
单词 disallowable
释义 disaˈllowable, a. Obs.
[f. disallow + -able.]
Not to be allowed or permitted; not to be approved or sanctioned.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 417 With these and many other disalowable condicions he was exercysed, which tourned hym to great dishonoure.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 280 What judge you of the words which I uttered: were they approvable, or were they disalowable?1678R. L'Estrange Seneca's Mor. (1702) 474 Our Passions are nothing else but certain Disallowable Motions of the Mind.1716Bp. Smalridge 1st Charge 21 Which though not wholly unlawful, nor in the laity disallowable, yet in the clergy are of evil fame.
Hence disaˈllowableness, the quality of being disallowable.
1727in Bailey, vol. II.

