
单词 magistral
释义 magistral, a. and n.|məˈdʒɪstrəl|
Also 6–7 magistrall.
[a. F. magistral or ad. L. magistrālis, f. magister master n.]
A. adj.
1. a. Of or pertaining to, or befitting a master; authoritative, dogmatic. Now rare.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. v. §9 Another Error is in the manner of the tradition and deliuerie of knowledge, which is for the most part Magistrall and peremptorie; and not ingenuous and faithfull.1626T. H[awkins] Caussin's Holy Crt. 149 We must haue an authority moouing, magistrall, and decisiue.1641Answ. Vind. Smectymnuus 27 Your assertion..is more Magistrall, then true.1862Ruskin Munera P. (1872) 110 Magistral powers, of the More over the less, and the forceful and free over the weak and servile elements of life.1942Partridge Usage & Abusage (1947) 5, I obtained permission from..eminent scholars..to quote at length from their magistral works.
b. Of a problem, a point of instruction: ? Handed down from the masters of a science; forming part of the accepted course of teaching. Obs.
1572Dee Math. Pref., Which thing, I leaue to your consideration: making hast to despatch an other Magistrall Probleme: and to bring it, nerer to your knowledge,..then the world (before this day) had it for you.1644Bulwer Chiron. 80 This action is Magistrall in Rhetorique, but grounded upon Nature.
2. Pharmacy.
a. Of a remedy, a formula: Devised by a physician for a particular case; not included in the recognized pharmacopœia; opposed to officinal.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. x. §8 Here is the deficience which I finde, that Physitians haue not..set downe and deliuered ouer, certaine Experimentall Medicines, for the Cure of particular Diseases; besides their own Coniecturall and Magistrall Descriptions.1635A. Read Tumors & Vlcers 271 Some magistrall compositions are required in the curation of these griefes.1638Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death (1651) 29 Some Magistrall Opiate weaker than those that are commonly in use.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 409 The Magistrall Decoction of Mallows.1831J. Davies Manual Mat. Med. Pref. 11 Some magistral formulæ to serve as examples of the manner of prescribing it.1875H. C. Wood Therap. (1879) 582 Cacao Butter..is..very largely used in the preparation of suppositories, both officinal and magistral.1878tr. von Ziemssen's Cycl. Med. VIII. 419 note, The curious magistral formula for this tincture is the following.
b. By some writers app. taken to mean: ‘Sovereign’, supremely effective. Obs.
1592G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 37 Who knoweth not that Magistrall vnguent [cf. magistralis unctio in Du Cange], knoweth nothing: and who hath that magistral vnguent, feareth no gunshott.1641Shirley Cardinal v. iii, Receive This ivory box; in it, an antidote 'Bove that they boast the great magistral medicine.1678Salmon Lond. Disp. 645/2 A magistral pouder against worm.
3. Fortification. Leading, principal, ‘master-’.
1828J. M. Spearman Brit. Gunner (ed. 2) 302 The principal or magistral gallery runs all round the work, under the banquette of the covered-way.1838Penny Cycl. X. 375/2 The line which on the plan indicates the directions of the faces, flanks, etc., of the works is called the magistral line.1872Voyle & Stevenson Mil. Dict., Magistral line...In field fortifications, this line is the interior crest line. In permanent fortifications, it is usually the line of the top of the escarp of each work.
4. In occasional uses: Having the title of ‘Master’; of or pertaining to a ‘master’ or ‘masters’ (in various applications of the word).
1837G. S. Faber Prim. Doctr. Justif. 268 Thomas Aquinas..and his magistral predecessor [sc. the Master of the Sentences].1878Ruskin Fors Clav. lxxxvi, The men are rebuked, in the magistral homilies, for their ingratitude in striking.1881F. E. Hulme Town, College, & Neighb. Marlborough 91 The magistral staff is composed of the Master and about thirty assistant masters.1882Gentl. Mag. May 570 According to the masters [sc. the Meistersingers], the institution of the school of magistral song was of the remotest antiquity.
5. Used for: Masterly. [So in Fr.] rare—1.
1889J. M. Robertson Ess. Crit. Method 256 Magistral as Milton at his greatest, but subtle beyond his scope.
B. n.
1. Pharmacy. A magistral preparation or formula. Obs.
1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. iv. i. v, Every Citty, Towne, almost euery priuate man hath his owne..receits, magistralls, precepts, as if hee scorned antiquity.1654Whitlock Zootomia 103 Hee pretendeth to Magistralls, that none but his Apothecary and he must understand.1670Lex Talionis 29 He shall..prescribe so many of his Nostrums and Magistrals, as he calls them.
fig.1647Hammond Serm. x. Wks. 1683 IV. 535 But for the magistrals of nature and art, such are Gods smitings and punishments, which cost God dear, as it were, he is fain to fetch them from far.
2. Fortification. = magistral line. (See A. 3.)
1853Stocqueler Milit. Encycl., Magistral, the tracing or guiding line in fortification..from which the position of all the other works is determined. In field fortification the crest line of the parapet is the magistral; in permanent fortification the cordon..is the guide.
3. Eccl. A Spanish cathedral priest, with special duties as a preacher.
1772Nugent tr. Hist. Friar Gerund II. 83 The Magistral..had purposely seated himself in the confessional of the parson of the parish.
4. Min. [Sp. |maxisˈtral|.] (See quot.)
1839Ure Dict. Arts, Magistral, in the language of the Spanish smelters of Mexico and South America, is the roasted and pulverized copper pyrites, which is added to the ground ores of silver..for the purpose of decomposing the horn silver present.1881in Raymond Mining Gloss.

