
单词 zoomorphism
释义 zoomorphism|zəʊəʊˈmɔːfɪz(ə)m|
[Formed as prec. + -ism, prob. after F. zoomorphisme.]
1. Attribution of animal form or nature to a deity or superhuman being. (Cf. anthropomorphism.)
1822tr. Malte-Brun's Universal Geogr. I. xxiii. 576 The most gross is the religion of the Egyptians, in which the attributes of the divinity were represented under the figures of animals... This may be termed zoomorphism.1840Smart, Zoomorphism, (belief of a transformation into beasts).1882Mivart Nat. & Th. 205 Zoomorphism is much more absurd than Anthropomorphism.
2. Imitation or representation of animal forms in decorative art or symbolism.
1879Jos. Anderson Scot. Early Chr. T. (1881) 206 Zoomorphism of ornamentation.Ibid. 221 An Irish crosier..exhibits a more pronounced character of zoomorphism.

