
单词 roc
释义 I. roc|rɒk|
Forms: α. 6 roche, 7 roque, 8 rock, 9 roc (rokh). β. 6–7 ruc, ruch, ruck(e, 9 rukh(kh.
[ad. Arab. rokh, rukh(kh: hence also F. rock, It. roche, Sp. rocho, Pg. roco; Sp., It., Pg. ruc (ruch). The older source for the word is the account of Madagascar in Marco Polo iii. clxxxv (‘et l'appellent les genz de ces isles ruc’); in mod. use it is partly from the Arabian Nights.]
A mythical bird of Eastern legend, imagined as being of enormous size and strength.
α1579Twyne Phis. agst. Fortune ii. Ep. Ded. 159 About the Indian sea there is a certeine birde of an incredible bignesse, whom our countriemen call a Roche, which is able and accustomed to take vp, not onelie a man, but also an whole shippe in her beake.1631Mabbe tr. Celestina Prol. (1894) 15 Of a bird called Roque, which is bred in the East Indian Sea, it is said to be of an incredible greatness.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1824) II. 251 It is supposed that the great bird called the Rock, described by Arabian writers,..is but a species of the condor.1802Arab. Nts. (1815) I. 242 The roc comes and seizes them both in its claws.1839–52Bailey Festus (1864) 418 Mild rokh, simorgh, wise sun⁓spirit.1855Thackeray Newcomes xlvii, I might wish for the roc's egg.1865Kingsley Herew. i, But beyond, things unspeakable—dragons, giants, rocs.
β1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. vi. 68 Of the bird Ruc that beares an elephant.1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. ii. ii. i, As I goe by Madagascar I would see that great bird Rucke that can carry a man and horse, or an Elephant.a1635Corbet Poems (1807) 99 O that I ere might have the hap To get the bird which in the map Is called the Indian Ruck!1691T. Heyrick Misc. Poems 7 The Ruck, in Madagascar bred,..Whom greatest Beasts and armed Horsemen dread.
1841Lane Arab. Nts. (1859) I. iii. 188 Wherupon a bird called the rukh′ will come to thee, and..fly away with thee.1924Nature 19 Apr. 564/2 Purely fabulous species, such as the phœnix and the rukh, are likewise dealt with.1974Encycl. Brit. Micropædia VIII. 619/2 The Kublai Khan inquired..about the rukh and was brought what was claimed to be a rukh's feather, which may really have been a frond of the Raphia palm.
II. roc
obs. form of rock, rook.

