
单词 quadragesimal
释义 quadragesimal, a. and n.|kwɒdrəˈdʒɛsɪməl|
Also 7 quadrigess-.
[ad. late L. quadrāgēsimāl-is: see prec. and -al1. Cf. F. quadragésimal (15–16th c.).]
A. adj.
1. Of a fast (esp. that of Lent): Lasting for forty days.
1654Hammond Answ. Animadv. Ignat. ii. §2. 38 The Quadrigessimal Fast was observed in the Church to commemorate both these.1725tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 17th C. I. v. 171 The Quadragesimal Fast was also regarded as Penance.1844W. H. Mill Serm. Tempt. Christ i. 12 That quadragesimal Fast and retirement of our Lord.1855Applic. Panth. Princ. (1861) 111 The retirement and quadragesimal fast of Elijah.
2. Belonging or appropriate to the period of Lent; Lenten.
1629Mabbe tr. Fonseca's Dev. Contempl. title-p., Two and Fortie Sermons upon all y⊇ Quadragesimall Gospells.1691Wood Ath. Oxon. II. 359 Quadragesimal Disputations were publickly performed in the Schools.1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Quadragesima, Hence some monks are said to lead a quadragesimal life; or to live on quadragesimal food all the year.1882J. W. Legg Hist. Liturg. Colours iii. 40 The colour of the Quadragesimal ornaments.
fig.a1643W. Cartwright Ordinary iii. v. in Hazl. Dodsley XII. 268 But quadragesimal wits, and fancies lean As ember weeks.
3. Consisting of forty.
1662Gunning Lent Fast 50 The Quadragesimal number not constituted of men, but consecrated from God.
B. n.
a. A fast, properly one of forty days.
b. A set of forty.
c. A Lent sermon.
d. pl. Lent offerings (see quot. 1721). Obs.
1660Jer. Taylor Duct. Dubit. iii. iv. Rule xiii. §17 It is no wonder..that all the set and stationary fasts of the Primitive Christians were called Quadragesimals.Ibid. §18 A quadragesimal of hours is as proper as a quadragesimal of days.1691tr. Emilianne's Frauds Romish Monks 284 They who print their Quadragesimals and their Advent Sermons,..never print the Second part of them.1721Bailey, Quadragesimals, Mid-Lent contributions, Offerings made by People to their Mother Church on Mid-Lent Sunday.

