
单词 unfashion
释义 I. unˈfashion, n.
(un-1 12.)
1822Galt Sir A. Wylie xxv, I have fallen in, notwithstanding the unfashion of my apparel, with some creditable acquaintance.1876C. M. Yonge Womankind xiii, Sunday⁓schools were the fashion of one generation, then the unfashion.
II. unˈfashion, v.
[un-2 4.]
trans. To undo the fashion or make of.
1569J. Sandford tr. Agrippa's Van. Artes 170 b, They rente our Sauioure Christe in peeces,..and..do facion and vnfacion him vnto what forme they liste.1580Lupton Sivqila 23 Man..doth so disorder and unfashion himselfe, that you wyll not take hym that was laste yeare, to be hymselfe thys yeare.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. ii. §10 They to curry fauour with the Normans..altogether vnfashioned themselues to imitate them.1631Quarles Samson Wks. (Grosart) II. 149/1 Our sinfull usage does unfashion What heaven hath made, and makes a new creation.

