
单词 wrap
释义 I. wrap, n.|ræp|
Also 5 wrappe.
[f. the vb. Not usual before the 19th cent.]
1. a. A wrapper or covering. Also fig.
c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 212 Thow must square & proporcioun þy bred..and so shaltow make þy wrappe [v.r. wrapper] for þy master manerly.1589Hakluyt Voy. 216 In Goa they vse not to abate any tare of any goods, except of sacks or wraps.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 100 That want of power to penetrate through wraps and appearances to the essence of things.
b. A cover, blanket, rug, or the like for laying over or drawing about the person when travelling, reposing, etc. (Cf. 2 b.)
1861Daily Chron. 12 Sept., We have heard..Livingstone, the African explorer, and many other travellers, say that at night no wrap could equal the beard.1863Dicey Federal St. I. 54, I had..two large carpet-bags, a bundle of heavy wraps, and an umbrella, to transport with me.1869H. F. Tozer Highl. Turkey II. 15 A few wraps in case of a night bivouac.
c. Material used for wrapping, esp. very thin plastic film.
1930Food Industries Jan. 13/1 [Cellophane] was first introduced into this country from France as a wrap for candy.Ibid., The transparent type of wrap proved decidedly popular.1958Chain Store Age Apr. 168/3 The Aluminum Company of America is now packaging Alcoa wrap in a ‘flat pak’.1976‘O. Jacks’ Assassination Day v. 81 He bundled the notes up into foil wrap, put two in..his refrigerator.1977Time 14 Mar. 39/3 The thin sail (ordinary plastic kitchen wrap is five times thicker) would be coated with an aluminum reflecting layer on the side that will face the sun.1979Sci. Amer. Jan. 131/1 You could also build up layers of stretched plastic food wrap.1980Outdoor Life (U.S.) (Northeast ed.) Oct. 126/2 Cover an exposed drain valve with plastic wrap to prevent road slush from accumulating.
2. a. A loose garment or article of feminine dress used or designed to envelop or fold about the person; a shawl, scarf, or the like.
1827Lady's Mag. June 342/1 The Circassian wrap is much worn for half-dress;..it well sets off the fine bust of a well-made female.1840Ladies' Cabinet Mar. 201 This is not however the case with the cloaks or shawls adopted as wraps for evening parties.1885Mabel Collins Prettiest Woman x, Arthur..had the delight of putting Zadwidga's wrap around her shoulders.1894M. Dyan Man's Keeping (1899) 222 Her face..was close to his shoulder; a light wrap of lace framed it.
b. An additional outer garment used or intended to be worn as a defence against wind or weather when driving, travelling, etc. Usu. pl. (Cf. 1 b.)
a1817Jane Austen Watsons (1879) 353 Tom Musgrave in the wrap of a traveller.1855A. Manning O. Chelsea Bun-h. xiv. 229, I was taking off my wraps, and making ready to go up stairs.1861J. H. Bennet Winter Medit. (1875) i. x. 303 A bitter cold north-west wind..had been blowing, which obliged us to use all our wraps.1898J. B. Wollocombe Morn till Eve i. 2 After unrolling and unbuttoning his outer wraps, the doctor..ascended the stairs.
3. a. spec. A single convolution, twist, or winding of a thread in fastening an object.
1879Ogden in J. H. Keene Fishing Tackle (1886) 172 Secure it with one wrap and two hitches before taking the tweezers off, cut off silk [etc.].
b. techn. (See quots.)
1888C. P. Brown Cotton Manuf. 28 A complete revolution of the latter [worm-wheel] means 3564 yards—technically called a wrap.Ibid., If a warp contains 4 wraps and 7 teeth, it is 14,445 yards long.
4. pl. In fig. phrases referring to concealment or disuse, as under wraps or in wraps, concealed; in abeyance; to take or pull the wraps off, to disclose; to bring back into use.
1939Sun (Baltimore) 18 Dec. 3/6 The fact that the belligerents have kept their air power under wraps almost from the beginning reveals more than meets the eye.1950‘S. Ransome’ Deadly Miss Ashley xv. 178 You grabbed his notebooks and tried..to keep them under wraps.1956A. H. Compton Atomic Quest 49 Some members of the committee were insistent that the entire uranium project should be put in wraps for the duration.1964New Society 15 Feb. 21/2 The Government took the wraps off its plan for regenerating the Northeast.1965Mrs. L. B. Johnson White House Diary 20 Jan. (1970) 226 Next Hubert [Humphrey] stepped forward—for once his exuberance was under wraps.1973Times 4 Oct. 4/3 Only now was the truth about battered wives being revealed ‘because the wraps have just been pulled off a taboo subject’.1978Dumfries Courier 20 Oct. 11/1 Show visitors will see numerous others which are still under wraps until nearer the Show.1984Times 14 May 7/2 This week will see the wraps coming off another popular project, where Britain wants to be seen leading the way.
5. Cinemat. and Television. The end of a session of filming or recording.
1974M. Ayrton Midas Consequence i. 63 Other cars are heard starting up out of shot and the lights on the pergola go off so I assume it's a wrap and the crew is listening to the director saying something consequential and busy about tomorrow's call.1980J. Krantz Princess Daisy xii. 191 ‘Right, it's a wrap.’.. The large lights, cameras, sound equipment and other tools of the trade were quickly stowed away.1983Listener 23 June 18/2 The director says: ‘Cut! Thank you, Ben, that's a wrap—there is no more filming.’
6. Special Combs. (see also wrap-): wrap party Cinemat., a party held to celebrate the completion of filming; wrap reel, wheel, a large revolving framework on which yarn can be wound and measured.
1978J. Krantz Scruples xiii. 388 Work on Mirrors finished on schedule, on Friday, August 23rd, and the wrap party was scheduled for the next night.1978Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Queensland) 3 Apr. 6/4 At the wrap party..Syl played host in a three-piece white suit.
1889G. E. Davis Sizing & Mildew in Cotton Goods ii. 20 In order to test the fineness of yarn a wrap reel is used, measuring 54 inches in circumference, which is so arranged that by a single turn of a handle two complete revolutions are given to the reel itself.1928W. L. Balls Studies of Quality in Cotton xii. 235 The lea was wound upon wrap-reels of varying diameter.1956S. E. Ellacott Spinning & Weaving 36/2 Arkwright's wrap reel for measuring hanks of yarn (840 yards) was a six-armed revolving star with a winch handle.
1953Wrap wheel [see rice n.1 4].1969E. H. Pinto Treen 318 After yarn had been spun on a spindle or spinning wheel, it was transferred on to a wrap or clock wheel, a rotary instrument which skeined and measured it. The original wrap wheel is always said to have been invented by Richard Arkwright.

orig. U.S. = body wrap n. at body n. Additions. Freq. with modifying word indicating the type of treatment used.
Recorded earliest in herbal wrap n. at herbal adj. Additions.
1963Los Angeles Times 8 Sept. e4/2 ‘I can't go for the hike, Doc. Banged my toe in water polo,’ begged off a city father heading for the herbal wrap pavilion.1972Nevada State Jrnl. 13 Aug. 6 a (advt.) We feel that the inch loss a person receives from our wrap is more permanent than dieting or exercise.1985Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 15 Sept. Guests can..enjoy body treatments that range from various kinds of massage to a seaweed wrap.2000Times 6 Oct. (Ski 2001 Suppl.) 15/4 At the Grand-Hotel Hof Ragaz's spa guests can receive a seaweed-and-sand body rub to aid circulation followed by a toxin-loosing algae wrap and a hydromassage.

orig. U.S. An item of food consisting of an edible outer layer wrapped around a filling; esp. a tortilla or other flatbread wrapped around a sandwich-style filling.
1969Frederick (Maryland) News-Post 29 Jan. b1/7 Fun-to-eat Halibut Bacon Wraps bring a warm fresh-broiled goodness with them. Prepare halibut ahead.., wrap with bacon and broil.1989Los Angeles Times (Nexis) 12 Oct. h1 The Juicy Wrap, a whole-wheat lavash (tortilla-type) sandwich..is popular at I Love Juicy in West Hollywood.1994P. Permenter & J. Bigley Texas Barbecue 47 We ordered a sausage wrap, with a generous length of sausage wrapped in a flour tortilla.2001N.Y. Times 13 June f3/5 Asians eat lettuce wraps year round. But these crisply packaged finger foods seem especially appropriate in summer. Wraps are also fun to make.

Brit. slang. A packet containing a small amount of an illegal drug in powder form.
1985Times 13 Aug. 4/2 Mr David Elton, Liberal MP for Liverpool Edge Hill, says that the city is ‘awash’ in heroin and that ‘wraps’ can be bought for as little as {pstlg}5.1995DJ 6 July 41/2 An officer shows me the tools of tonight's trade..plus the drugs bag which is already half full with 70 ecstasy tablets, bags of weed and wraps of speed found abandoned on the ground.2004A. Hollinghurst Line of Beauty viii. 202 On other nights of the week he might be in and out of the lavatories of smart restaurants with his wrap of coke.
II. wrap
obs. erron. f. rap n.1
III. wrap, v.|ræp|
Also 4–7 wrappe (6 arch. wrappen), 6 warppe, 6, 9 dial. warp, 7–8 rap, 9 dial. wrop.
[Of obscure origin. Cf. the earlier bewrap v. (also belap v., lap v.2 with the variant wlappe, and wap v.2), and NFris. wrappe to press into, stop up, Da. dial. vrappe to stuff.
The dialect var. wrop had formerly greater currency. ‘This word is often pronounced rop, rhyming with top, even by speakers much above the vulgar’ (Walker, 1791). ‘The same pronunciation is not uncommon in some parts of the United States’ (Worcester, 1858).]
1. a. To cover, enwrap, or swathe (a person or part of the body) by enfolding in a cloth or the like; in later use esp., to envelop or enshroud with a garment; to attire, garb, clothe in an enfolding garment. Occas. refl. Also with advs., as about, around, round.
c1320R. Brunne Medit. 975 Sone, y was wunt þe swetly to wrappe, Now swaþe y þe dede.13..Coer de L. 3094 Hys chaumberlayn hym wrappyd warm. He lay and slepte.c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton, 1483) iv. xx. 64 When thou bytoke hym me to clothe and wrappe.c1450Myrr. our Ladye ii. 245 The vyrgyn wrappynge and gatherynge togyther the handes and fete of her lytel sonne..in a bande.1560Bible (Genev.) Gen. xxxviii. 14 She..couered hir with a vaile, and wrapped her selfe.Isaiah xxviii. 20 For the bed is streict.., and the couering narowe that one can not wrap him self.1629Milton Hymn Nativ. i, The Heav'n-born-childe, All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 477 Some term Beasts thus wrapped about the Body [ante ‘with a Towel’] charged with a pale.1791Cowper Iliad iii. 495 Helen..in her lucid veil close wrapt around, Silent retired.1805Scott Last Minstr. vi. xxvi, A shape with amice wrapp'd around.1859Dickens T. Two Cities i. ii, All three were wrapped to the cheek-bones and over the ears.1909J. L. Allen Bride of Mistletoe vi. 159 Coarsely wrapped and carrying some bundle.., [she] opened her front door.
b. Const. in ( on) or with. Also refl.
c1350Will. Palerne 745 He gript his mantel; as a weiȝh woful he wrapped him þer-inne.Ibid. 2609 Þei..wist wel þat þei went wrapped in þe skinnes.c1375Pol., Rel., & L. Poems (1903) 255/10 Iesu, swete, beo noth wroþ Þou ich nabbe clout ne cloþ..Þe on to folde ne to wrappe.1382Wyclif Isaiah xxxvii. 1 King Ezechie..kutte his clothis, and wrappid is with a sac.c1410Love Bonavent. Mirr. vi. (1908) 47 Sche..wrapped hym in the keuerchiefes of hir heued.1430–40Lydg. Bochas i. 6169 Pouert eek liggith the colde wyntris nyht Wrappid in strauh, withoute compleynynge.1526Tindale Matt. xxvii. 59 Joseph toke the body, and wrapped it in a clene lynnyne clooth.1547Bk. Marchauntes c v b, Thus coyffed and wrapped with their read hattes of this..capper, they go from town to town.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. i. 52 Weake wretch I wrapt my selfe in Palmers weed.1617Moryson Itin. iii. 171 Married women..wrap their heads and mouthes with a narrow long piece of linnen.a1680Butler Charac., Corrupt Judge (1908) 68 He wraps himself warm in Furs.1755J. Shebbeare Matrimony (1766) I. 186 With his Legs wrapt close in a Pair of good Hay-Boots.1784Cowper Task vi. 675 Some noble lord Shall..wrap himself in Hamlet's inky cloak.1825Scott Talism. xxii, Sir Kenneth..then wrapped him in the haik, or Arab cloak.1831Ct. Rob. xxviii, Let me wrap my head round with my mantle..to dispel this dizziness.1871Carlyle in Mrs. Carlyle's Lett. III. 247 We had to wrap our invalid in quite a heap of rugs and shawls.
transf. and fig.1382Wyclif Job xxxviii. 9 Whan I shuld setten the cloude his clothing, and with dercnesse it..I wrappide aboute.c1391Chaucer Astrol. Prol., He wrappeth him in his frend, þat condescendith to the rihtful preiers of his frend.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1036 So lewdly in my termes I me wrappe.c1550in Gamm. Gurton ii, I am so wrapt, and throwly lapt Of ioly good ale.1575T. Vautrollier Luther on Ep. Gal. 136 As he [sc. Christ] is wrapped in our flesh and in our bloud.c1640Waller Apol. Sleep 28 Where Phoebus never shrouds His golden beams, nor wraps his face in clouds.1675T. Brooks Gold. Key 359 Faith wraps it self in the righteousness of Christ.1697Dryden æneis viii. 953 Sad Nilus..spreads his Mantle o're the winding Coast; In which he wraps his Queen.1753Richardson Grandison II. xli. 313, I was resolved, if I were applied to, to wrap myself close about in a general denial.1759Mason Caractacus 75 Silent, as night, that wrapt us in her veil, We pac'd up yonder hill.1850Tennyson In Mem. v. iii, In words, like weeds, I'll wrap me o'er.1866Reader 2 June 533 Francis II, wrapping the imperial phantom on its fall as decently as he could.1880Meredith Tragic Com. (1881) 143 She had to wrap her shivering spirit in a blind reliance..on him.
c. Freq. with up; esp. in later use pass., = attired in warmer or protective clothing. Also, refl.
c1645Howell Lett. ii. lxix. (1892) 495 If you continue to wrap up our young acquaintance..in such warm choice swadlings, it will quickly grow up to maturity.1652Benlowes Theoph. ii. xviii, Now serves our guiltiness as winding sheet, To wrap up lepers; cover meet.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 10 In the night time they are forc'd to wrap themselves up in certain linnen cloaths.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. 196, I know a gentleman..[whose] servant wraps him up in a sheet dipped in cold water.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) I. 148 The former thinks the cold so severe, that he wraps himself up in all the garments he can procure.1853Dickens Bleak Ho. lvii, Are you well wrapped up?.. It's a desperate sharp night for a young lady to be out in.1862Kingston Three Midshipmen x, Their blankets..quickly dried, and the poor fellows were then wrapped up in them again.1885‘Mrs. Alexander’ Valerie's Fate v, He had to be wrapped up against the cold and further fortified by a cup of black coffee.
d. absol. for refl.
1848Dickens Dombey xl, She never wrapped up enough. If a man don't wrap up..he has nothing to fall back upon.1872March. Dufferin Canad. Jrnl. (1891) 52 The governess..won't wrap up..: nothing but a frost-bite will make her careful.1885‘Mrs. Alexander’ Valerie's Fate ii, I advise you to take that delightful shawl of yours to wrap up in on your return.
2. a. To cover or envelop (an object) by winding or folding something round or about it; to surround with or enwrap in a covering, wrapper, or the like, esp. so as to protect from injury, damage, loss, etc. Also transf. (Cf. lap v.2 3.)
1382Wyclif 1 Sam. xxi. 9 The swerd..is wrappid with a pal after the preestis coope.c1386Chaucer Sqr.'s T. 628 Canacee..softely in plastres gan hire [sc. an injured falcon] wrappe.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. x. iv. (Bodl. MS.), Briȝte bemes of stronge fuyre schyneþ but þei beþ wrapped.1471Caxton Recuyell 121 b, Hercules..brak the bondes in whiche he was wrapped and swaded in.1484Cely Papers (Camden) 149, iij Angelettes wrappyd yn paper.1508Bk. Keruynge in Babees Bk. 269 Yf ye wyll wrappe your soueraynes brede stately.c1550H. Lloyd Treas. Health K j, Dyp wool in the decoction.., and let thy syde be wrapped often therewyth.1585Higins Junius' Nomencl. 110/2 The cod, or coate wherewith any kind of pulse is wrapped or couered.16022nd Pt. Return Parnass. i. iii. 352 He..furnishes the Chaundlers with wast papers to wrap candles in.1647J. Taylor (Water P.) Kings Welcome to Hampton Court 3 Thou hast not wrap'd thy Talent in a Clout.1676Cotton Angler ii. vii. 57 A great Hackle, the body black, and wrapped with a red feather.1762Cowper To Miss Macartney 33 Some Alpine mountain, wrapt in snow, Thus braves the whirling blast.1812Byron Ch. Har. i. l, Subtle poniards, wrapt beneath the cloke.c1890Bp. Selwyn in F. D. How Life (1899) 260 We can't be kept in bandboxes and wrapped in cotton wool all our lives.1893Hodges Elem. Photogr. (1907) 49 Wrap the tube in a piece of clean white paper.
fig.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 122 For all his witte in his wede ys wrappid ffor sothe.1545Bale Myst. Iniq. 67 For that shall they be wrapped in the cheanes of longe darkenesse.a1586Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 27 Because thys second sorte is wrapped within the folde of the proposed subiect.
refl.1526Tindale Gal. v. 1 Stond fast therfore.., and wrappe nott youre selves agayne in the yoke of bondage.
b. Freq. with advs., as about, down, round, together, and esp. up.
1382Wyclif Isaiah xiv. 19 Thou forsothe art cast aferr fro thi sepulcre..; and aboute wrappid with hem that ben slayn with swerd.1577Harrison England iii. i. (1878) ii. 11 When the Bore is..cut out, ech peece is wrapped vp..with bulrushes, ozier peeles, packethreed, or such like.1588Shakes. Tit. A. iv. ii. 27 The old man..sends the weapons wrapt about with lines, That wound..to the quick.1662Evelyn Chalcogr. ii. (1906) 13 When he has quite don with his plates..see that he..cleanse them very perfectly, wrapping them up in papers.1676Cotton Angler ii. viii. 78 A white Hackle, the body of white Mo-hair, and wrapped about with a white Hackle Feather.1726Swift Adv. Grub-st. Writers 8 Your still-born Poems shall revive, And scorn to wrap up Spice.1799G. Smith Laboratory I. 35 When you see them, wrap them up in tow.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xxiii. 566 Waxed paper is very useful..for wrapping up deliquescent or changeable substances.1846Trench Mirac. xxix. (1862) 418 Every limb was wrapped round with these stripes by itself.
ellipt.1879Ogden in J. H. Keene Fishing Tackle (1886) 170 Take a length of gut,..test it,..lay it underneath the hook, and wrap down with the waxed silk close and even.
c. Prov. (See quot., and cf. lap v.2 3 d.) Obs.—0
1677Miége Fr. Dict. ii, Wrapped up in his mothers smock, aimé des femmes.
3. a. To envelop or enclose in a surrounding medium, as flames, water, etc. Freq. in pass. (Cf. 6 d.) Also refl.
1382Wyclif Exod. xiv. 27 The Egipciens fleynge,..the Lord wrapte hem with ynne in the myddel floodes.Judith xiv. 4 The dukis of hem..finden hym heded, in his blod wrappid.c1510Gesta Rom. (W. de Worde) A v, In his blode the bone was wrapped.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. xi. 55 Sad shadowes gan the world to hyde From mortall vew, and wrap in darkenesse dreare.c1659Roxb. Ball. (1888) VI. 326 A Man..Whose Father is wrapped in mould.1667Milton P.L. ix. 158 Of these the vigilance I dread, and to elude, thus wrapt in mist Of midnight vapor glide obscure.1715Pope Iliad iv. 54 Fulfil thy stern desire, Burst all her gates, and wrap her walls in fire!1761Gray Odin 93 Till wrap'd in flames, in ruin hurl'd, Sinks the fabric of the world.1785Cowper Task iv. 124 Oh Winter,..Thy forehead wrapt in clouds, A leafless branch thy sceptre.1814Scott Wav. i, The baron who wrapped the castle of his competitor in flames.1908G. Cormack Egypt in Asia ii. 18 The loftier summits are wrapped in clouds.
fig. and in fig. context.1382Wyclif Job xxxvii. 19 Wee forsothe ben wrappid in dercnessis.1508Fisher 7 Penit. Ps. vi. Wks. (1876) 18 The fylthy voluptuousnes of the body, wherin the synner waltereth and wrappeth hymselfe lyke as a sowe waloweth..in the puddell.1604Shakes. Ham. v. ii. 128 (Q. 2), Why doe we wrap the gentleman in our more rawer breath?1896Mrs. Caffyn Quaker Grandmother 176 Wrapping sin in clouds won't alter its character, my girl.
ellipt.1382Wyclif Judg. v. 27 And he was wrappid bifore the feet of hir.
b. To involve, environ, or entangle (a person, etc.) in something that impedes movement or restricts liberty; to catch in this way. Chiefly in pass. Also with in. Obs.
c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1686 Be war of þencombraunce Of þe feend, which..him castiþ þe wrappe in & wrye.1560A. L. tr. Calvin's Foure Serm. Songe Ezech. (1574) D vij, When we shall mourne so that we should be so wrapped in and tangled.1562A. Brooke Romeus & Jul. 220 How surely are the wareles wrapt by those that lye in wayte?1569Blague Sch. Conceytes 268 The Hart..being entred into a thick wood, his horns were wrapped faste in the boughes.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades 158/1 Absalom..beeing wrapped by the haire to a tree.
fig.1591Greene 2nd Pt. Conny Catching (1592) B 4 These moathes of the Common-wealth, apply their wits to wrappe in wealthy farmers with strange and vncoth conceits.1594Shakes. Lucr. 636 O how are they wrapt in with infamies, That from their own misdeeds askaunce their eyes?
c. To clasp, embrace. Also in fig. context. (Cf. lap v.2 3 c.)
1588Shakes. Tit. A. iv. ii. 58 What dost thou wrap and fumble in thine armes?a1600Deloney Gentle Craft ii. vii, To perswade our great Grandmother the earth to wrap his cold body in her warme bosome.1716Gay Trivia i. 192 Others you'll see..Wrapt in th'embraces of a kersey coat.1797Coleridge Melancholy 3 Her folded arms wrapping her tatter'd pall.
4. a. To envelop, entangle, or implicate (a person, etc.) in ( into), to surround, encompass, or beset with, some (esp. prejudicial) condition of things, as sin, trouble, sorrow, etc. (Cf. enwrap v. 2 c.) Also occas. with up.
Freq. in pass., not always distinguishable from 6.
1380Lay Folks Catech. (Lamb. MS.) 81 We be..wrappid with many myscheuys.a1400Relig. Lyrics 14th C. (1924) 234 Mannes soule was wrapped in wo.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 959 My goost is wrapped in an heuy drede.c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. v. 68 A synner þou art & encombred and wrapped in many passions.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. vii. 16 Suche as than bare moost rule in the towne, were so wrapped with treason, yt [etc.].1526Tindale Rom. xi. 32 God hath wrapped all nacions in vnbeleve.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 37 b, The deuill is disposed to wrap vs in sondry calamities at one time.1624Carleton Thankf. Remembr. ix. 95 They..stirred vp new troubles..by wrapping them in new garboiles against the King.c1659Roxb. Ball. (1886) VI. 326 It is a Man wrapped in woe.a1839Praed Poems (1864) II. 40, I see him brood, Wrapt in his mental solitude.1859Tennyson Guinevere 147 So the stately Queen abode.., Wrapt in her grief.1899G. Wyndham in Westm. Gaz. 15 Dec. 5/3 We were living from day to day wrapped in anxiety.
refl.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋586 Alle this manere of folk..wrappen hem in hir synnes.c1430in Pol., Rel., & L. Poems (1903) 217 Þou wrappist þee wiþ vanytees.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII, 49 He brought him selfe into a streyghter custody..and wrapped him selfe into tortures and punyshmentes.1565Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Induco, To wrappe or intangle him selfe in captious questions.1675Dryden Aurengz. i. (1676) 13 Though in one Fate I wrap my self and you.
transf.c1611Chapman Iliad iii. 418 Unhappy Deity! Why lov'st thou still in these deceits to wrap my fantasy?
b. To involve, enfold, or enwrap (a person, etc.) in some soothing or tranquillizing state or influence. Freq. in pass., = sunk in slumber, rest, etc. Also with up.
1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 291 Ho so þus leued his lyff to the ende, Euere wrappid in welle,.. Myȝte seie [etc.].1414Brampton Penit. Ps. (Percy Soc.) 10 Whan I am wrappyd in wele.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 41 Carelesse Quiet lyes, Wrapt in eternall silence farre from enemyes.1598Mucedorus iv. i. 42 Musicke speake loudly now, the season's apt, For former dolours are in pleasure wrapt.1717Pope Eloïsa 302 Enter, each mild, each amicable guest; Receive, and wrap me in eternal rest!1730Thomson Autumn 1202 He..hears, At distance safe, the human tempest roar, Wrapt close in conscious peace.1798Coleridge Fears in Solitude 25 His senses gradually wrapt In a half sleep, he dreams of better worlds.1841Dickens Barn. Rudge ix, The house is wrapped in slumbers.1857Holland Bay Path xxx. 371 Wrapped in ineffable repose, lay her child.1872Punch 2 March 95/2 They were soon wrapped in sound and healthy slumbers.
fig.1791Coleridge Happiness 79 Where far from splendour, far from riot, In silence wrapt sleeps careless Quiet.
5. a. To involve or enfold (a subject or matter) so as to obscure or disguise the true or full nature of it; to conceal or hide by enveloping in a mass of different character. Cf. 3.
1382Wyclif Job xxxviii. 2 Who is this, wrappende in sentencis with woordis vnwise?c1386Chaucer Sqr.'s T. 507 Al were he ful of treson and falsnesse It was so wrapped vnder humble cheere And vnder hewe of trouthe.c1400Destr. Troy 1426 A word þat is wrappid, and in wrath holdyn.1565Cooper Thesaurus, Implicata res controversiis, a mattier wrapped and incombred with many controuersies.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. iv, He dispatched privat letters to al those principall Lords.., wrapping their hopes with such cunning, as they rather [etc.].a1639T. Carew Ingrateful Beauty Threatened iii, Wise poets, that wrapt Truth in tales.1712–4Pope Rape Lock ii. 104 Some dire disaster..; But what, or where, the fates have wrapt in night.1759Mason Caractacus 41 Heard'st thou the awful invocation, Youth, Wrapt in those holy harpings?a1770Jortin Serm. (1771) I. v. 85 The religion of the Egyptians..was all mystery, wrapt in obscurity.1825Scott Talism. xviii, I have no objection that leeches should wrap their words in mist.1833Mrs. Browning Prometh. Bound Poems (1850) I. 184 Zeus requires Thy declaration..Do not wrap thy speech..but speak clearly!1865R. W. Dale Jew. Temp. iii. (1877) 35 The image wrapped in the word..is a very impressive and instructive one.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. (1875) III. xii. 253, I found the question wrapped in darkness.
b. Freq. with up. Also transf.
1560Bible (Genev.) Micah vii. 3 Therefore the great man he speaketh out the corruption of his soule: so they wrap it vp.1601Daniel To Egerton vi, If it be wisedome..Which so imbroyles the state of truth with brawles, And wrappes it vp in strange confusednesse.1619Visct. Doncaster Let. in Eng. & Germ. (Camden) 119 Sum more bitternes then her Highnes had wrapped up in sweet termes.1669Stillingfl. Serm. 125 Here is no wrapping up Religion in strange figures and mysterious non-sense, which the ægyptians were so much given to.1712Addison Spect. No. 271 ⁋4 If it had been proper for them [sc. ladies] to hear,..the Author would not have wrapp'd it up in Greek.1779Mirror No. 22, It was some error in education which had wrapt up Cleone's character in so much obscurity.1830Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) I. 228 Their best..plan for seizing on the savings of other men's industry in the funds, is only spoliation wrapped up.1897P. Warung Tales Old Régime 14 Without troubling to wrap up his resolve in smooth-sounding words.
6. a. Of qualities, etc.: To invest, environ, or beset (a person, etc.); to encompass in some condition. Also with up. (Cf. 4.)
1382Wyclif Job xviii. 11 Al aboute feris shul gasten hym, and withinne wrappen his feet.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 1 Cor. 18 Albeit matrimonie be a holy thyng, yet it wrappeth a man..in worldlye care.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 358 b, The self same cause..wyl shortly after wrap vp them also in great distresse.1591Spenser M. Hubberd 602 Ay me..whom euill hap Vnworthy in such wretchednes doth wrap.1608Shakes. Lear iv. iii. 54 (Q. 1) Some deere cause Will in concealement wrap me vp awhile.1650Earl of Monmouth tr. Senault's Man bec. Guilty 388 Humane Justice..wraps up the innocent and the guilty in the same punishment.1665Sir R. Howard & Dryden Ind. Queen ii. i, Guilty rage, Which..wrapt all things in one cruel fate.1734Watts Reliq. Juv. 122 Thy power, thy fulness of blessing, wrap my soul up in astonishment and devout silence.1737Pope Hor., Ep. ii. i. 401 O'er the land and deep, Peace stole her wing, and wrapt the world in sleep.1784Cowper Task iii. 146 They disentangle from the puzzled skein, In which obscurity has wrapp'd them up, The threads of..shrewd design.1817Shelley Rev. Islam vi. xxx, Oblivion wrapped Our spirits.
transf.a1542Wyat in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 73 Some pleasant hower thy wo may wrappe, and thee defend, and couer.
b. Of mould, etc.: To contain, cover (the dead).
1602Marston Antonio's Rev. iv. v, By the fresh turned up mould that wraps my sonne.1745Collins Ode on Death of Col. Ross vii, Every sod, which wraps the dead.1792Burns Highland Mary iii, Cauld's the clay, That wraps my Highland Mary!1794Sonn. Death R. Riddel ii, The sod that wraps my friend.
c. To form a wrap or covering for (a person or thing); to cover, clothe. Also with round.
c1611Chapman Iliad x. 122 About him a mandilion,..A garment that 'gainst cold in nights, did soldiers use to wrap.1732Pope Ep. to Cobham 249 Let a charming Chintz, and Brussels lace Wrap my cold limbs, and shade my lifeless face.1805Scott Last Minstr. ii. xix, A palmer's amice wrapp'd him round.1871Amer. Encycl. Printing 504/1 Wrappers..differ from them [sc. labels] in having larger margins, so that they can inclose or wrap up a bottle of patent medicine, a bar of soap, etc.
fig.1842Tennyson Vision of Sin iv. v, Wine is good for shrivell'd lips, When a blanket wraps the day.
d. Of flames, etc.: To spread or extend around, about, or over (something); to surround, encompass. (Cf. 3.) Also with advs., as round, up.
1656Cowley Davideis ii. 534 [A] sudden cloud..all his fame benights, and all his store, Wrapping him round, and now he's seen no more.1699Garth Dispens. ii. 13 Night had wrap'd in Shades the Mountain Heads.1716Gay Trivia iii. 385 Flames sudden wrap the walls.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) I. 357 Our own muddy atmosphere, that wraps us round in obscurity.1810Scott Lady of L. iii. xxiv, Not faster..speeds the midnight blaze,..Wrapping thy cliffs in purple glow.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xviii. 133 A thick fog..wrapped the mountain quite closely.1899Crockett Kit Kennedy 337 The snow had wrapped all the city in a white clinging mystery.
fig.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xv, How beautiful was the tranquility that wrapped the scene.1813Shelley Q. Mab iv. 4 The speaking quietude That wraps this moveless scene.
e. To veil or conceal from a person, etc.
1817Shelley Rev. Islam Ded. xiv, While clouds are passing by Which wrap them [sc. stars] from the foundering seaman's sight.1867Morris Jason ii. 105 A cloud..That wrapt the Goddess from him.
7. to wrap up (fig.)
a. trans. To put an end to, bring to completion; also, to defeat; to wrap it up, to stop doing something. slang.
1926T. E. Lawrence Seven Pillars (1935) iii. xxxvi. 213 The British were wrapping up the Arabs on all sides—at Aden, at Gaza, at Bagdad.1937Amer. Legion Monthly May 9/1 Only one shot to finish before midnight and we'd wrap it up in thirteen days.1949A. Miller Death of Salesman ii. 128 To hell with whose fault it is... Let's just wrap it up, heh?1957J. Osborne Look back in Anger i. 25 Wrap it up, will you? Stop ringing those bells!1957P. Frank Seven Days to Never ii. vii. 80, I guess that wraps it up for tonight... I don't know of anything else we can do.1960G. Sanders Mem. Professional Cad ii. iii. 127 ‘Wrap it up,’ he would shout.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 2 July 1-c/1 Nastase wrapped up Ramirez, 6-2, 9-7, 6-3.1984Times 14 Mar. 2/1 (heading) Labour MPs advised to wrap up their muck raking.
b. intr. To stop talking. Freq. as imp. slang.
1943Hunt & Pringle Service Slang 70 Wrap up, stop talking. Or, get ready to go home.1945C. H. Ward-Jackson Piece of Cake (ed. 2) 63 Wrap up!, Be quiet! Pipe down!1958F. Norman Bang to Rights i. 49 Why dont you rap up.1959‘O. Mills’ Stairway to Murder iv. 44 ‘Geoff, wrap up about the jigsaws,’ Charles entreated him.
8. intr. Cinemat. and Television. To finish filming or recording.
1976in B. Armstrong Gloss. TV Terms 94. 1983 London Mag. Aug./Sept. 30 We wrapped on schedule, three days later... The movie got terrible reviews.
9. To wind or fold up or together, as a pliant or flexible object; to roll or gather up in successive layers; = lap v.2 2. Occas. with up or together. Also transf.
c1350Will. Palerne 2421 As bliue þe bere schinnes from here bodi þei hent, & wiȝtly wrapped hem to-gadere.14..Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. xviii. ix. (B.M. Add. MS.) fol. 266 b/2 Alle kynde of serpentes and addres þat by kynde may wrappe and folde his owne body.1535Coverdale 2 Kings ii. 8 Then toke Elias his cloke, and wrapped it together.1555W. Watreman Fardle Facions i. ii. B v, For saie thei, the begynner of thinges visible, wrapped vp bothe heauen and earth..togither in one paterne.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 18 The vgly monster.., wrapping vp her wrethed sterne arownd, Lept fierce vpon her shield.1600in Lyly's Wks. (1902) I. 416 Can there be miste or darkenes where you are, whose beames wrappes up cloudes as whirlewindes dust?1608Great Frost in Arber Garner I. 87 The western barges might now wrap up their smoky sails; for..their voyage was spoiled.1653W. Ramesey Astrol. Restored 304 Thunder is..an exhalation..thickened and wraped into a cloud.1662R. Venables Experienc'd Angler v. 61 Bream loveth red worms, especially those that [lie]..wrapped up in a knot or round Clue.
fig.c1374Chaucer Boeth. ii. met. vii. (1868) 60 Deeþ wrappeþ to gidre þe heye heuedes and þe lowe.1382Wyclif Lam. i. 14 Wakide the ȝoc of my wickenesses in his hond, wrappid thei ben togidere, and leid on my necke.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles i. 82 Wayte well my wordis, and wrappe hem togedir.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. i. (Arb.) 27 In these fewe lines, I haue wrapped vp the most tedious part of Grammer.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 337 For end, he wisheth malicious..persons a better spirit..and so wrappeth vp all with commendations.1618Donne Serm. (1661) III. 173 In all this, thou dost but wrap up a snow-ball upon a coal of fire.1625Bacon Ess., Cunning (Arb.) 441 Some haue in readinesse so many Tales and Stories, as there is Nothing, they would insinuate, but they can wrap it into a Tale.
refl.1565Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Torqueo, The scalie serpent wrappeth himselfe in rounde rundels.
10. a. To fold, wind, or roll (a covering, garment, or the like) about a person, etc.; to arrange or dispose (a wrapping, etc.) so as to cover or envelop; = lap v.2 1. Usu. with advs. or preps., esp. about, around, round.
Somewhat rare before c 1790.
c1400Rom. Rose 7368 A large couerechief of threde She wrapped all aboute hir heede.1565Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Intortus, His garment wrapped rounde about his lefte arme.1590Spenser F.Q. i. ix. 36 His garment.., The which his naked sides he wrapt abouts.1636Sir H. Blount Voy. 19 The Levantines used to wrap white linnen about their heads.1773Graves Spiritual Quixote xi. iv, Unto the old Incumbent at his gate.., His banyan, with silver clasp, wrapt round His shrinking paunch.1796Coleridge ‘Away, those cloudy looks’ vi, There shiv'ring sad,..Round his tir'd limbs to wrap the purple vest.1813Scott Rokeby i. i, The warder..wraps his shaggy mantle round.1860Tyndall Glac. i. vi. 45 Wrapping my plaid around me, I wandered up towards Charmoz.1882Blackw. Mag. March 309/1 Dick..wrapped the heavy coat around her and held her in his arms.
fig. and transf.a1814Wordsw. Excurs. iv. 83 Thou, who didst wrap the cloud Of infancy around us.1820Shelley Hymn Merc. xxxvi, The God wraps a purple atmosphere Around his shoulders.1865Baring-Gould Werewolves x. 160 Among many..people, the body is regarded as a mere garment wrapped around the soul.
b. To twist or coil (a pliable or flexible substance, etc.) round, about, or on something; to twine. Also refl.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §127 Cutte the settes..the more halue a-sonder;..and wrappe and wynde theym together.1535Coverdale Jonah ii. 5 The depe laye aboute me, and the wedes were wrapte aboute myne heade.1560Bible Job viii. 17 The rotes thereof are wrapped about the fountaine.1578Lyte Dodoens 390 Woodbine hath many small branches, whereby it windeth and wrappeth itself about trees.1728Chambers Cycl. (1738) s.v. Turban, About this [cap] is wrapped a long piece of fine thin linnen or cotton.1753–4Richardson Grandison II. xxxix. 310 Again she wrapped her arms about me.1815J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art ii. 119 The Screw of Archimedes..is formed by wrapping a tube round a cylinder.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xxviii, ‘What did you wrap this round the book for?’ said St. Clare, holding up the crape.1854R. Blakey Angling 60 A strong peg..on which..the line can be wrapped.
11. a. intr. (for refl.). To twine, encircle, or wreathe round or about something as or in the manner of a wrapper or cover; = lap v.2 1 b. Also transf.
1608Relat. Trav. W. Bush D j b, The Vyne so loueth the Elme by nature that it wrappeth more kindely about it.1680Moxon Mech. Exerc. xiii. 223 A Flat Leather Thong, which wrapping close and tight about the Rowler..commands it the easier.1681T. Flatman Heraclitus Ridens No. 35 (1713) I. 228 Well; and Conscience,..when you have once boil'd it tender in the Pipkin of Reformation, it will wrap about your Finger like a Glove.1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 272/1 [With] the formation of the extreme end of the breakwater.. it would be next to impossible for a sea to warp or wrap around it.1855Orr's Circ. Sci., Inorg. Nat. 55 Gneiss is often found wrapping round the central granitic axis of mountain chains.
b. Of a garment: To extend over the figure, etc., so as to cover it, or form a lap. (Cf. lap v.2 8.)
1798Lady's Monthly Mus. Nov. I. 397 The gown, wrapping over one side,..drawn up a little with white cord.1827Lady's Mag. Nov. 621/1 Mantles..well wadded, capacious, and wrapping well over the form, are much in request.
12. to wrap oneself (a)round (an item of food or drink): to eat or drink it. Occas. with non-refl. direct obj., to make (another) eat or drink. colloq.
1880J. C. Harris Uncle Remus xv. 219 She cut me off er slishe..an' I sot down on de steps an' wrop myse'f roun' de whole blessid chunk.1927D. L. Sayers Unnatural Death xii. 136 Lord Peter, having wrapped himself affectionately round an abnormal quantity of bacon and eggs, strolled out.1946K. Tennant Lost Haven (1947) xviii. 305, I bet they had to wrap Alec round a few beers before they got him up to the mark.1959G. Endore Detour through Devon 3 Wrap yourself around a cup of coffee.1962A. Lejeune Duel in Shadows ii. 25, I shall be glad to get indoors and wrap myself round a large drink.
13. To crash (a vehicle) into a stationary object. Const. around, round. slang.
1950J. D. MacDonald Brass Cupcake (1955) x. 105, I took a car off the street and wrapped it around an oak tree.1958‘J. Brogan’ Cummings Report xvii. 183 Steady, or you'll have us both wrapped round a telegraph pole if you're not careful.1969L. G. Arthur in A. E. Wilkerson Rights of Children (1973) 132 If a child wraps a stolen car around a telephone pole, is $2,000.00 restitution..an excessive fine?1984Times 19 May 8/1 The men towing the boat from one training venue to another wrapped it round a traffic light.
IV. wrap
erron. f. (freq. c 1600–1680) of rap v.3
1561Norton & Sackv. Gorboduc iv. ii. 239 His noble limmes in such proportion cast As would have wrapt a sillie womans thought.1592No-body & Some-b. in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) 317 Your kinglie presence wraps my soule to heaven.1615Day Festivals 295 Al they can wrap and rend is little enough for Wife and Children.1622Peacham Compl. Gent. xvi. 206 Whatsoeuer he could wrap or wring.1641Symonds Serm. bef. Ho. Comm. C, The command must needs come with much evidence when it wrappeth the will into such an height.1653Holcroft Procopius, Vandal Wars ii. 55 Artabanes..[fell] into a deep musing,..seeming wrapt with the greatness of the action.1679C. Nesse Antid. agst. Popery 193 The Apostle..[was] wrap'd up to the third heaven.1854A. E. Baker Northampt. Gloss. II. 408 He wraps and wrings all he can.1922E. Phillpotts Grey Room iv. 106 He was wrapt from this life to the next.

