
单词 overday
释义 ˈoverday, a.
[over- 32.]
Designating a herring that is not freshly caught. Also absol.
1883Walsh Irish Fisheries 14 (Fish. Exhib. Publ.) Making the fish (what is called) ‘over day’, or stale fish.1889Tit-Bits 17 Aug. 298 About 24 hours after capture the herring is liable to the pouring out of extravasation of blood about his gills and fins, which..bruised appearance is quaintly called in the fish trade over-day tarts.1927Sunday Express 23 Oct. 5/1 Some of the herrings caught to-day are what is known as ‘overdays’. A herring becomes an ‘overday’ if not sold within twelve hours of leaving the water, and its price drops precipitately.1958New Statesman 23 Aug. 218/1 ‘Overdays’ herring, not completely fresh, can still make oil and meal, though ‘sludge’ needs fresh fish.

