
单词 passepied
释义 passepied, paspy|ˈpɑspje, ˈpɑːspɪ, -æ-|
[F. passe-pied (16th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), f. passe vb. imp. (see passe-) + pied foot, lit. pass (the) foot.]
A French dance, resembling the minuet, but quicker, which became popular in England towards the beginning of the 18th c. (Grove); also, the music for this dance, in triple rhythm.
Said to be of Breton origin, and to have been first danced in Paris by street-dancers in 1587. (Grove Dict. Mus.)
a1695Purcell in Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms (title of piece), Paspy.c1700Croft ibid. (title of piece), The English Paspy.1696tr. Du Mont's Voy. Levant 284 A kind of Gavote or Branle, in which the Men and Women are mingl'd, as at Passepied in France.1724Short Explic. For. Wds. in Mus. Bks., Passepied, is an Air very much like a Minuet in all Respects, only to be play'd more brisk and lively.1898Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms, Paspy, the English name for the dance Passe-pied. Hawkins says it ‘is said to have been invented in Bretagne, and it is in effect a quick minuet’... From the fact that examples exist by writers as late as Purcell and Croft, it could not have been out of fashion in their time.

