
单词 germin
释义 I. germin, v. arch.|ˈdʒɜːmɪn|
Also 5 germyne.
[ad. L. germin-āre: see germinate v.]
intr. To put forth shoots, to bud. Of the earth: To begin to produce vegetation. Also trans. To bud or shoot forth into.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. xii. 48 For Columelle affermyth in that ioynt To germyne, and in veer therout to stare Mater thy vyne al newly to repare.1483Caxton G. de la Tour A iv b, The swete dewe of Maye..pleseth moche unto the erthe and attempreth it swetely in making to germyne and fructyfye.Gold. Leg. 231 b/1 Thre thynges ben founden in seed germynyng.1484Ryall Bk. M iv, A dewe whyche maketh hym to germyne a swete rote and ryȝt wel atempred, that is good love.1814Cary Dante, Par. xxxiii. 10 The love Reveal'd, whose genial influence makes now This flower to germin in eternal peace.
II. germin
var. germen.

