
单词 cruciade
释义 cruciade, -ada, -at, cruceato
[Obs. forms of crusade, founded on med.L. cruciata, It. crociata, and allied Romanic forms; Littré has cruciade in sense b.]
a. A crusade.
b. A papal bull authorizing a crusade or giving privileges to those who engaged therein.
1429Petition in Rymer Foedera (1710) X. 419 That I may Publishe..the Cruciat [against Bohemia], whiche is committed unto me of our Holy Fadre..Considered that Cruciats have been late seen in this Land.1501Hen. VII in J. Gairdner Papers Reigns Rich. III & Hen. VII (Rolls) I. 154 That our said souuerain lord will suffre the cruciade to [proceed] and take effect.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xiii. 59 Few were found open-handed towards this Cruceato [huic cruce signationi].a1670Hacket Abp. Williams ii. 196 (D.) The Pope's Cruciada drew thousands of soldiers to adventure into the Holy War.

