
单词 mindful
释义 mindful, a.|ˈmaɪndfʊl|
Forms: see mind n.1
[f. mind n.1 + -ful.]
1. a. Taking thought or care of; heedful of; keeping remembrance of. Also const. with obj. clause and how or that.
a1340Hampole Psalter lxii. 7 If J was myndefull of the of my bede.1382Wyclif Heb. ii. 6 What thing is man, that thou art myndeful of him?1579B. Googe tr. Mendoza's Prov. 49 That where hee [sc. Cæsar] was verie mindefull of all other thinges, hee neuer would remember any iniurie doone vnto him.1661Marvell Corr. Let. xxvi. Wks. (Grosart) II. 63 We beseech you be mindfull that the 29th of May be kept for a thanksgiving.1736Berkeley Discourse Wks. 1871 III. 421 In all their actions to be ever mindful of the last day.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iv. I. 428 He had always been mindful of his health even in his pleasures.1873Black Pr. Thule x, Mindful of the fastidious ways of his friend.
b. Having remembrance of. nonce-use.
1859Tennyson Geraint & Enid 191 Guinevere, not mindful of his face..desired his name.
c. const. with inf.
1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 420 To be Baptized in Churchyardes..was an auncient custome..that so such as were to be Baptized might be made y⊇ more myndefull to confesse a rising agayne from y⊇ dead.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort., Mar. (1679) 13 Be mindful to uncover them [the plants] in all benign, and tolerable seasons.1692Sprat Contriv. Blackhead i. 19, I was not so mindful to preserve the Letters that came to me.1889Gretton Memory's Harkb. 324 The monks were always mindful to establish themselves where there was water close at hand.
d. without const.
1567Turberv. Ovid's Epist. 141 b, So she with mindefull wrath Upon my corse for thee awroken is.1605Camden Rem. 32 Antient families have given those names to their heires, with a mindefull and thankefull regard of them.1728Pope Dunc. i. 93 Much to the mindful Queen the feast recalls.1747Collins Ode to Liberty 16 Let not my shell's misguided power E'er draw thy sad, thy mindful tears.1854S. Dobell Balder i, Point with mindful shadow day and night, Where we lie dust below.
2. Minded, inclined to do something. Also with ellipsis of vb. of motion. Obs.
1632Lithgow Trav. ii. 59 A great number of passengers..that were all mindefull to Zante.Ibid. 61 The Turkes retired till morning, and then were mindfull to give vs..a second alarum.1672in L'pool Munic. Rec. (1883) I. 285 Any that shall bee mindfull to build upon or improve any such wast.1681J. Chetham Angler's Vade-m. xxxii. §1 (1689) 173 Tired and mindful to rest.

