
单词 demonstrate
释义 I. deˈmonstrate, a. and n. Obs.
[ad. L. dēmonstrāt-us, pa. pple. of dēmonstrāre: see prec.]
Demonstrated. a. as pa. pple.
1571Digges Pantom. iv. xxv. G g b, Manyfolde mo..proportions than may..(I will not saye be demonstrate, but onely by Theoremes) be declared.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. v. §2 The propositions of Euclyde..till they bee demonstrate, they seeme strange to our assent.1671True Nonconf. 305, I have already demonstrat, in the second Dialogue, that [etc.].1707E. Ward Hudibras Rediv. i. xv, Human knowledge first commences From Things demonstrate to our Senses.
b. as adj.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. viii. viii, And by scripture wyll make demonstrate Outwardly accordynge to the thought.1632Lithgow Trav. i. 7 O! a plaine demonstrate cause, and a good resolution.
n. A demonstrated proposition or truth.
1655–60Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 181/2 Of Analysis there are three kinds, one..whereby we ascend by demonstrates and subdemonstrates, to indemonstrable immediate propositions.
II. demonstrate, v.|dɪˈmɒnstreɪt, ˈdɛmənstreɪt|
[f. L. dēmonstrāt-, ppl. stem of dēmonstrāre to point out, show, prove, f. de- I. 3 + monstrāre to show, point out. For the shifting of the stress see contemplate. Both pronunciations appear in Shakes.]
1. trans. To point out, indicate; to exhibit, set forth. Obs. Const. simple obj. or obj. clause. (So in the other trans. senses.)
1552Huloet, Demonstrate, indico, monstro.1563Shute Archit. D ij b, In the which bodye of the pedestall is demonstrated Ichnographia.1599Shakes. Hen. V, iv. ii. 54 Description cannot sute it selfe in words, To demonstrate the Life of such a Battaile.a1633Austin Medit. (1635) 90 That the Starre stooped downe to Earth and sent forth greater and clearer Beames then before to demonstrate not onely the Place, but the very Child.1650Cromwell Let. 4 Sept., Coming to our quarters at night, and demonstrating our apprehensions to some of the colonels, they also cheerfully concurred.1684R. H. School Recreat. 148 We come next to demonstrate the Time not proper, i.e. Unseasonable Angling..is when [etc.].
2. To make known or exhibit by outward indications; to manifest, show, display. Obs.
1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 312/1 If..it be the Canker, it will after the third time demonstrate it selfe with a little knobbe or tumor.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. iii. ii. 400 Euerie thing about you, demonstrating a carelesse desolation.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 157 They be very apt on prompt occasions, to demonstrate valour and resolution.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xxviii. 111 By this Figure these Idolaters would demonstrate that she was the Queen of the fiery sphear.1734tr. Rollin's Anc. Hist. (1827) I. 99 No people ever demonstrated such extent of genius.1803Wellington in Owen Desp. 224 His Highness has demonstrated the most implicit confidence in the protection of the British power.
b. To express (one's feelings) demonstratively.
1855Thackeray Newcomes II. 339 Paul was a personage who demonstrated all his sentiments, and performed his various parts in life with the greatest vigour.
3. To describe and explain by help of a specimen or specimens, or by experiment, as a method of teaching a science, e.g. anatomy, chemistry; also absol. to teach as a demonstrator.
1683Robinson in Ray's Corr. (1848) 133 Monsieur Tournefort, a Languedoc man..demonstrates now the plants in the King's Garden here.1856Dove Logic Chr. Faith Introd. §2. 2 note, The anatomist demonstrates, when he points out matters of fact cognisable by the senses.a1859De Quincey in H. A. Page Life (1877) II. xx. 307 They will do me too much honour by ‘demonstrating’ on such a crazy body as mine.
4. To show or make evident by reasoning; to establish the truth of (a proposition, etc.) by a process of argument or deduction; to prove beyond the possibility of doubt.
1571Digges Pantom. i. xx. F iij b, This Lemma..or proposition I minde to demonstrate.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. ix, Archimedes demonstrates..that the proportion of the Diameter unto the Circumference is as 7 almost unto 22.1691Ray Creation (1701) 43 The best medium we have to demonstrate the Being of a Deity.1754Sherlock Disc. (1759) I. iv. 153 Few Workmen can demonstrate the mechanic Powers of the Instruments they use.1814D'Israeli Quarrels Auth. (1867) 355 What others conjectured, and some discovered, Harvey demonstrated.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxx. 404 The existence of this state of strain may be demonstrated.
b. absol.
1604Shakes. Oth. iii. iii. 431 This may helpe to thicken other proofes, That do demonstrate thinly.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. Introd. 4 A Mathematician, whose office it is to demonstrate.1867J. Martineau Ess. II. 46 Euclid had to demonstrate before there could be a philosophy of geometry.
c. Of things: To prove.
1601Shakes. All's Well i. ii. 47 A copie to these yonger times; Which followed well, would demonstrate them now But goers backward.1802Paley Nat. Theol. iii. (1819) 18 It is a matter which experience and observation demonstrate.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xvii. 324 The crevassing of the eastern side of the glacier..does not..demonstrate its slower motion.
5. intr. To make a military demonstration; to make or take part in a public demonstration.
1827Examiner 297/1 The Spanish army has been so long allowed to demonstrate on the Portuguese frontier.1882Blackw. Mag. July 13 There is not water enough for us to go and demonstrate inside the bay.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. II. iii. lxxiii. 604 The habit of demonstrating with bands and banners and emblems.
b. trans. (causal.) Obs. rare—1.
1803Nelson in Nicolas Desp. V. 71, I have demonstrated the Victory off Brest, and am now going to seek the Admiral in the ocean.
Hence demonstrated ppl. a., demonstratedly adv., demonstrating vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1650B. Discolliminium 20 There are demonstrating and determining Providences.1676Newton in Phil. Trans. XI. 703 To examine a demonstrated proposition.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 145 (R.) A clear foundation for the demonstrating of a Deity distinct from the corporeal world.1881Froude High Ch. Revival, Short Stud. Ser. iv. (1883) 213 A holy life, it was demonstratedly plain to me, was no monopoly of the sacramental system.1888Daily News 4 June 3/1 Demonstrating bodies from all parts of London..assembled on the Embankment.

Add:[3.] b. To display and explain the operation or use of (a product), esp. to a prospective buyer. orig. U.S.
1940W. Faulkner Hamlet i. iii. 58 He did not sell sewing-machines for nothing; he had even learned to operate one quite well from demonstrating them.1957Wodehouse Over Seventy xvi. 153 There appeared on the screen, demonstrating a mattress, a well-upholstered young woman who was introduced as Miss Foam Bedding of 1957.1974F. Muir in Muir & Norden Upon my Word! 25 A little bulky, perhaps,..when she is demonstrating an oven.1985Washington Post 16 Jan. e6/1 We sell bastard items—stuff that won't sell unless it's demonstrated. Anything that's demonstrated has to be unique.

