
单词 hethely
释义 ˈhethely, a. and adv. Obs.
Forms: 3 hæþeliȝ, heythlik, hethli, 4 heþeliche, hetheli, -y.
[a. ON. hǽðiligr adj., ludicrous, contemptible, hǽðiliga scornfully, mockingly, f. háð: see prec.]
A. adj. Ludicrous, to be held in derision.
c1350Sir Tristr. 2897 To wiue on our kinde Heþeliche holdeþ he.
B. adv. Scornfully, derisively, contemptuously; esp. in early ME. phrase hetheli leten to think scornfully of, to scorn: see let v.
c1200Ormin 7408 Þa þatt lætenn hæþeliȝ Off Godess hallȝhe lare.Ibid. 13272 Þatt he ne let nohht hæþeliȝ Hiss ȝunngre forr to follȝhenn.a1300Cursor M. 2606 (Cott.) Agar was..heythlik lete of hir lauedi.Ibid. 14669 (Gött.) Hethli [Trin. scornefuly] þai bihuted him.c1325Metr. Hom. 43 Forthi he schroudes his bodi And lates of pouer men hetheli.a1400Morte Arth. 268 His senatour has sommonde me, and said what hym lykyde, Hethely in my halle, wyth heynȝous wordes.

