
单词 reciprocally
释义 reciprocally, adv.|rɪˈsɪprəkəlɪ|
1. Backwards and forwards. Obs. rare—1.
1632Lithgow Trav. ix. 395 Euen as the Turkes..are tossed.., hanging betweene two high trees, reciprocally wauing in the ayre.
b. Alternately. Obs. rare—1.
1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. i. ii. viii. 39 The Lungs, which dilating themselues as a paire of bellowes reciprocally fetch it [the air] in and send it out.
2. In turn, in return.
1601Holland Pliny xxxvii. v. 611 As they ever send out their owne raies by little and little, so they entertaine reciprocally the visuall beames of our eyes.1654Bramhall Just Vind. v. (1661) 92 Churches from whence..their neighbours did fetch sound doctrine, and reciprocally paid to them due respect.1756Monitor No. 35 I. 327 As the mind affects the body, the body reciprocally affects the mind.1864Burton Scot Abr. II. ii. 150 Gustavus..confided..in the valour..of the Scottish nation and they reciprocally in the gallantry..of him.
3. Mutually.
1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 579 The Apostle..vseth this worde ἀλλήλους which signifieth mutually, one another,..and as it were reciprocallie.1642Pr. Charles in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. IV. 2 note, Although a while dissevered we may reciprocally understand of each other's welfare.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. (1724) 278 The sun, moon, and all the planets do reciprocally gravitate one toward another.1759S. Fielding C'tess of Dellwyn I. 142 A lively..Capacity rendered them reciprocally agreeable to each other.1822Scott Pirate xxix, The two sisters..sat with their arms reciprocally passed over each other's shoulder.1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. III. iii. 7 The existence of our kind is continuous, and its ages are reciprocally dependent.
4. Math. Inversely.
1570Billingsley Euclid vi. Addit. prop. iv. 182 The sections of the one to the sections of the other shall be reciprokally proportionall.1656tr. Hobbes' Elem. Philos. (1839) 163 From hence the cause is evident why two equal products have their efficients reciprocally proportional.1696Whiston Th. Earth iv. (1722) 363 The Heat of the Sun is..reciprocally as the Squares of the Earth's distance from him.1743Emerson Fluxions 113 The Square of the Velocity is reciprocally as the Weight of the Body.1823Mitchell Dict. Math. & Phys. Sci. 412 In bodies of the same weight, the density is reciprocally as the magnitude; viz. the greater the magnitude the less is the density.1853Sir H. Douglas Milit. Bridges 320 Agreeably to a principle in hydrodynamics, the velocity of the current in different sections is reciprocally as those sections.
5. Conversely.
a1628Preston New Covt. (1629) iii. 561 You must vnderstand it reciprocally, the battel is not alwayes to the strong, therefore it is sometimes to the weake.1641Wilkins Math. Magick i. iv. (1648) 21 As the weight is to an equivalent power, so is the distance betwixt the weight and the center, unto the distance betwixt the center and the power, and so reciprocally.1715Desaguliers Fires Impr. 118 What opens the passage for hot Air to go into the Room, may shut out the cold Air, and so reciprocally.1744Harris Three Treat. Wks. (1841) 15 If it be true that all art implies such principle, is it reciprocally true that every such principle should imply art?1881Nature XXIV. 419/1 Substances capable of exerting great force by their combination are those which can undergo a great diminution of the velocity of their internal motions, and reciprocally.
b. Convertibly, by way of equivalence. Obs.
1658Bramhall Consecr. Bps. xi. 223 There is nothing either in our forme or theirs which doth distinctly and reciprocally expresse Episcopall power and Authority.

