
单词 sunderly
释义 I. ˈsunderly, a. Obs.
Forms: 1 sundorlic, synderlic, 2–3 sunderlich, 4 sunderly, 5 sonderly, sondrely.
[OE. sundorlic (also synderlic), f. sundor: see sunder a. + -lic -ly1. Cf. (M)LG. sunderlik, OHG. suntarlîh (MHG., G. sonderlich), ON. sundrligr. Cf. sundrily a.]
1. Peculiar, special, private.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxxiii. §5 Seo ᵹesceadwisnes..is synderlic cræft þære saule.c897Gregory's Past. C. lii. 409 Ðæm is sundorlic sang to singanne.c1175Lamb. Hom. 91 Ne heore nan nefden sunderlich ehte.
2. Separate, several: distinct, diverse, different.
a1225Ancr. R. 14 Euerich dole wiðute moncglunge spekeð al bi himsulf of sunderliche þincges.a1400Gloss. in Rel. Ant. I. 9 Singulus, i. unus per se, sunderly.c1425Found. St. Bartholomew's (E.E.T.S.) 16 Three men..sonderly went to sonderly Bishops of the See of Rome.1481Caxton Myrr. ii. ix. 88 The meruayllous trees that growe in ynde..ben many dyuerse and bere sondrely fruyt.
II. ˈsunderly, adv. Obs.
Forms: 1 suundor-, sundurlice, synderlice, 2–3 sunderliche, (4 sinderliche, sundirly, 5 sondir-, sondre-, 6 sonder-, soondre-, sundur-, sundrely), 5–8 sunderly.
[OE. sundorlíce and synderlíce: see sunder a. and -ly2. Cf. NFris. sannerlik especially, MLG. sunderliken, -likes, OHG. suntarlîhho, sunterlîcho (MHG. sunter-, sunderlîche(n), G. sonderlich). Cf. sundrily adv.]
1. Separately, apart; individually; singly.
c888ælfred Boeth. xli. §5 He hine onᵹit þurh þa eaᵹan synderlice,..þurh ᵹescead wisnesse synderlice [etc.].c950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark vii. 33 Seorsum, sundurlice.Ibid. xiii. 3 Separatim, suundorlice.c1000ælfric Saints' Lives xxiii. 625 Þa hine synderlice ælc man beheold.c1175Lamb. Hom. 11 Þer weren in þer oðres tables sunderliche .iii. ibode.a1225Ancr. R. 90 Nu ich habbe sunderliche ispeken of þeos þreo limes—of eien, & of muðe, & of earen.c1320Cast. Love 1508 Þauȝ vche nome of þise þre Be sinderliche seyd.1490in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 111 In wytnesse wherof the partyes aforsayde to this endenturs, sunderly hath sett ther seales.1528More Dyaloge iii. Wks. 355/2, I..haue also dyuers and manye times sunderlye talked with almost all such.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 17 §3 Our..Soveraigne Lorde..hathe soondrelye and severallye giuen and graunted unto the saide Bisshopps, divers and soondrye Manoures.a1631Sir R. Cotton Abridgm. Rec. Tower (1657) 362 The King..declared, that they [sc. the Commons] were sunderly bound to him.1635Swan Spec. Mundi vii. §3 (1643) 347 Seeing they be laid downe severally, it is fit they be explained sunderly.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 108 Every whole being greater than its parts, taken sunderly.
2. Singularly, specially. rare.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxiv. (1899) 480/1 On þysse abbudissan mynstre wæs sum broðor synderlice mid godcundre ᵹyfe ᵹemæred.1481Caxton Reynard xxviii. (Arb.) 70 My wyf his sondrely wyse.
3. Diversely, differently, variously. rare.
a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. (1811) 640 Of this Charlys sundrye wryters sunderly wryte.
4. Dispersedly, widely. rare.
1541St. Papers Hen. VIII, I. 681 Commen brutes and rumours, which be sunderly spred here.1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 364 b/1 That good thing which by y⊇ almighty God is sonderly dispensed to diuers.

