
单词 gamely
释义 I. ˈgamely, a. Obs.
[OE. gamelic, *gamenlic, f. gamen game + -lic -like.]
a. (OE. only): Theatrical.
b. Sportive, merry.
1{ddd} Gloss. in Haupt's Zeitschrift IX. 459 Ridiculosum, gamelic vel bismerlic.Ibid. 508 Theatrales, gamelicum.c1425Fortune in Rel. Ant. II. 8 A lok of that leuedy..Mi gode gameliche game gurte to grounde.
II. ˈgamely, adv.1 Obs.
Forms: 1 gamenlíce, 3 gamli, 4 gamelich(e, gomenly, gamely.
[OE. gamenlíce, f. gamen game n. + -líce -ly2. Cf. prec.]
Sportively. a. (OE. only): Artfully, deceitfully. b. Blithely, joyfully, playfully, excellently.
c1000ælfric Josh. ix. 3 Hwæt þa þa Gabaniscean gamenlice ræddon.a1300Cursor M. 25717 King þat all craftes can, Sua gamli [but perh. we should read gainli] has þou graithid for man, þat [etc.].13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1079 Þenne watȝ Gawan ful glad, & gomenly he laȝed.c1350Will. Palerne 427 To grete wel his gode wiif & gamely þerafter alle his freliche felawes.
III. gamely, adv.2|ˈgeɪmlɪ|
[f. game a.1 + -ly2.]
With spirit, pluckily, courageously.
1861G. J. Whyte-Melville Mkt. Harb. 131 Hotspur..struggled gamely to the top.1879Beerbohm Patagonia viii. 127 They [horses] will..dash away..as gamely as if they had just been saddled.1889Pall Mall G. 8 Aug. 7 One of the dogs gamely gripped him [the otter].

