
单词 pyelo-
释义 pyelo-|paɪɪləʊ|
combining form from Gr. πύελος trough, taken in sense ‘pelvis’; in pathological and other terms, as pyelocyˈstitis, pyelitis accompanied by cystitis (Billings Nat. Med. Dict. 1890); ˈpyelogram, an X-ray photograph showing the pelvis of the kidney; ˈpyelograph, a pyelogram; hence pyeˈlography [ad. G. pyelographie (Voelcker & Lichtenberg 1906, in Münchener med. Wochenschr. 16 Jan. 105)]; pyeloliˈthotomy, the removal of a renal calculus by incision into the pelvis of the kidney (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1897); pyeˈlometer, = pelvimeter (Dunglison Med. Dict. 1844); pyeloneˈphritis, ‘inflammation of the kidney and of the pelvis and calices’ (ibid. 1842); hence pyeloneˈphritic a.; ˈpyeloplasty Surg., a plastic operation on the pelvis of the kidneys.
1923R. Knox Radiogr. & Radio-Therapeutics (ed. 4) I. facing p. 388 (captions) *Pyelogram—dilated pelvis with kinking of the ureter... Pyelogram of a normal kidney.1952M. E. Florey Clin. Appl. Antibiotics xvii. 507, 25 days after the operation a pyelogram revealed no abnormalities.1980Brit. Med. Jrnl. 29 Mar. 930/1 We in Britain do not feel that intravenous pyelograms are necessary before every hysterectomy.
1913Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 18 Jan. 184/2 A *pyelograph is taken while the fluid is being injected and the pelvis or the ureter is kept as full as possible at the time the exposure is being made.1914N.Y. Med. Jrnl. XCIX. 1057/2 Doctor Furniss, in making pyelographs, had until recently been injecting argyrol or collargol with a syringe.
1906Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 14 Apr. 1149/2 *Pyelography.—Voelcker and Lichtenberg have coined this term for radiography of the kidney and ureter after these structures have been filled with a solution of a silver salt.1975Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 23 Dec. 2/1 In pyelography, a contrast medium, the ‘dye’, is injected intravenously.
1890Cent. Dict., *Pyelonephritic.
1866A. Flint Princ. Med. (1880) 895 Suppurative nephritis..called.., when there is coincident inflammation of the renal pelvis, *pyelo-nephritis.
1913C. H. Chetwood Practice of Urol. xxxi. 587 (heading) *Pyeloplasty (Fenger's operation).1976Lancet 20 Nov. 1109/2 The boy with a horseshoe kidney had a pyeloplasty and 1 of the boys with obstructed congenital megaureter had a reimplantation.

