
单词 photograph
释义 I. photograph, n.|ˈfəʊtəgrɑːf, -æ-|
[f. Gr. ϕῶς, ϕωτο- light (photo- 1) + -γραϕος written, delineated (cf. autograph, paragraph): as to origin, see photography. Cf. Ger. photograph, F. photographe, photographer, f. Gr. -γράϕος writer, delineator: see -graph.
English has also in telegraph (from Fr.) and its likes, examples of -graph Gr. -γράϕος) in the agent sense, which have been complemented by forms in -gram (e.g. telegram) in the passive or resultant sense; influenced by which, some have used photogram, after telegram, instead of photograph; but this has not found general acceptance.]
a. A picture, likeness, or facsimile obtained by photography.
1839Sir J. Herschel in Proc. Roy. Soc. (Mar. 14) IV. 132 Pure water will fix the photograph by washing out the nitrate of silver. [Note, Twenty-three specimens of photographs, made by Sir John Herschel, accompany this paper; one a sketch of his telescope at Slough fixed from the image in a lens.]1840(Mar. 5) Ibid. 207 Hence are deduced..secondly, the possibility of the future production of naturally coloured photographs.1841Talbot Specif. Patent No. 8842. 4 It is possible to strengthen and revive photographs.1861Musgrave By-roads 238 As evanescent as a photograph, which grows faint and fainter in tint the longer it remains exposed to the sun and air.1875tr. Vogel's Chem. Light xiv. 158 A photograph taken from a photograph is never so fine as an original picture.1901Munsey's Mag. XXV. 649/1 The first man to obtain a permanent photograph, in the modern sense of the word, was Nicephore Niepce, a Frenchman, who died in 1833.
b. fig. A picture, esp. a mental or verbal image or delineation; a description having the exact detail of a photograph.
1852Bailey Festus xx. (ed. 5) 336 A photograph of pre-existent light Or Paradisal sun.1869Goulburn Purs. Holiness x. 94 [In the gospels] you have four photographs of Our Lord in different postures.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. xxiv. 403 While Domesday gives us a photograph, the compilers of codes give us an artistic picture.
c. attrib. and Comb., as photograph album, photograph book, photograph camera, photograph frame, photograph gallery; photograph-like adj.
1858N.Y. Tribune 4 Nov. 1/2 The first number of The Photograph News appeared last Friday.1858F. J. Cook Let. 19 Sept. in F. G. Bascom Lett. Ticonderoga Farmer (1946) 46, I..visited..Brady's celebrated photograph gallery.1870O. Logan Before Footlights 258 The only thing worth carrying away was a decent sort of photograph album.1872E. Wordsworth in E. Romanes C. M. Yonge (1908) ix. 150, I found her armed with a large photograph-book of friends and relations.1873Young Englishwoman Feb. 94/2 Photograph frame in leather work.1888Mrs. H. Ward R. Elsmere I. iii. 76 Mrs. Seaton was severely turning over a photograph book.1896Westm. Gaz. 26 Sept. 3/2 The inimitable sketches of life in that little country town were at once recognised for their photograph-like fidelity.1900Daily News 19 Apr. 7/1 The photograph camera can be the biggest liar on the face of the earth.1940T. S. Eliot East Coker v. 14 The evening with the photograph album.1949Chicago Tribune 18 Sept. 27/4 Andrew Burgess..bought and operated Brady's national photograf gallery in Washington.
II. photograph, v.|ˈfəʊtəgrɑːf, -æ-|
[f. prec. n.]
1. a. trans. To take a photograph of.
1839Sir J. Herschel MS. Mems. (on 2 Negatives) ‘Photographed Feb. 17 /39. Hyp. Sod.’—‘Hyp. So., Hy. Su.; J.F.W.H. Photogr. Feb. 17 /39’.a1846Monthly Rev. cited in Worcester.1861Musgrave By-roads 25 Mons. Souquet has photographed it.1883Hardwich's Photogr. Chem. (ed. Taylor) 201 When a distant landscape is photographed, a large number of rays of light are concentrated upon the film.1898Watts-Dunton Aylwin i. vi, One Raxton fair-day I induced Winnie to be photographed.
b. absol. or intr. To practise photography, take photographs. Also fig.
1857C. Kingsley Two Yrs. Ago III. i. 37 If any one will ensure me a poor two thousand a year, I will promise to photograph no more.1861Carlyle Let. in Trench's Lett. & Mem. (1888) I. 332 That charming bit of ‘Diary’... It is..faithful as a picture by the sun;..photographing for us in that manner.
c. intr. (for pass.). To undergo being photographed; to ‘take’ (well or badly).
1893Chamb. Jrnl. 28 Oct. 676/1, I do not photograph at all well.1919Conquest Nov. 24/1 The red leaves of autumn photograph as black.1931F. L. Allen Only Yesterday vi. 126 He photographed well and the pictures of him in the rotogravure sections won him affection and respect.1949E. Coxhead Wind in West i. 10 A creamily handsome young woman..Hedy Lamarr type, would photograph, summed up Tony at a glance.1965Listener 18 Nov. 817/2 Wales photographs beautifully: the short, slated roofs, the coal-tips and the valleys, the terraced houses on grey streets—none of them loses much in black and white reproduction.1974‘E. Lathen’ Sweet & Low xix. 183, I don't like the way he photographs. Yours is the face I want.
2. trans. fig. To portray vividly in words; to fix or impress on the mind or memory.
1862Lady Morgan Mem. I. 21 These wild, incredible, and apparently fabulous scenes..are indelibly photographed on a memory from which few things..have been effaced.1865Bushnell Vicar. Sacr. iii. v. 296 In the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew He photographs the transaction in a scene of judgment.
Hence ˈphotographed ppl. a., ˈphotographing vbl. n.
1864Daily Tel. 14 June, Who are all these photographed people?c1865J. Wylde in Circ. Sc. I. 140/2 All attempts at photographing must..fail.Ibid. 157/2 The contrast of light and shade, on which depends the beauty of all photographed productions.1883Harper's Mag. Jan. 241/2 Albums of photographed hands are fashionable.1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 149 Photographing, or ‘Light drawing’ is both a physical and a chemical process.

