“concours d'élégance”的英英意思

单词 concours d'élégance
释义 concours d'élégance|kɔ̃kur delegɑ̃s|
[Fr., lit. contest of elegance; cf. concourse 4.]
A parade of vehicles in which the entrants are judged according to the elegance of their appearance.
[1936‘Ian Hay’ Housemaster ii. 31 Paul was going to compete in a Grand Concourse of Elegance, or whatever the French call these ridiculous affairs.]1950New Yorker 26 Nov. 51 Motoring tourists arriving here [sc. in Switzerland]..feel that they have crossed the border into a sort of concours d'élégance of the latest long, shiny American and British models.1955Times 11 July 6/4 Competitors..drove to Cheltenham and then to the Austin Works at Longbridge, Birmingham, where there were driving tests. The event ended with a concours d'élégance here.1958Times 15 Apr. 15/7 Motorists who own an Austin, a Morris, a Riley, an M.G., or a Wolseley of 1928 or earlier vintage are invited to take part in a concours d'élégance for a cup and other awards.1963Guardian 20 Feb. 16/4 A concours d'elegance for the motor-cycle owners.

