
单词 suantly
释义 ˈsuantly, adv. Now dial.
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
Regularly, evenly, uniformly, smoothly.
The form sewantly of quot. 1592–3 was entered in Kersey's ed. of Phillips World of Words (1706) as sevantly with def. ‘well, honestly’. Some mod. dicts. have copied this and have further invented a form sevant adj.
1547Recorde Judic. Uryne 18 b, Not suantly and uniformly joyned together.1592–3Act 35 Eliz. c. 10 §1 That eche sorte of the saide Kersyes or Dozens shalbe sewantly woven throughout.1865Jennings Obs. Dial. W. Eng. 73 Suently, evenly, smoothly, plainly.

