
单词 unblissful
释义 unˈblissful, a.
[un-1 7.]
Unhappy; destitute of bliss. Hence unˈblissfully adv.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 543 To ȝoure souorain of sinne [ye] sacrifice maken Wiþ þat vnblisful blod þat þei bled hauen.1382Wyclif Prov. xix. 26 Who tormentith the fader, and fleeth the modir, shenful shal be, and vnblisful [L. infelix].1833Tennyson Dream Fair Women xxi, From within me a clear under-tone Thrill'd thro' mine ears in that unblissful clime.1849C. Brontë Shirley III. iv. 107 His whole nature seemed serenely alight: he stood..musing not unblissfully.1868Morris Earthly Par. (1870) I. i. 149 Ah! soothly, well remembered Was that unblissful wretched home.

