
单词 war-lord
释义 war-lord
a. A military commander or commander-in-chief. Often used to render Kriegsherr as a title of the German Emperor; also attrib.
1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Aristocr. Wks. (Bohn) II. 77 Piracy and war gave place to trade, politics, and letters; the war-lord to the law-lord.1875Morris æneids ix. 39 æneas, war-lord wise.1888Boston (Mass.) Transcript 7 July 4/4 The very bristling and ‘war-lord’ talk of the young Emperor William.1897Edin. Rev. Oct. 534 The officers of the [German] army, with all their traditional loyalty to their ‘war-lord’.
b. [tr. Chinese jūnfà.] In China, a military commander who had a regional power base and ruled independently of the central government, esp. in the period 1916–28.
1922N.Y. Times 31 Dec. viii. 12/3 Each provincial Tuchun, or Military Governor, is a little or a big war lord with his own army and his own laws; and his regard for the Peking Government is proportioned inversely to the size of his army and his distance from the capital.1926P. Weale Why China sees Red ii. 43 The whole war-lord system, which is based on the interception of national revenue at the points where it is levied and on nothing else, was about to be rudely tested.Ibid. 44 The Manchurian war-lord was just as sly.1937V. Bartlett This is my Life xi. 174 Many gentlemen..at the Shanghai Club became indignant over my pronunciation of the names of Chinese war-lords.1959Listener 5 Feb. 238/2 Many millions more have died since, because of floods, drought, war lords, and civil war.1962E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) xxxv. 264 The local warlord governor, Yang Hu-ch'eng, was also more interested in keeping the Generalissimo's troops out of Shensi than continuing the civil war.1978D. Bloodworth Crosstalk vii. 56 Any Chinese general who decided to play the rebel warlord in those regions..would..prove a dangerous and difficult man to suppress.
Hence ˈwarlordism, the policies or practices of a war-lord; government by war-lords; ˈwarlordship, the status of a war-lord.
1913C. Tower Germany To-day ii. 36 The Kaisership is the old Presidency of the bund plus the warlordship.1962E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) xxxix. 285 Throughout his struggles with provincial warlordism, ‘communist-bandits’, and finally with the Japanese, Chiang remained essentially an old-fashioned militarist.1966New Statesman 18 Mar. 366/3 Is Indonesia now in for a spell of regional warlordism?1971W. F. Dorrill in T. W. Robinson Cultural Revolution in China ii. 42 Individual numbers of this journal..charge that P'eng Teh-huai..instituted ‘warlordism’ (maltreating troops and straining relations between officers and men).1979Guardian 1 Aug. 5/6 Petty warlordism, protection rackets, the levying of ‘taxes’..have alienated the natural allies of the Palestinians.

