
单词 lurid
释义 lurid, a.|ˈl(j)ʊərɪd|
[ad. L. lūrid-us pale yellow, wan, ghastly.]
1. Pale and dismal in colour; wan and sallow; ghastly of hue. Said e.g. of the sickly pallor of the skin in disease, or of the aspect of things when the sky is overcast.
1656Blount Glossogr., Lurid, pale, wan, black, and blew.1658Phillips, Lurid, pale, wan, of a sallow colour.1669Cokaine Elegy Eliz. Repington Poems 76 A lurid paleness sits upon the skin That did enclose the beauteous body in.1746Collins Ode to Fear 20 Whilst Vengeance, in the lurid air, Lifts her red arm, expos'd and bare.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 82 Applied to the disease like our own term green-sickness, from the pale, lurid, and greenish cast of the skin.Ibid. 496 Lurid papulous scall.1874Symonds Sk. Italy & Greece (1898) I. i. 13 A leaden glare..makes the snow and ice more lurid.
2. Shining with a red glow or glare amid darkness (said, e.g., of lightning-flashes across dark clouds, or flame mingled with smoke).
1727Thomson Britannia 79 Fierce o'er their beauty blaz'd the lurid flame.1805Wordsw. Waggoner i. 167 Save that above a single height Is to be seen a lurid light, Above Helm-crag—a streak half dead, A burning of portentous red.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. vii, The lurid light, which had filled the apartment, lowered and died away.1836W. Irving Astoria I. 263 At night also the lurid reflection of immense fires hung in the sky.1877Black Green Past. xxvii. (1878) 220 A thick and thundery haze that gave a red and lurid tinge to the coast we were leaving.1878Stewart & Tait Unseen Univ. ii. §84. 93 A gleam of lurid light seemed for a moment to illuminate the thick darkness.
b. Said hyperbolically of the eyes, countenance, etc.
1746T. Seward Conformity betw. Popery & Paganism 55 The prating Grandame..His Lips..with lustral Juices arms From lurid Eyes and fascinating Charms [= urentes oculos inhibere perita, Persius ii. v. 35].1826Disraeli Viv. Grey iii. vi, The lurid glare of the anaconda's eye.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xxxviii. 335 A softness gathered over the lurid fires of her eye.1860Hawthorne Marble Faun xix. (1879) I. 191 The glow of rage was still lurid on Donatello's face.
3. fig. (from either of the preceding senses), with connotation of ‘terrible’, ‘ominous’, ‘ghastly’, ‘sensational’. Often in phr. to cast or throw a lurid light on (a subject).
1850Kingsley Alt. Locke iv, Woe unto that man on whom that idea, true or false, rises lurid.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. iii. iv, Lurid indications of the better marriages she might have made, shone athwart the awful gloom of her composure.1866R. W. Dale Disc. Spec. Occ. viii. 273 The lurid, stormy eloquence of Edmund Burke.1879Farrar St. Paul (1883) 127 He adds one fact more which casts a lurid light on the annals of the persecution.1899F. T. Bullen Log Sea-waif 182 Peter's voice prattled on, its lurid language in the strangest contrast to the gentleness of his speech.
4. In scientific use: Of a dingy brown or yellowish-brown colour. Applied spec. to plants of the family Luridæ of Linnæus (see quots. 1822–34).
1767W. Harte Christ's Par. Sower 41 Lurid hemlock ting'd with pois'nous stains.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) II. 587 The lurid and umbellate narcotics.Ibid. IV. 92 Cataplasms of Hemlock, or the other umbellate or lurid plants in common use.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. IV. 281 Lurid, yellow with some mixture of brown. Dirty yellow.1839Lindley Introd. Bot. (ed. 3) 478 Lurid; dirty brown, a little clouded.1856Henslow Dict. Bot. Terms, Lurid, of a dingy brown, grey with orange.1871Darwin Desc. Man II. xii. 25 In many species the body presents strongly contrasted, though lurid tints.1871W. A. Leighton Lichen-flora 400 Ardellæ depressed, lurid, dark-purplish.
Hence ˈluridly adv., ˈluridness.
1731Bailey vol. II, Luridness, black and blueness, paleness, &c.1795–7Southey Min. Poems Poet. Wks. II. 210 Yon cloud that rolls luridly over the hill Is red with their weapons of fire.1845Hirst Poems 13 Luridly Coursed the swift lightning through the sky.1864Spectator 20 Aug. 957/1 The writer has deliberately..softened a hundred tints which would have increased the luridness of his picture.

▸ Unpleasantly bright in colour; gaudy, loud.
1913Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald 21 Dec. 4/4, I am fond of pale tints, rather than the wild riot of lurid color.1963E. Taylor Fall of Dynasties viii. 151 The wave of bad taste which all over Europe was twisting furniture like plasticine.., put out blossoms of a particularly lurid mauve in Germany.1994M. di Michele Under my Skin xiii. 139 Lucy..wore unfamiliar and lurid pinkish red lipstick.2002D. Aitkenhead Promised Land ix. 91 Girls wore spray-tight trousers in amusingly lurid patterns.

