
单词 disconvenient
释义 disconˈvenient, a. Obs. exc. dial.
[ad. L. disconvenient-em, pr. pple. of disconvenīre to disagree, be inharmonious or inconsistent, f. dis- 4 + convenīre to agree, suit: see convenient.]
1. Not in accordance (with), not consonant (to), incongruous; unsuitable, inappropriate. (The opposite of convenient 1–4.) Obs.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xv. (1495) 356 That tyme is moost dysconuenyent and vnacordynge to medycyne.1526Pilgr. Pref. (W. de W. 1531) 49 To chose that is conuenyent for our nature, and to eschewe & flee all that is disconuenient to the same.1660R. Coke Justice Vind. 39 Actions convenient or disconvenient with Rational nature.
2. Inconvenient, disadvantageous. (The opposite of convenient 6.) Obs. exc. dial.
c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. liv, Suche þinges as semeþ to the disconuenient & lest profitable.1538Starkey England i. iv. 140 Such pryuylege at the fyrst begynnyng of the Church..were veray expedyent..no les then they be now dysconuenyent.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 132 To continue as I am, is for many respects disconvenient unto me.1825–80Jamieson, Disconvenient, inconvenient. [Aberd.]

