
单词 Torricellian
释义 Torricellian, a.|tɒrɪˈtʃɛlɪən, tɒrɪˈsɛlɪən|
[f. the name of Torricelli, an Italian physicist (1608–1647) + -an.]
Of or belonging to Torricelli.
Torricellian experiment, that by which, in 1643, Torricelli proved that the column of mercury in an inverted closed tube is supported by the pressure of the atmosphere on the mercury in the vessel, and that the height of the column corresponds exactly to the atmospheric pressure. Torricellian tube, early name for the tube of the mercurial barometer. Torricellian vacuum, the vacuum above the mercurial column in the barometer, produced by filling the tube with mercury and then inverting it in a cup of mercury.
1660Boyle New Exp. Phys. Mech. xvii. 123 We are unwilling to examine any further the Inferences wont to be made from the Torricellian Experiment.1663Usef. Exp. Nat. Philos. i. iv. 69 Nor did it appear that by repeated Suctions..it could at all be rais'd above the seven and twenty Digits at which it us'd to subsist in the Torrecellian Experiment De Vacuo.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 162 Or measuring of Air upon Parnassus With Cylinders of Torricellian Glasses.1682H. More Annot. Glanvill's Lux O. 130 The Quicksilver in a Torricellian Tube will sink deeper in an higher or clearer Air.1753Phil. Trans. R. Soc. XLVII. 371 The Torricellian vacuum then occupied a space of about thirty inches.1812Sir H. Davy Chem. Philos. 97 Even the best Torricellian vacuum must contain elastic matter.1812–16Playfair Nat. Phil. (1819) I. 243 The weight of air is known from the Torricellian experiment, or that of the barometer.1835Penny Cycl. III. 483/2 It is a Torricellian barometer.

