
单词 repack
释义 reˈpack, v.|riː-|
[re- 5 a.]
To pack again.
1472–3[see repacking below].1611Cotgr., Remballer, to repacke, or packe vp againe.1628–9Digby Voy. Medit. (Camden) 69 Repacking our English beefe, wee found it to be verie bad.1722De Foe Col. Jack (1840) 328 They were opened, and repacked.a1790Adam Smith W.N. iv. v. (1869) II. 94 It is necessary to repack them with an additional quantity of salt.1813Sir R. Wilson Priv. Diary (1862) II. 121 They had stopped behind to pick up and repack the things which had fallen off one of my led horses.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 420 The child is unswathed, rubbed dry, and repacked as before.
Hence reˈpacked ppl. a.; reˈpacking vbl. n.; also reˈpacker, one who repacks (Webster 1828).
1472–3Rolls of Parlt. VI. 59/1 [All wools shall] be admytted..and delyvered to the merchaunt biers, withoute any repakkyng therof there to be made.1615E. S. Brittaines Buss in Arb. Garner III. 640 The repacking of the herrings by the sworn Coopers of that place.Ibid., Then will rest to be sold..seventy-five Last full of repacked herrings.1745–6in W. Thompson R.N. Advoc. (1757) 17 The greatest Part of the Meat by repacking and pickling, will still be fit for Service.1822J. Flint Lett. fr. Amer. 76 If I had entertained any doubt..the very repacking of my baggage would at once have removed it.1842Penny Cycl. XXII. 475/2 These metallic pistons..do not..require the frequent repacking necessary to those with tow or hempen stuffing.1976Shell in Industr. Chemicals (Shell Internat. Petroleum Co.) 5 Group companies sell Teepol to blenders and repackers.

