
单词 thrasonism
释义 ˈthrasonism Obs. rare.
[f. L. Thrasōn-, stem of Thraso + -ism.]
Thrasonic conduct; boastfulness. So ˈthrasonist, a boaster, a swaggerer; ˈthrasonize v. intr. (in quot. const. with it), to play the Thraso, to boast, brag.
1596Nashe Saffron-Walden Wks. (Grosart) III. 200 Hath he (as with his Thrasonisme) infected them all with his methode of Lenuoyes, Post-scripts and Preambles.1619H. Hutton Follie's Anat. 48 Warres austere God, with stout Achilles lance..doth Thrasonize it, rage.1626T. H[awkins] Caussin's Holy Crt. 74 These little Thrasonists are no sooner out of the shell, but instantly they establish a iurisdiction in the family.

