
单词 neophyte
释义 neophyte|ˈniːəʊfaɪt|
Also 6–7 (9) -phite.
[= F. néophyte ( neofite, 14th c.), ad. eccl. L. neophytus, ad. Gr. νεόϕυτος (1 Tim. iii. 6), lit. ‘newly planted’, f. νέος neo- + ϕυτόν plant, ϕυτεύειν to plant.
Not in general use before the 19th c. Its employment in the Rheims N.T., though defended by the translators, was objected to by their contemporaries:—
1582N. T. (Rhem.) Pref. to Rdr. c iij, If Proselyte be a received word in the English bibles,..why may not we be bold to say, Neophyte?1583Fulke Def. Tr. Script. iii. (1843) 207 Except you would coin such ridiculous inkhorn terms, as you do in the New Testament, azymes, prepuce, neophyte..and such like.a1603T. Cartwright Confut. Rhem. N.T. Pref. (1618) 35 Neophyte, to a bare Englishman is nothing at all, no more then depositum, exinanited, exhaust.]
1. a. A new convert; one newly admitted to a church or religious body. Used chiefly with ref. to the primitive Christian, or the Roman Catholic, Church; in the latter also applied to a newly ordained priest, or to a novice of a religious order.
a1550Image Hypocr. ii. in Skelton's Wks. (1843) II. 423/2 Of these neophites, And pevishe proselites, Springe vpp ipocrites.1582N.T. (Rhem.) 1 Tim. iii. 6 Not a neophyte: lest being puffed up with pride, he fall into the judgment of the devil.1610Donne Pseudo-martyr 341 What opinion was held of our Bishoppe Grosthead..a late Neophite of your Church hath obserued.a1661Fuller Worthies, Durham i. (1662) 293 S. Paul forbidding such a Neophyte or Novice admission into that Office.1760T. Hutchinson Hist. Mass. iii. (1765) 264 To secure his neophytes or converts to the interest of his sovereign.1834Lytton Pompeii iv. iv, The face of the old man was as balm to the excited spirit of the neophyte.1876Farrar Marlb. Serm. iii. 23 Nor in the inexperienced neophyte..do we expect the vision of the mystic.
b. In predicative use as adj. Obs. rare—1.
1600Hakluyt Voy. (1811) IV. 559 Being Neophyte (that is) newly come to the fayth, and not yet confirmed in our religion.
2. One who is new to a subject; a beginner, tyro, novice.
1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. v. iv, Away, neophite, do as I bid thee, bring my dear George to me.1601Poetaster i. ii, He tells thee true, my noble Neophyte.1648Gage West Ind. xii. 66 Better observations then myself (who am but a Neophyte) am able to deduct.1826Scott Woodst. ix, It was almost ludicrous to see how often the hand of the neophyte directed itself naturally to a large black leathern jack.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 116 These editors assuredly have scared away many a neophyte in our vernacular literature.1874Cooke Fungi 1 Such an encounter usually perplexes the neophyte at first.
attrib.1599B. Jonson Cynthia's Rev. iii. i, It is with your young grammaticall courtier, as with your neophyte-player.1860Adler Prov. Poet. xv. 310 The neophyte warrior was required to take an oath..dictated by the Church.1883Stevenson Silverado Sq. 44 A certain neophite and girlish trepidation.
3. Bot. A plant found in an area in which it has not been recorded before.
1916B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms (ed. 3) 248/1 Neophyte..a newly introduced plant (Rikli).1970Watsonia VIII. 157 Besides these three widespread neophytes, some other exotic taxa occur as ornamentals in gardens and parks.
Hence ˈneophytic, ˈneophytish adjs.; also ˈneophytism, the condition of a neophyte.
1862Temple Bar IV. 476, I might plead my neophytism as an excuse.1886Pall Mall G. 6 Sept. 3/1 Rushing to this conclusion with..neophytic ardour.1897Daily News 7 July 7/3 Every limb of the law, however neophytish he might be.

