
单词 rheum
释义 I. rheum, n.1 Now arch.|ruːm|
Forms: 4–6 rewme, 4–7 reume (5 reem, 6 ryme), 6–7 r(h)ewm, rhewme, r(h)ume, 8 rhum, 6– rheum.
[a. OF. reume (13th c.), mod.F. rhume, = Pr., Sp., It., Pg. reuma, ad. L. rheuma, a. Gr. ῥεῦµα flow, stream, f. root ῥευ- to flow.
With the forms reem (Promp. Parv. 429/1), ryme (Palsgr. 263/1), cf. med.L. r(h)ema (It. rema), obs. F. ryme, rime.]
1. Watery matter secreted by the mucous glands or membranes, such as collects in or drops from the nose, eyes, and mouth, etc., and which, when abnormal, was supposed to cause disease; hence, an excessive or morbid ‘defluxion’ of any kind.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. xiii. (1495) h j, The nose is..lette..of to grete constreynynge & closyng that comyth of colde, as it faryth ofte in a rewme that fallyth to the breste.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 220 It falliþ sumtyme þat for reume þat falliþ adoun of a mannis heed, þer wexiþ in þe rote of þe tunge a maner round þing.c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xii, Also houndes haue an oþer sikenes þat cometh to hem of þe reume.1565Cooper Thesaurus, Branchos, the rewme fallynge downe by the cheekes or throte.1591Sparry tr. Cattan's Geomancie ii. viii. 113 The disease commeth of a rheume or watrishnes.1596Shakes. Merch. V. i. iii. 118 You that did voide your rume vpon my beard.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 839 They..haue continually a leafe thereof [sc. tobacco] along the mouth betweene the lip and teeth, the rheume running out at the lip-hole.1699Garth Dispens. i. 68 Eyes in rheum, thro' midnight watching drown'd.1733Cheyne Eng. Malady iii. i, A constant Ptyalism, or spitting thin Rheum.1784Cowper Task ii. 728 His sparkling eye Was quench'd in rheums of age.1860J. P. Kennedy Rob of the Bowl xii. 127 A laugh..brought the rheum from his eye down his cheek.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 1 The [rheumatic] pain being attributed to rheum flowing down from the brain and settling in the affected part.
b. poet. Used for: Tears.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. iv. 8 The Northeast wind..Awak'd the sleepie rhewme, and so by chance Did grace our hollow parting with a teare.1607Cor. v. vi. 46 A few drops of Womens rhewme, which are As cheape as Lies.1803Southey Eclogues ix. Alderman's Funeral, A good March wind Were to be prayed for now, to lend their eyes Some decent rheum.1818Keats Endym. iii. 286 Had he, though blindly contumelious, brought Rheum to kind eyes?1833H. Coleridge Poems I. 42 Stoic eyes with foolish rheum o'erflow.
c. Moisture ‘distilled’ from the sky. Obs.
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe 10 To canopie their heads in from the rhewme of the heauens.
d. transf. and fig. Applied to pernicious moisture or humour, or something resembling it.
1501Douglas Pal. Hon. Prol. 39 The dasy and the maryguld..lay with their leuis happit, Thame to reserue fra rewmes pungitiue.1591Lyly Endym. iv. ii. 71 He is resolued to weep some three or foure payle-fuls, to auoyde the rume of loue that wambleth in his stomacke.1607Dekker & Marston Westw. Hoe ii. i, A mastic patch upon some womens temples hath been the very rheum of beauty.1650Milton Eikon. (ed. 2) i. 14 If from his Divines he have borrow'd nothing, nothing out of all the Magazin, and the rheume of their Mellifluous prayers.
2. spec. A mucous discharge caused by taking cold (sometimes distinguished as hot rheum or cold rheum); hence, a cold in the head or the lungs; catarrh. Chiefly pl. (occasionally used = Rheumatic pains).
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xx. 82 Crampes, and tothaches, Rewmes, & radegoundes.c1450M.E. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 184 Hyt ys good for þe toþ ache of cold rewme.1486Bk. St. Albans c v b, When ye se yowre hauke cloose her Eyghen, and shakith hir hede, then hath she the Reume in the hede.1533Elyot Cast. Helthe (1541) 69 b, Fleume hath moste puissance in wynter,..whereby are ingendred Catarres or reumes.1615Crooke Body of Man 644 In Rheumes and Murrhes the Voyce is hoarse, because the Larynx is dewed with too much moysture.1656Evelyn Mem. (1819) I. 297 A mist falling as I returned, gave me such a rheume as kept me within doores neere a whole moneth after.1667Milton P.L. xi. 485 [488] Dropsies, and Asthma's, and Joint-racking Rheums.1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) II. 197 Old men..endeavour, as long as possible, to conceal their blindness and deafness, their rheums and gouts.1807Med. Jrnl. XVII. 475 He..was affected with a rheum for a few days after his arrival.1864N. & Q. Ser. iii. VI. 452/2, I provided myself against the contingencies of colds and rheums with military leggings and padded knee-caps.
3. attrib. and Comb., as rheum-cough, rheum-distilling, rheum purging; rheum-cap (see quot. 1655).
1655Culpepper, etc. Riverius i. i. 7 The Brain is also strengthened by outward application of..*Rhewm-Caps [orig. cucufæ], by which it is comforted and made warm.
1553Princess Mary in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) II. ii. xxii. 424 Your Highness late *Rheum-Cough.
1615R. Brathwait Strappado (1878) 33 Nose-dropping, *rhewme-destilling, driueling mouth.1770Armstrong Misc. I. 151 The shivering clown..With livid cheeks and rheum-distilling nose.
1612Drayton Poly-olb. xiii. 200 Heere finds he on an oake *rheume-purging Pollipode.
Hence rheum v. intr., to ‘void rheum’.
16022nd Pt. Return fr. Parnass. ii. vi. 968 A meere scholler, is a creature that can..put on a pair of lined slippers, sit rewming till dinner [etc.].
II. rheum, n.2 Bot.|ˈriːəm|
[mod.L., ad. Gr. ῥῆον.]
The generic name for the Rhubarbs.
1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl. App., Rheum, in botany, the name given by Linnæus to Rhubarb.1811A. T. Thomson Lond. Disp. (1818) 334 Rheum undulatum... This species of rheum was supposed by Boerhaave to be the true Chinese rhubarb.1841Penny Cycl. XIX. 451/1 What is termed Monk's rhubarb is not the produce of any species of rheum, but of the Rumex alpinus.

