
单词 parament
释义 ˈparament Obs.
Also 5 parement.
[a. OF. parament (10th c. in Littré), parement (13th c.) = It., Sp. paramento, late L. parāmentum ornament (Augustine), f. L. parāre to make ready, prepare, fit out, deck, adorn: see -ment.]
An ornament, a decoration. chamber of parament, a richly decorated room, hung with tapestry, etc.; a state room; a presence chamber.
c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1106 Dido, To daunsynge chaumberys ful of paramentys..This Enyas is led.c1386Sqr.'s T. 261 Til he cam to his chambre of parementz.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon vi. 151 The chambre of paremente, whiche was hanged right rychely.1529More Dyaloge i. ii. Wks. 114 Woulde suffre no such superfluite in the paramentes of the church.1589T. L. Advt. Q. Eliz. (1651) 49 All the delices, the pompes and paraments of her oppressors, shall vanish as a dreame.1654H. L'Estrange K. Chas. I (1655) 112 Taking away the Crucifixes, Chalices, and Paraments of the Altar.1706Phillips, Parament, an Ornament for an Altar.
b. A decorated robe, a robe of state.
c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 1643 Lordes in paramentz on hir courseres.1474Caxton Chesse ii. ii, One of the best parements and maketh a womman most fayr in her persone is to be shamefast.1656Blount Glossogr., Paraments, robes of state.

