
单词 auxanography
释义 auxanography Microbiol.|ˌɔːksəˈnɒgrəfɪ|
[ad. F. auxanographie (M. W. Beijerinck 1889, in Archives Néerl. des Sci. Exactes XXIII. 367), f. Gr. αὐξάν-ειν to increase + -ography.]
A method of studying the effects and interactions of various substances in promoting or inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms, by inducing diffusion gradients of the substances in agar plates on which the micro-organisms are grown. Hence auˈxanogram, a plate culture used in auxanography; ˌauxanoˈgraphic a.
1905Gould Dict. New Med. Terms 108/2 Auxanogram, a pure plate culture of microbes which has been prepared by Beyerinck's auxanographic method in which the colonies indicate which one of several nutrient media is best suited to their growth.Ibid. 109/1 Auxanography, a method devised by Beyerinck for ascertaining which nutrient media are suitable for a growing microbe. Plate cultures of bad media..are stippled with drops of solutions, the nutrient properties of which are to be tested. The species of microbe under examination will then develop strong colonies only on those spots where the requisite pabulum is present.1949H. W. Florey Antibiotics I. i. 35 The auxanogram method which consists in spreading one organism evenly on the surface of a solid medium and sowing the other at points or in streaks on it.1949G. Pontecorvo in Jrnl. Gen. Microbiol. III. 122 Sixty years ago..Beyerinck (Beijerinck) described a technique..for the study of the nutritional requirements of micro-organisms. The ‘auxanographic’ technique, as he called it, has gone almost unnoticed.Ibid., The first kind of test, based on the promotion of growth, could perhaps be termed ‘positive’ auxanography.

