathers.1940G. Marx Groucho Lett. (1967) 47 Don't come out bluntly and say, ‘How much dough have you got?’ That wouldn't be the Marxian way.1946Times 6 July 5/4 There will be something like mourning among Marxists in London next week.1951K. Crichton Marx Brothers xv. 196 They opened on Thursday night and closed on Saturday. The post-mortem was short and typically Marxian. They had gambled, they had lost, and there would be no lamentations.1962Sunday Times 1 Apr. 32/8 Dr McCabe asked Groucho for a few words. The resultant Marxism is very much to the point.1962Oxford Mail 21 July 6/2 There are only one or two Marx Brothers comedies left in circulation now, so I recommend this..to Marxians.1965Oxf. Mag. 29 Apr. 303/2 We might not have been so much amused if there had not been a grain of zany probability—almost Marxist, in the Bros. sense—in it.1966A. Eyles Marx Brothers xvii. 156 ‘It made sages out of screwballs and accused wise men of being fools.’ A perfect description of comedy's Marxism. We could be in Duck Soup, but this was American politics.1969New Yorker 25 Jan. 104/3 The Marx Brothers at the Movies... The book is the work of dedicated Marx fans, and its ideal readers are the nation's equally dedicated Marxists.

