
单词 rabite
释义 rabite Obs.
Forms: 4 rabit, -yt, 4–5 -yte, -yght, -et(t.
[Aphetic for Arabite (in Gen. & Exod. 1203), f. Arab + -ite1. So also med.L. rabītus or rabīta (Du Cange), MHG. râvît, ON. rábít-r.]
An Arab steed. Also attrib.
13..Coer de L. 2323 In the world nas not..Steed rabyte, ne camayl, That ran so swift.c1320Sir Beues (A.) 4475 Sire Gii lep on a rabit [varr. rabyt, -yte, -yght], Þat was meche & noþing lite.a1400Octouian 1415 Thys ys a stede of Arabye,..A rabyte..Therto was mare.a1400–50Alexander 1320 Be rawe of þar rabetis he ruschid to þe erthe.

