
单词 oculus
释义 oculus|ˈɒkjʊləs|
Pl. oculi |-aɪ|.
[L. oculus eye, used in technical and transf. senses.]
1. Nat. Hist.
a. An eye; spec. a compound eye, as in insects (distinguished from ocellus).
b. A spot resembling an eye; an ocellus.
1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Oculus, Anat., Med., Physiol., the eye or organ of vision.
2. Bot. A leaf-bud: = eye n. 10 a.
1727–41Chambers Cycl., Oculi, Eyes, in botany, the gemmæ, or buds of a plant just putting forth.1866Treas. Bot. 802/1 Oculus, an eye, i.e. a leaf-bud.
3. Arch.
a. ‘Applied to the large circular window at the west end of a church, common in foreign churches, but not usual in England’ (Parker Goth. Arch.).
b. A round hollowed stone.
1848Rickman Architecture p. xvii, The circular window..in the centre of the west front..was a common feature in the Norman style, and was called the ‘Oculus’, or eye of the building.1892T. F. Thiselton-Dyer Church Lore Glean. 133 At Waverley Abbey, Surrey, in 1731, there were found in a stone oculus, two leaden dishes soldered together, containing a human heart, well preserved in pickle.
4. oculus Christi (= Christ's eye), mediæval Latin name of two plants: (a) Wild Clary or Sage, Salvia Verbenaca; (b) a Composite plant, Inula Oculus-Christi.
c1440Promp. Parv. 361/2 Oculus Christi, herbe, hispia.1538Turner Libellus, Verbena,..uerbena supina que uulgo uocatur Oculus christi.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. cclv. 628 Wilde Clarie is called after the Latine name Oculus Christi, of his effect in helping the diseases of the eies.1658Phillips, Oculus Christi, a certain herb very good for the eyes, otherwise called wild clary.
5. oculus mundi (= eye of the world), mediæval name of the variety of opal called hydrophane.
1672Boyle Virtues of Gems Postscr. ii. Wks. 1772 III. 543 Though the Oculus mundi be reckon'd by Classic Authors among the rare Gems.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 446 The oculus mundi, which has the property of becoming transparent in water, is nothing but an opaque, decomposed opale.1796Kirwan Elem. Min. (ed. 2) I. 299 (Calcedony). This is the stone called Oculus Mundi.
6. Oculi Sunday, a name for the third Sunday in Lent, from the beginning of the introit (Ps. xxiv. [xxv.] 15), Oculi mei semper ad Dominum.

