
单词 beside
释义 beside, adv. and prep.|bɪˈsaɪd|
Forms: 3–4 bisiden, 3–5 bi-side, -syde, byside, 4 bisid, -syd, -seid, (bezide), 4–5 besiden, bysyde, 4–6 bisyde(n, besyde, 5 byside(n, 4– beside.
[ME. bi siden, bisiden:—OE. be sídan, i.e. be by, sídan (dat. sing.) side. Found in OE. only as two words, but by 1200 used as an adverb and preposition. Cf. the similar history of bihalve, which in early times was a synonym of this.]
A. adv.
1. By the side, by one's side.
a. lit. Obs.
c1205Lay. 12281 Bisiden heo gunnen heongen cniues swiðe longe.c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 513 To Britaigne tooke they the righte way Aurelius and this Magicien bisyde.c1430Syr Tryam. 545 Some on horsys and some besyde.1590A. Munday Eng. Romayne Life in Harl. Misc. v. (1811) 156 Kirbie, quaking when he felt the cart goe away, looked styll how neere the end of it was, till he was quite beside.
b. Side by side in rank, on a level. Obs. rare.
1340Ayenb. 125 Hi yelt..loue to ham þet byeþ bezide, grace to ham þet byeþ beneþe.
c. Hard by, close, near. arch. Rarely of time (see quot. 1380). Obs. (Mostly an elliptical use of the prep., or with here-, there-, in place of object.)
1297R. Glouc. 558 Þo sei he þer biside..þe erles baner of Gloucetre.c1314Guy Warw. 56 An abbay That was bisiden on the way.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 44 [Vulg. Juxta est dies perdicionis] Bisyde is þe day of perdicioun..Biside, þat is, neer is þe day [1611 Deut. xxxii. 35 at hand].1517R. Torkington Pilgr. (1884) 20 A lityll ther be syd stondyth an old Churche.1798Coleridge Anc. Mar. iv. x, The moving moon went up the sky..and a star or two beside.1805Southey Madoc in Azt. xvi, Mervyn beside, Hangs over his dear mistress silently.
2. In addition, over and above; = besides 2 (by which this is now usually expressed).
1297R. Glouc. 92 Of þe lond of France, and of oþer londes bi syde.1393Gower Conf. I. 30 Hem nedeth..Of straunge londes helpe beside.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 144 The goode dedis that thou shalt do besyde.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, iv. i. 25 My selfe, and diuers Gentlemen beside.1692E. Walker Epictetus' Mor. xx, Now if the same Behaviour be your Guide, In all the actions of your life beside.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. xxiv. (1806) 143 We can marry her to another..and what is more, she may keep her lover beside.1825Carlyle Schiller i. (1845) 11 It was by stealth if he read or wrote any thing beside.
b. As an additional consideration; moreover; = besides A. 2 b (by which now usually expressed).
1592Greene Art Conny Catch. iii. 8 The Maide..was not a little ioyfull to see him: beside, shee seemed proud that her kinsman was so neat a youth.1663Butler Hud. i. i. 127 Beside he was a shrewd philosopher.1871Browning Balaustion (1881) 148 Beside, when he found speech, you guess the speech.
3. Otherwise, else; = besides 3 (by which this is now usually expressed).
1588Shakes. L.L.L. i. i. 40 And one day in the week to touch no food, And but one meal on euery day beside.1649Milton Eikon. Pref. C, Rebels..to God in all thir actions beside.1734Pope Ess. Man iv. 243 To all beside as much an empty shade.1816J. Wilson City of Plague ii. i. 146 We talk'd Of thee and none beside.1843E. Jones Sens. & Event 57 And these forgetting, all beside In life will darken.
4. On or to one side, apart. Obs. (Now aside.)
a1375Cursor M. 3622 (Trin.), She went bi syde & hir biþouȝt.1375Barbour Bruce xi. 344 The toythir bataills suld be gangand Bisid on sid, a litill space.c1400Apol. Loll. 56 Peter tok him be side, & be gan to blam him.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 191 Goo thou..In-to the Cyte a lytyll be-syde.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. 152 Whiles y⊇ armies be fighting together in open feld, they a litle beside not farre of knele upon their knees.
b. esp. with set, put, leave, etc. (See aside 4).
1414Brampton Penit. Ps. lxxxvi. 33 Lust and lykyng I sette be syde.1436Pol. Poems (1859) II. 187 Yeue us grace alle sloughte to leue bysyde.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Matt. i. 21 He set his elder brother besyde.a1604Hanmer Chron. Irel. 17 In the end the two sonnes were put beside.
5. Toward the side, sidewise. Obs. (= aside 7).
c1400Destr. Troy 1221 Lamydon at the laste lokit besyde.
6. By the side so as to miss, by, past. to go beside: to pass on one side, to miss. Obs.
c1430Stans Puer 60 in Babees Bk. (1868) 31 Fille not þi spoon lest in þe cariage It scheede bi side, it were not commendable.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 35 b, And where it purposeth to go ouer the brydge, it gothe besyde, and falleth into the dyche.1592Shakes. Ven. & Ad. 981 Yet sometimes falls an orient drop beside Which her cheek melts.
B. prep.
1. lit. By the side of; hence, close to, hard by.
a. strictly. By the side of a person, animal, or thing that has a recognized side. (The more definite by the side of, by his, her, etc. side, is now often used instead, as being more distinct from b.)
c1205Lay. 21408 Þer fæht Baldulf bisiden his broðer.a1300Cursor M. 3873 Bisid lya al night he lai.Ibid. 1787 Þe leon suam beside þe hert.1493Festivall (W. de W. 1515) 10 Thenne falleth his sede besyde the waye.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 155 The thefe that honge on the crosse besyde our lorde.1611Bible Ps. xxiii. 2 He leadeth mee beside the still waters.1712Steele Spect. No. 460 ⁋7 The boy who stood beside her.1727Thomson Summer 11 Beside the brink Of haunted stream.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. xxi. (1806) 125 We sate beside his kitchen fire.1816J. Wilson City of Plague i. i. 319 Let me sit down beside you.
b. Less exactly: Close to, near any part of, by.
a1300Cursor M. 8207 And did be siden þaim laumpis liht.c1320Seuyn Sag. (W.) 3315 That castell That the se ran fast byside.c1375Wyclif Wks. (1880) 189 She saat bisiden cristis feet.c1430How Good Wife, etc. 172 in Babees Bk. (1868) 41 Please weel þi neiȝboris þat dwelle þee biside.1611Bible Song. Sol. i. 8 Feede thy kiddes beside the shepheards tents.c1680Beveridge Serm. (1729) II. 299 It doth not fall upon him but beside him.1884L. Keith Venetia's Lov. II. 11 You'll come beside us in the drawing room.
c. Formerly with names of towns, etc., where we now use by, near. Obs.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 31 Þe herdes wakeden ouer here oref biside þe burch belleem.1297R. Glouc. 558 To a toun biside Wircetre, þat Kemeseie ihote is.1382Wyclif Gen. xiii. 18 Abram..dwellide biside the valey of Mambre.1418E.E. Wills (1882) 32 Seint Gyles beside Holbourne.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xiv. 14 At the palaice of Westminster, beside London.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 556 He..was buried a little beside the same Citie.
d. fig. (a) Side by side with in rank, on a level with. (b) By the side of for comparison, compared with.
1513Douglas æneis i. Prol. 365 Besyde Latyne our langage is imperfite.1843Ruskin Mod. Paint. (1851) I. Pref. 20 Gainsborough's power of colour..is capable of taking rank beside that of Rubens.
2. In addition to, over and above, as well as; = besides B. 2 (by which now usually expressed).
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 3697 Bot speciel prayers with gude entente, Þat es made besyde þe sacramente.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 435 For þise sixe kyndenessis bysyde goostliche suffragies.1558Bp. Watson Sev. Sacr. xxx. 191 The priest..beside his praiers, doth minister the outwarde sacrament of Aneiling.1611Bible Lev. xxiii. 38 Beside the Sabbaths of the Lord, and beside your gifts.1774Sir J. Reynolds Disc. vi. (1876) 396 Beside his master Andrea Sacchi, he imitated Rafaelle.1832J. C. Hare in Philol. Museum I. 59 Beside the planets usually seen, there are other stars.1879Lewes Study Psychol. 70 Other men beside ourselves.
b. with obj. clause; = besides B. 2 b. Obs.
1651Life Father P. Sarpi (1676) 87 The Pope, beside that he is the head of Religion, is also a Prince.
3. Other than, else than; = besides B. 3 (by which this is now usually expressed).
c1400Apol. Loll. 43 If he haue ani þing bi syd þe Lord, þe Lord schal not be his part.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 238 b, In y⊇ whiche commaundement is prohybyte..all other maner of lechery, besyde the acte of matrimony.1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribae 422 No man beside Festus, in that fragment, doth tell us, etc.1710Shaftesbury Charac. i. §3 (1737) I. 65 None can understand the Speculation beside those who have the Practise.1827Bp. Heber Hymn, Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
4. Outside of, out of, away from. Obs.
a. By the side of so as to pass without contact, by the outside of, past, by. to go beside (L. præterīre): to pass by, pass over, miss. to look beside: to overlook, fail to see, miss. Obs.
c1375Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 15 Þei tristen on riȝt of mannis lawe, and gone ofte beside þe soþe.1382Prov. xix. 11 The glorie of hym is to go beside wicke thingys [1388 to passe ouere wickid thingis].1627Bp. Hall Epist. iv. iii. 341 Let vs but open our eyes, we cannot looke beside a lesson.1629Gaule Holy Madn. 95 Oh, doe him not the wrong to looke beside him, for if you see him not, hee comes by to no purpose.
b. Of position: Outside of, out of, away from.
c1400Apol. Loll. 1 To reduce me in to þe riȝt wey, if I haue gon biside þe wey in ani þing.1555in Strype Eccl. Mem. III. ii. App. xlvii. 143 Beside and without the compasse of the same Articles.1663Butler Hud. i. i. 502 As of Vagabonds we say That they are ne'er beside their way.
c. Of removal, deprivation: Out of, away from; esp. with put, set, pluck, etc. Obs.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par., Matt. ii. 25 Least he should be set beside the kingdome whiche he..held.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. 133 If they by couyne or gile be wiped beside their goodes.1553–87Foxe A. & M. II. 384 He put the new Pope Alexander beside the cushion and was made pope himself.1570–87Holinshed Scot. Chron. (1806) II. 60 One of them taking displeasure with his father..stepped to him and plucking her [a falcon] beside his fist wrong her neck.1660Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 2/1 Neleus Son of Cordrus being put beside the Kingdom of Athens by his younger Brother Medon.
5. fig. senses from 4.
a. Out of a mental state or condition, as beside one's patience, beside one's gravity, beside one's wits; now only in beside oneself: out of one's wits, out of one's senses; cf. F. hors de soi, Ger. ausser sich.
1490Caxton Eneydos xxvii. 98 Mad and beside herself.1526Frith Disp. Purgat. 175 The man was almost beside himself, and then was he sent to Oxford.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. i. 179 Enough to put him quite beside his patience.1611Bible Acts xxvi. 24 Festus saide with a lowd voyce, Paul, thou art beside [Tindale besides] thy selfe, much learning doeth make thee mad.1716Lady M. W. Montague Lett. I. vi. 20 This question almost put him beside his gravity.1827Hood Hero & Leand. cvii, Like an enchanted maid beside her wits.1884Queen Victoria More Leaves 399, I felt quite beside myself for joy and gratitude.
b. Away from, wide of (a mark); apart from, not embraced within (a plan, purpose, question).
1533More Debell. Salem Wks. 1021/2 He speketh al beside the purpose.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (1884) 51, I take it, M. Proctor was beside his book.1691Ray Creation i. (1704) 64 Because it is beside my Scope.1853Robertson Serm. Ser. iii. xiii. 158 The distinction..is an altogether false one and beside the question.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. iii. 285 The point on which the battle was being fought lay beside the real issue.1883Manch. Guard. 22 Oct. 5/3 Really this question is beside the mark.
c. Beyond the range or compass of (L. præter); utterly apart from; hence sometimes approaching the sense ‘contrary to.’ Obs.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 14 b, No persone may receyue..the counseyles of the holy goost, excepte he haue besyde nature a spirituall eare.1548Geste Pr. Masse 98 It is institute besyde Gods wrytten wordes and so contrarie to the same.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. viii. §2 (1622) 281 Vertues are begotten in vs, neither by nature, nor beside nature.c1688South Serm. (1715) 462 A Lye is properly an outward Signification of something contrary to, or, at least, beside the inward Sense of the Mind.a1758J. Edwards in N. Worcester Atoning Sacr. (1830) 140 Old men seldom have any advantage from new discoveries, because these are beside a way of thinking which they have been long used to.1773Johnson Lett. (1788) I. lxxiii. 106 At Durham, beside all expectation, I met an old friend.
C. Comb. beˈside-forth, besides-forth adv., moreover, further; beside-sitter, one who sits beside, an assessor; beˈsideward, ? outside, hard by, in the vicinity. Obs.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xvii. 22 Judas Macabeus, Ȝe and sexty þousande bisyde forth · þat ben nouȝt seyen here.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Luke i. 17 And yet was besides-forth an ungodly and a wicked person.1340Ayenb. 40 Þe kueade bezidezitteres, þet yeueþ þe kueade redes to þe demeres.1460Pol. Rel. & L. Poems (1866) 116 To men þat in þe cyte dwelle; And men þat dwellen be-sydwarde.

