
单词 kine-
释义 I. kine-1
(also rarely kyne-, kini-, cune-),
the representative in early ME. of OE. cyne-, cyni-, used in numerous combs. with the sense of ‘kingly, royal’, as cyne-bearn, -cynn, -dóm, etc., also in personal names as Cynebald, -gils, -mund, -wulf, etc., corresponding to OHG. chuni- in chunirîche, Chunipald, -per(h)t, -gund, -mund, etc. (But in OHG., combs. are usually formed with chuninc-, king, as chunincduom, -helm, -rîche, -stuol, whereas those formed with cyning- are comparatively rare in OE.: e.g. cyning-cynn, -dóm, -feorm, -stán.) Most words of Greek etymology beginning with kine- are now commonly pronounced with (ɪ).[Neither OE. cyne nor OHG. chuni is found as a separate word, and two views are possible as to the exact etymology of the element; either that it is the simple stem of OTeut. *kunjo-, Goth. kuni, OE. cynn, kin, race, in combination, or that it represents a masculine derivative of this, of form *kuni-z, equivalent to ON. konr ‘man of race, man of gentle or noble birth’, taken also by some as the immediate source of OHG. chuning, OE. cyning, king. For the former view, cf. the combining use of dryht, ‘people, folk, army’, in sense ‘lordly’, in dryht-bearn lordly or princely child, lit. child of the folk, etc.] The following combinations of kine- are found in early ME.; few of them survived the middle of the 13th c. kine-ærd [erd], kingdom. kine-be(a)rn [bairn], child of royal birth. kine-bench, throne. kine-born a., of royal birth. kine-burh [burgh], royal city. kine-erþe [earth], kingdom. kine-helm, -halm, crown. kine-laverd, -loverd [lord], royal master, king. kinelich a., royal. kine-lond [land], kingdom, realm. kine-mede [meed], royal reward. kine-merk [mark], a mark indicating royal birth. kine-mote [moot], royal council or court. kine-ring, royal ring. kine-sæte [seat], throne. kine-scrud [shroud], royal robes. kine-setle [settle], kine-stol [stool], throne. kine-þeod [thede], kingdom. kine-worþ, -wurþ [worth] a., royal; hence kine-wurþliche adv., royally. kine-ȝerde [yard], sceptre, royal power. See also kindom, kinrick.
c1205Lay. 19433 He..letten beoden uerde ȝeond al his *kine-ærde [c 1275 kine-erþe].
c1000Andreas 566 (Gr.) Synniᵹe ne mihton oncnawan þæt *cynebearn.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 47 Seinte Marie..bar hire holie cunebern.a1240Wohunge in Cott. Hom. 273 Kine bearn..of dauiðes kin.
c1205Lay. 9693 Þus seide þe king,..þer he sæt..an his *kine-benche.
c1000ælfric Lives Saints ii. 326 Þa wæs on rome byriᵹ sum *cyne-boren mæden.c1205Lay. 22142 Þer come þreo ibroðeren, þe weore kiniborne.
a1225Leg. Kath. 1882 Under þis, come þe þurs Maxence..aȝein to his *kineburh.
c1275*Kine-erþe [see kine-ærd].
971Blickl. Hom. 23 Þa wundan beaᵹ of þornum & hine setton on heafod for *cynehelme.c1205Lay. 6766 He his kinehelm on-feng.Ibid. 18158 Nim þu þene kinehalm.
c1000in Kemble Cod. Dipl. IV. 266 Þurh hæse his *cynehlafordes æðelredes cynges.c1205Lay. 2501 For Locrines lufe, þe wes hire kine louerd.Ibid. 9831 Þu ært me swa leof swa mi kine-lauerd.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxvi[i]. (1890) 358 Seo *cynelice fæmne ælflæd.c1205Lay. 14130 Bi-tache me ænne castel oðer ane kineliche burh.
Ibid. 183 He wes king & heo quen, & *kine-lond heo welden.Ibid. 2523 Heo ȝef Madan an hond Al his fader kine-lond.
a1225Leg. Kath. 399 And tu schalt..to curt cumen seoðen, and *kinemede ikepen.
c1300Havelok 604 On his rith shuldre a *kyne merk.
a1225Leg. Kath. 1979 And te king heold ta. hise *kinemotes.
Ibid. 409 He..sende iseelede writes wið his ahne *kinering.
c1200Ormin 2224 Þatt illke *kinesæte þatt Daviþþ kinng hiss faderr held.
a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 193 Þu ham ȝiuest *kinescrud, beies, and gold ringes.
c893K. ælfred Oros. iii. vii. §6 Þæt hehste *cynesetl and heafod ealles eastrices.a1225Leg. Kath. 45 He set o kine setle.
a900Cynewulf Crist 1217 (Gr.) Þonne Crist siteð on his *cynestole.c1205Lay. 4517 Stille he wes iswoȝen On his kine-stole.
Ibid. 22300 Arður letten beoden ȝeond al his *kine-þeoden.
c1275Ibid. 11026 Þat he..his *kineworþe lond Sette Custance an hond.c1320Cast. Love 14 Worschupe him..Þat kineworþe kyng [is] vs aboue.
a1225Juliana 62 Þus þu..of þe þreo kinges were *kinewurðliche iwurȝet.
c1000ælfric Hom. II. 502 Hi to þæs caseres *cyne-ᵹyrde ᵹebuᵹon.c1200Ormin 8182 And himm wass sett inn hiss rihht hannd An dere kineȝerrde.1306Sir Simon Fraser in Pol. Songs (Camden) 215 Hii..token him a kyne-ȝerde, so me kyng sholde, to deme.
II. kine-2|ˈkɪniː|
var. cine (reverting to the Gr. initial κ).
1899Daily Chron. 31 Aug. 3/2 The British Museum authorities have made arrangements for the safe custody of kinenegatives dealing with events of national importance.1923Chambers's Jrnl. 603/2 The kinegraph registers the short intake of the breath marking his embarrassment.1927Bulletin 12 Aug. 14/2 An enthusiast for the kine camera.1928Daily Express 28 Mar. 13 He has turned the music-hall into a home of kine-variety.1959Listener 3 Sept. 356/2 Kine-recordings are used in large numbers to help distribution.

