
单词 defatigable
释义 deˈfatigable, a.
[ad. L. type dēfatīgābil-is (found in negative indēfatīgābilis), f. fatīgāre to fatigue: see -ble.]
1. Apt to be wearied; capable of being wearied.
1656Blount Glossogr., Defatigable, easily to be wearyed.1659D. Pell Impr. Sea 244 That when this bird is defatigable, and wearied with flying, that hee will betake himself to any ship.1662Glanvill Lux Orient. (1682) 116 We were made on set purpose defatigable, that so all degrees of life might have their exercise.1948E. Waugh Loved One (1949) 2 Then they lost interest. I did too. I was always the most defatigable of hacks.1958Times Lit. Suppl. 25 July 418/3 Mr Toynbee, by his own admission the most defatigable of marchers, has reverted to the written word.
2. Apt to weary or fatigue. Obs.
1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. Pref., My Imployments..and defatigable diuturnal Labours.
Hence deˈfatigableness.
1727Bailey vol. II, Defatigableness, aptness to be tired.

