
单词 impone
释义 imˈpone, v. Obs.
[ad. L. impōn-ĕre to put, place, or lay on, f. im- (im-1) + pōnĕre to place.]
1. trans. To place or set upon something; to impose.
1529St. Papers Hen. VIII, II. 150 The proffyttes of suche imposicions, that is to say, of bestes, or other thyng, that at an entre or exployte shalbe imponed or had.1530Ibid. I. 364, I beseche you so to impone your favour, as that the vygor and seueryte of the lawe be not executed vpon thys thyng.1709–29V. Mandey Syst. Math., Arith. 70 Impone points,..from the right hand, always intermitting two places.
b. To ‘lay’, stake, wager. (Of doubtful standing. Cf. impawn.)
16..Shakes. Ham. v. ii. 155 (1623) The King sir ha's wag'd with him six Barbary Horses, against the which he impon'd as I take it, sixe French Rapiers and Poniards [Qos. 2–5 (1604–11) impaund, Qo. 6 (1637) impawn'd].Ibid. 171 Why is this impon'd as you call it? [Not in Qos.]
2. intr. To impose upon.
1640Sir E. Dering Proper Sacrif. (1644) 32 You will..impone upon the ignorant.

