
单词 cross-bias
释义 ˈcross-ˈbias, n.
[cross a.]
A bias or inclination running athwart or counter to another.
1678Marvell Growth Popery Wks. 1875 IV. 357 So various were the several interests, and crossbiasses.
So cross-ˈbias v., to give a cross-bias to. cross-ˈbiased ppl. a., subject to cross-biases. cross-ˈbiasness, tendency to go athwart or contrary, waywardness.
1633G. Herbert Affliction ix, Temple 39 Thus doth thy power crosse-bias me.1652Benlowes Theoph. xii. lxi. 227 Cross-biasnesse to Grace our ruine spinn'd.1844Marg. Fuller Wom. 19th C. (1862) 386, I leave Italy..hoping..to return, but fearing that may not be permitted in my ‘cross-biased’ life.

