
单词 injection
释义 injection|ɪnˈdʒɛkʃən|
[ad. L. injectiōn-em, n. of action f. injicĕre to inject. Cf. F. injection (13–14th c. in Littré).]
1. The action of injecting; casting or throwing in.
a. In general sense. Obs. rare.
1611Cotgr., Injection, an injection; a casting in, or vpon.1626Bacon Sylva §327, I wish also, that there be, at some times, an Iniection of some Oyled Substance.1686Goad Celest. Bodies ii. xiv. 341 'Tis a great Stone which upon injection mudds the Water.
b. spec. The action of forcing a fluid, etc. into a passage or cavity, as by means of a syringe, or by some impulsive force; esp. the introduction in this way of a liquid or other substance into the vessels or cavities of the body, either for medicinal purposes, or (in a dead body or portion of one) in order to exhibit the structure or preserve the tissues. Also relating to internal-combustion engines: see fuel injection s.v. fuel n. 4 b.
1541R. Copland Galyen's Terapeut. 2 H iij, It is also many tymes necessary to make iniection of the medycamentes in the bladder by the yerde.1625Hart Anat. Ur. iv. 69 After the injection of an anodine, or mitigating glister, the paine was much eased.1668T. Clarek (title) Observations on the Origin of the Injection into Veins, the Transfusion of Blood [etc.].1727–41Chambers Cycl., Injection is also used for the operation of filling the vessels with coloured wax, or any other proper matter, to shew their figures and ramifications.1799Med. Jrnl. II. 441 The frequent injection of clysters is generally insisted on.1842Penny Cycl. XXII. 507/2 The most effectual method of condensation is by the injection of cold water into the condenser.1845Darwin Voy. Nat. xiv. (1852) 312 This rending and injection would, if repeated often enough..form a chain of hills.1894B. Donkin tr. Diesel's Rational Heat Motor ii. 60 The injection of the combustible powder-dust coal takes place gradually and continuously, during part of the stroke of the piston.1921W. H. Berry Mod. Motor Car Pract. i. 32 Mechanical injection would permit of greater power development.1933A. W. Judge High Speed Diesel Engines iii. 25 Advancing..the moment of injection is equivalent to..advancing the ignition in petrol engines.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. V. 556/1 In a diesel engine, a fuel pump starts injection at the proper engine crank angle and meters the required quantity of fuel through the nozzle.
c. transf. in scientific contexts (see inject v. 1 c).
1945Jrnl. Appl. Physics XVI. 593/2 The electron injection and orbit shift circuits were instantaneous in their action.1949Ryder & Shockley in Physical Rev. LXXV. 310/1 Pronounced lowering of resistance can result from transistor action, i.e. the injection of holes into the N-type material from a metal contact.1949W. Shockley et al. in Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. XXVIII. 345 We shall discuss..evidence that holes are actually introduced into n-type germanium by the forward current of an emitter point... We shall refer to this important process as ‘hole injection’.1950D. Halliday Introd. Nucl. Physics ix. 360 Injection may be done by taking advantage of the necessary radial stability of the betatron orbit.1952Adv. Electronics IV. 225 A method for the phase control of microwave tubes..utilizes the injection of power via the output circuit of the oscillator to be controlled.1958W. Ehrenberg Electr. Conduction Semiconductors & Metals xii. 322 The injection of minority carriers is the basic effect in junction rectifiers and transistors.1962Proc. IRE L. 1781/1 Under double injection, that is, the simultaneous injection into the insulator of electrons from a cathode and holes from an anode, space-charge limitations are..partially overcome.1971Nature 9 July 77/1 Cyclotrons have an inherent advantage over tandem Van de Graaffs—there is no need to produce a negative ion for injection.1971Physics Bull. Aug. 461/1 Such [acoustic] waves are obtained either by deliberate injection from a transducer or by amplifying some of the thermally generated waves already present.
d. Astronautics. The placing of a spacecraft in, or its entry into, a particular orbit or trajectory; the time when this occurs; freq. attrib., as injection point, the point at which a spacecraft enters a new orbit or trajectory.
1959IRE Trans. Military Electronics III. 150/1 We will assume the vehicle's orbit consists of three phases..: first, escape hyperbola..; second, the sun-centered ellipse controlled only by sun's gravity and using injection conditions taken from the escape hyperbola leaving earth; and third,..the approach hyperbola.Ibid. 151/1 The properties of the trajectory after injection.1960Ibid. IV. 152/1 In order to have zero relative inclination, the injection point must be exactly in the plane of the moon's orbit.1961C. T. Morrow Symposium Ballistic Missile & Aerospace Technol. I. 208 An initial powered flight phase leads to injection of the vehicle into a coast trajectory.1963S. Lees Air, Space, & Instruments 100 For each..location there is a readily computable impulsive velocity change (termed the ‘injection velocity’)..which will place the vehicle in a hyperbolic path with the desired terminal velocity.Ibid., Geographical restrictions tend to limit the choice of injection points.1966E. Burgess Assault on Moon iii. 73 A 1 mile error in position at injection can cause a miss of 650 miles.
e. fig.
1968Listener 7 Nov. 601/1 Colonel Ojukwu has had sizable injections of capital from European sympathisers.1970Daily Tel. 7 Oct. 7 An immediate financial injection into the hard-pressed agricultural industry, worth..{pstlg}54 million, is to be made by the Government.1972Guardian 22 July 1/8 The report will ask for a massive injection of Government money into the docks industry.
2. Path. The fact of being charged with injected matter; injected or blood-shot condition.
1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 469 The injection of the cellular membrane with blood.1886Syd. Soc. Lex., Injection,..In Pathology, the condition or state of distension of the capillaries with blood.1887Buck's Handbk. Med. Sciences IV. 660 Massage is contra-indicated when it is found to cause excessive injection, and especially if there be photophobia and lachrymation; and it must not be employed in the presence of iritis.
3. concr. That which is injected; spec. a liquid or solution injected into an animal body, for medicinal purposes, as an enema, or for preserving the tissues, or displaying the structure by colouring or inflation.
1607E. Grimstone tr. Goulart's Mem. Hist. 93 Then they might see come forth with the said Injection little gobbets of bloud.1616Bullokar, Iniection, a liquor which Surgeons doe squirt into a deepe wound.c1720W. Gibson Farriers' Dispens. x. (1734) 247. 1830 R. Knox Béclard's Anat. 180 The red injection, which is fine and very penetrating, easily passes from the arteries into the veins, through the intermediate capillary system.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 741 The best of all injections for the relief of tympanitic distension is the enema assafœtida.
4. fig. The ‘throwing in’ or active introduction of something from without, as of an idea into the mind, or of a statement into an argument, etc.; that which is so introduced, a suggestion, a hint. (Commonly used in 17th c. of evil thoughts suggested by the devil.) Now rare.
1622T. Stoughton Chr. Sacrif. ix. 125 The power of Satan, who by iniection of his fiery darts, so weakned the power wherein God had created him.1632Quarles Div. Fancies iv. xxxi, Satans Injections are like Weeds that fall Into thy Garden, darted or'e the Wall.1644Hunton Vindic. Treat. Monarchy v. 39 Here I answer once for all to this so frequent an injection.1698W. Chilcot Evil Thoughts iv. (1851) 26 The devil..may disturb the peace and tranquillity of our consciences, by his wicked injections.1794Sullivan View Nat. V. 201 The metaphysical or physical influence of spirits, suggestions..injections of ideas, Bolingbroke declares he cannot comprehend.1815A. Burn Mem. (1816) III. 121 Distinguish between the injections of Satan..and the breathings of the Spirit of God.
5. Math. Also injection map(ping). A one-to-one transformation, esp. (formerly) an inclusion.
1950S. MacLane in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. LVI. 488 If S is a subgroup of G (notation SG), then the injection κ..of S into G is that homomorphism of S into G with κ(s) = s for every s {elem} S.1963D. Bushaw Elem. Gen. Topology 147 If X is a subset of Y, the function j:XY defined by j(x) = x is called the injection map from X to Y. The injection map from X to X is called the identity map on X.1968E. T. Copson Metric Spaces vii. 86 If the inverse image of each point of E2 is either empty or consists of a single point of E1, the mapping f:E1E2 is said to be an injection or a one-to-one mapping. If f:E1E2 is an injection, f(x1) = f(x2) implies x1 = x2; and x1x2 implies f(x1) ≠ f(x2).
6. attrib. and Comb., as injection powder, injection syringe, injection theory; esp. in terms relating to condensing steam-engines in which the steam is condensed by the injection of a jet of cold water, as injection-cock, injection-condenser, injection-engine, injection-pipe, injection-valve, injection-water. Also freq. in terms relating to the injection of fuel into the combustion chamber of an internal-combustion engine, as injection nozzle, injection period, injection pressure, injection system, injection time. Also injection laser, a laser in which radiation is produced in a suitably shaped semiconductor crystal by the recombination of electrons and holes at a p–n junction as a result of the injection of a large enough number of electrons to produce a population inversion; injection moulding, a process for making moulded articles from plastics or other materials by forcing the heat-softened substance through an orifice into a cold, closed mould; hence injection mould, injection-moulded ppl. a.; injection point Astronautics: see sense 1 d above.
1752Smeaton in Phil. Trans. XLVII. 436 This engine consists of a receiver, a steam and an *injection-cock.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 171 The injection cock for allowing a small stream of water to flow into the condenser.
1864Webster, *Injection condenser.
1842Francis Dict. Arts, *Injection Engine.
1963Proc. IEEE LI. 602/1 (heading) Doping of semi⁓conductors for *injection lasers.1966Smith & Sorokin Laser i. 14 In contrast with the other types of lasers, the injection laser is almost two-dimensional, all the light originating from a region within a few microns of the junction plane.1970New Scientist 16 July (Telecommunications Suppl.) 16/1 The light emitted from the injection laser depends on the current passed through it.
1945H. Barron Mod. Plastics xvi. 343 Flash is not formed in a well-made *injection mould.1947Johnson & Daniels in P. I. Smith Pract. Plastics xiii. 187/1 The second moulding is in thermoplastic resin, injection moulded.1969T. C. Thorstensen Pract. Leather Technol. xv. 250 The expansion of the direct-molded sole and injection molded sole shoe is already placing requirements on the leather with regard to oil content and adhesion.
1932Chem. Abstr. XXVI. 4419 (heading) Working plastic substances by the *injection molding process.1945H. Barron Mod. Plastics xvi. 344 The essential feature in injection moulding is to force the plastic into the mould at a sufficient speed that the mould is completely filled before the material sets by contact with the cold metal.Ibid., Materials which are nowadays universally fabricated by injection moulding include cellulose acetate,..polystyrene; methyl methacrylate resins, etc.1967M. Chandler Ceramics in Mod. World 10 He [sc. the ceramist] now employs shaping methods such as dry-pressing and injection molding, which are not traditional to his craft.1973A. Parrish Mech. Engineer's Ref. Bk. xvi. 5 Injection moulding is a particularly important process for producing complex mouldings, primarily from thermoplastic powders or granules but also from thermosetting powders.
1900B. Donkin Text-bk. Gas, Oil, & Air Engines (ed. 3) xxiii. 416 Connected to the *injection nozzle are two valves, the admission and an overflow.1946A. W. Judge Mod. Petrol Engines viii. 326 For larger cylinders two injection nozzles located on opposite sides of the cylinder would be used to give a better admixture of fuel and air.1971B. Scharf Engin. & its Lang. xv. 221 The injection nozzle is normally a spring⁓loaded needle valve.
1916A. Garrard Gas, Oil, & Petrol Engines vii. 140 A strong spring tends to keep the valve closed, and a cam on the cam shaft operates..to hold it open during the *injection period.1934Engineering 3 Aug. 111/2 The fuel pumps..differ from those fitted on most direct-injection engines in that the termination of the injection period is kept constant, the effective stroke of the pump being varied so as to alter the commencement of the injection period.
1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, *Injection-pipe, a pipe for injecting cold water into the condenser of an engine.1890Daily News 2 Apr. 2/6 The inflow of water was altogether due to the destruction of the injection-pipes.
1803Med. Jrnl. IX. 189 Shops where ‘*injection powders’ are advertized in the windows.
1930Engineering 11 Apr. 472/1 It was therefore decided to determine the *injection pressure which would give a short injection time, in conjunction with good atomisation.
1941Nature 26 July 105/2 The *injection system, as compared with many present carburettors, has some slight but definite advantages.1968C. F. Taylor Internal-Combustion Engine II. xii. 566 A few Diesel-engine builders design and manufacture their own injection systems.
1881Raymond Mining Gloss., *Injection-theory, the theory that a vein was filled first with molten mineral.
1930*Injection time [see injection pressure above].
1875Knight Dict. Mech. s.v., The area of the *injection-valve of a marine steam-engine is stated at one square inch for every 10-horse power.1916A. Garrard Gas, Oil, & Petrol Engines vii. 139 Fig. 65 shows the form of injection valve and pulverizer adopted by the majority of makers for all kinds of fuel except the very heaviest crude oils.
1824R. Stuart Hist. Steam Engine 68 The cistern, for the supply of *injection water.1839R. S. Robinson Naut. Steam Eng. 59 Over the condenser, and in communication with the air pump is the hot well, into which the condensed steam, mixed with the injection water..is pumped.

