
单词 sandy
释义 sandy, a.|ˈsændɪ|
Forms: 1 sandiᵹ, 4 sondi, 4–5 sondy(e, 4– sandy.
[OE. sandiᵹ: see sand n.2 and -y. Cf. Du. zandig, MHG. sandic (G. sandig), ON. sǫndug-r (Sw., Da. sandig).]
1. Of the nature of sand; composed of or containing a large proportion of sand.
c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 94 Ðeos wyrt..wihst..on sandiᵹum landum.1382Wyclif Acts xxvii. 17 Thei vseden girdyng to gidere of schipp, dredynge lest thei schulden falle into sandy placis.c1440Pallad. on Husb. iii. 447 Lond myxt with cley, or sondy cley, faat sonde.c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxxviii. vi, Where the deepe did show his sandy flore.1663Gerbier Counsel 28 The Mason must work no Stone with Sandy veines.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 285 With sandy Ballast Sailors trim the Boat.1709Pope Ess. Crit. 55 In other parts it [the ocean] leaves wide sandy plains.1787Trans. Soc. Arts V. 216 Rubbed in with a brickbat or sandy stone.1813Sir H. Davy Agric. Chem. (1814) 200 The term sandy..should never be applied to any soil that does not contain at least seven eighths of sand.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 169 A subsoil, the deeper the sandier.1878Browning Poets Croisic xi, The spit of sandy rock which juts Spitefully northward.
b. Of or containing sand as used for measuring time. (Cf. sand-glass.) poet.
1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, iv. ii. 36 Ere the Glasse that now begins to runne, Finish the processe of his sandy houre.1607Heywood Wom. Killed w. Kindn. Wks. 1874 II. 138 O God, that it were possible..That time could turne vp his swift sandy glasse..to redeeme these houres!1893F. Thompson Poems 31 The sandy glass hence bear—Antique remembrancer.
2. fig. Resembling sand as lacking the quality of cohesion or stability.
1590Nashe Pasquil's Apol. i. A iij b, You may easily perceiue what successe they are like to haue, that deale with so leaden and sandie braines.1592Four Lett. Confut. Wks. (Grosart) II. 265 The short shredder out of sandy sentences without lime.a1609Donne Lett. (1654) 162 It were no service to you, to send you my notes upon the Book, because they are sandy, and incoherent ragges.1628Prynne Cens. Cozens 29 Who build the Antiquitie of their Canonicall Howers vpon such a sandy foundation.1687Dryden Hind & P. ii. 105 But mark how sandy is your own pretence.a1720Sewel Hist. Quakers iii. (1722) 107 He said they [sc. the Quakers] were built upon a sandy Foundation, and so call'd them Shakers.1822B. Cornwall Dram. Scenes, Amelia Wentworth i, Oh, what a picture have I raised upon My sandy wishes.1861Buckle Civiliz. II. i. 41 Now it was that men might clearly see on how sandy a foundation the grandeur of Spain was built.
3. Having hair of a yellowish-red colour; of hair, yellowish-red.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §68 A sandy colte, lyke an yren grey.1575Gamm. Gurton iv. i, Hath your browne cow cast hir calfe, or your sandy sowe her pigs?1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 841 The Tocomans..are sandie, small, but not so little as they say of the Pigmees.1731Swift Cassinus & Peter Wks. 1755 IV. i. 163 Why, plague confound her sandy locks.1833Marryat P. Simple viii, He was a florid young man..with sandy hair.1845Disraeli Sybil ii. xi, The ladies Fitz-Warene were sandy girls.
4. Qualifying the names of colours.
1819Warden United States II. 409 Oak, sandy red.1851Borrow Lavengro xcix, My mother's sandy-red cat.1885J. Beddoe Races Brit. 266 Red [hair], and a sort of sandy-flaxen hue.1894R. B. Sharpe Handbk. Birds Gt. Brit. I. 67 Wing-coverts edged with sandy-buff.Ibid. 78 The..plumage is obscured by sandy-rufous edges to the feathers.
5. Comb., parasynthetic, as sandy-bottomed, sandy-coloured, sandy-haired, sandy-pated.
1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. i. 66 From the Banks of Wye, And *sandy-bottom'd Seuerne.
1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 86 The red or *sandy coloured are the best.1871Howells Wedd. Journ. (1892) 272 Her hair was cut..so as to cover her forehead with a straggling sandy-coloured fringe.
a1817Jane Austen Persuasion (1818) IV. iii. 49 Colonel Wallis's companion..certainly was not *sandy-haired.1848Thackeray Van. Fair ii, She was..pale, sandy-haired.
1687T. Brown Saints in Uproar Wks. 1730 I. 77 Your *sandy-pated companions.
b. Special Comb., as sandy blight Austral., a kind of ophthalmia in which the eye feels as if full of sand (Morris); sandy carpet, a moth (see quot.); sandy hill crane = sand-hill crane s.v. sand-hill b; sandy laverock = sand lark; sandy mocking-bird U.S., the brown thrush, Harporynchus rufus; sandy pate, a sandy-haired person; sandy pear = sand pear s.v. sand n.2 10 c; sandy ray, Raia circularis, also R. maculata.
1869J. F. Blanche Prince's Visit 20 The Prince was suffering from the *sandy blight.
1829J. F. Stephens Syst. Catal. Brit. Ins. II. 148 [Emmelesia decolorata] *Sandy Carpet.
1819D. Thomas Trav. Western Country 210 A bird inhabits this country called the *sandy hill Crane.1825Sandy hill crane [see lyed ppl. a.].
1710Fountainhall in M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. (1826) IV. 793 To restrict him to the fifth part of the rent, was to send him to lift the rest of his stipend from windle⁓straws and *sandy laverocks.1816Scott Old Mort. vii, I had rather that the rigs..bare naething but windle-straes and sandy lavrocks.
a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, *Sandy⁓pate, one red-hair'd.1785Grose Dict. Vulg. Tongue.
1884tr. A. de Candolle's Orig. Cultivated Plants 233 *Sandy Pear, Chinese Pear.
1870Günther Cat. Fishes Brit. Mus. VIII, Raja circularis. *Sandy Ray.1880–4Day Brit. Fishes II. 346 Raia maculata... Sandy ray.Ibid. 348 Raia circularis... Sandy-ray.

