
单词 retour
释义 I. retour, n.|rɪˈtʊə(r)|
Also 6 retoure, retowre.
[a. OF. retour, verbal n. of retourner to return. In later use partly readopted from mod.F.
In the following passage retours is perhaps an alteration of recours recourse (but cf. OF. sans retour): 13.. K. Alis. 602 (Bodl. MS.), He shal be poysond saunz retours [Weber saun return] Of his owen traytoures.]
1. Return (to a place). Now only arch. Sc.
13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 436 Scho..dede here mene make retour.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 5482 Hamoun..spirde after þer enperour, Whider-ward he made his retour.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 21643 But Youthe than, in hyr Retour, Was to myn helpe gret socour.a1533Ld. Berners Huon cxxx. 479 For fere lest y⊇ false emperoure cause you to dye or my retoure.1567Turberv. Ovid's Ep. 112 Come hither, come and to my bosome make retowre. [1703Farquhar Inconstant Pref., To have the lady, upon her retour to Paris, boast of their splendid entertainment in England.]1822Galt Provost xxi, Mr. Secretary of State wrote me back by retour of post, thanking me for my zeal in the public service.1897W. Beatty Secretar viii. 68 See ye keep that auld carle Geddes in gude ward till my retour.
2. Sc. Law. A return made to Chancery of the brieve of inquest relative to the service of an heir, with the verdict of the jury upon it; also, an extract or copy of the return.
1471Reg. Mag. Sig. (1882) 215 The King's breif of inquest direcit to the Schiref of Forfare to give him possessioun eftir the tenour of this retour undirwirtin.1546Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 37 With the seisingis, retouris, and all that followit thairupoun.1579–80Ibid. III. 258 Ane seising of Johnne, Lord Dernlie, of the landis of Evindaill, past upoun a retour.1630Acts Sederunt 31 July, All summonds of reduction of retouris..sall be formed in Latine be an advocat.1678Ibid. 15 Feb., To direct or give out any precepts to Shirriffs..for granting infeftment upon retours.1754Erskine Princ. Sc. Law (1809) 383 Retours upon general services are not properly transmissions of an estate.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 904 From the Chancery a certified copy is given out, which is called a retour.1868Act 31 & 32 Vict. c. 100 §101 A retour of the verdict and service of the jury before the Judge Ordinary.
b. A return of this kind, as specifying the yearly value of the lands in question.
In first quot. applied to a special return.
1580–1Reg. Privy Council Scot. III. 346 That, be advise of the schireffis..of the schires within the wardenrie, thair be a stent and retour of all landis within the same.1681Stair Instit. i. xiv. 304 Which sums would be Liquid, and known according to the new retour, and the Feu or Blensh⁓duty.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 861 Where there is no retour of lands,..the superior is entitled to the valued rent.
c. attrib. with duty or mail, = retoured ppl. a.
1681Stair Instit. i. xiv. 304 The relief which is debitum fundi, must only be the retour duty.1693Ibid. (ed. 2) iv. viii. 574 The Retour-mails, or Feu-duties of the same..did belong and pertain to the said Pursuer as Donatar.1746–7Act 20 Geo. II, c. 50 §2 Lands..no longer liable to the annual payment of the new extent or retour duty.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 861 Blanch-holdings..are liable in a retour duty of one per cent. of the valued rent.
3. attrib. with ship, waggon, denoting return from a destination. Also ellipt. a vehicle which returns to its original starting-place.
Only in echoes of continental usage.
1731Medley Kolben's Cape G. Hope II. 325 The Company has put her Retour Ships under the following Regulation, with Regard to the Cape.1838C. M. Young in J. C. Young Mem. (1871) II. 33 A rope providentially lent us by the driver of a retour waggon.1839W. Chambers Tour Belgium 48/1 A vehicle..with the words ‘Retour à Köln’, or whatever else may be the name of the place to which they are about to return, written on paper, and stuck upon their sides. These retours may be hired at something below the full charge, but even the highest price is not great.
4. A returned part.
1863Kinglake Crimea (1877) IV. xiii. 346 The two salients being connected by a curtain..and having retours towards the gorge.
II. retour, v. Chiefly Sc.|rɪˈtʊə(r)|
[f. the n.]
1. intr. To return or revert to a person. Obs.
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 133 Quhen the terme cummys, the landis retouris agayne to the lord.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 229 Efter his deid the croun suld than retour To schir Modred.
2. To return to a place. Obs. rare.
1513Douglas æneis xi. i. 101 Sa that thou suld nocht..as victor with prosperite Onto thy faderis cite hame retour.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxv. 269 [He] toke leue of the kynge & retouryd to Burdeux.
3. trans. Sc. Law. To return (a person) as heir. (Cf. retour n. 2.)
1515in Sir W. Fraser Sutherland Bk. (1892) III. 59 Elizabeth Sutherland,..quhilk is full and haill retouryt of the said..landis.1546Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 37 Albeit thai be nocht servit nor retourit the saidis airis.1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Breue de morte antecessoris, His aire being serued and retoured to the superioritie of the samin lands.1678Sir G. Mackenzie Crim. Laws Scot. i. xix. §xii. (1699) 102 Some think an Heir served and retoured, doth fall within this signification.1752McDouall Inst. Law Scot. iii. v. II. 334 [Precepts are granted] to the sheriff.., commanding him to give infeftment to the person retoured.1868Maidment Scot. Ball. I. 29 James Spens was retoured as heir of his father Alexander.1880Earl of Crawford Earldom of Mar (1882) I. 259 An inquest of the leading gentlemen of the county..retoured Sir Robert [Erskine] as lawful heir to the Earldom of Mar.
b. To make a return to Chancery of or relative to (lands, etc.); to state the value of, in a retour.
1581–2Reg. Privy Council Scot. III. 452 The said haill landis..nevir being stentit nor retourit.1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Breue de morte antecessoris, The mailles and dewties of the landes, sa lang as they ar retoured to haue bene in the handes of the King.1693Stair Instit. (ed. 2) iii. v. 473 For ordinarly the Fee is Retoured, to be in the hands of the Superior by reason of Non-entry.a1768Erskine Inst. Law Scot. ii. v. §36 In feu holdings, the yearly feu-duty contained in the Reddendo is retoured as the new extent.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 861 Feu-holdings are retoured to the feu-duties specified in the charter.
c. To return, send in (the brieve or verdict, etc.) to Chancery.
1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Breue de morte antecessoris, This their answere.., and the brieue inclosed therein.., is sent back & retoured to the chancellarie.1630Acts Sederunt 31 July, Summonds of reductioun of retours that has bene retourit to the Chancellary.1815Scott Guy M. lviii, [We have] got our youngster's special service retoured into Chancery. We had him served heir before the macers.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 113 Their sentence is attested by the judge, and retoured by the clerk of the court, to Chancery.1868Act 31 & 32 Vict. c. 100 §101 The verdict and service of the jury shall be retoured to Chancery.
Hence reˈtoured ppl. a.; reˈtouring vbl. n. Also reˈtourable a.
1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Extent, Quhilk..suld be generallie vsed in retouring of landes to the Kingis Chancellarie.Ibid., The reliefe of landes is the retoured maill according to the new extent.c1680Dallas Stiles (1697) 487 Serving thereof and Retouring of the same to our Chancellary.1681Stair Instit. i. xiv. 304, I have never heard of one retoured Duty demanded for the Non-entry.a1768Erskine Inst. Law Scot. ii. v. §37 Because the new extent or retoured duty is presumed to be the rent.Ibid. iii. viii. §61 The brief of inquest has been from the beginning a retourable brief.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 861 The brieve of inquest..is retourable to Chancery whence it issued.Ibid., Where there is no retour of lands, and no means of proving their retoured duties.

