
单词 morphew
释义 morphew Obs.|ˈmɔːfjuː|
Forms: 4–6 morphe, 5 morphu, -fu, -fw, morffue, 5–6 morfew, 5–7 morphue, 6 morfewe, 6–7 morphewe, 5–9 morphew.
[ad. med.L. morphea (written in mod.L. Morphœa), a. It. morfea, of obscure origin. Cf. F. morphée (16th c.).]
A leprous or scurfy eruption. black morphew, white morphew.
a1400Stockh. Med. MS. ii. 962 in Anglia XVIII, It distroith þe morphe And disposing to þe lepre.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. (Brit. Mus. Add. MS.) 4 Cap. iiij of Morfu, ffrakles,..& Cicatrices of woundes.Ibid. 193 Morphue.Ibid. 195 Þe white morphu is curid wiþ purgacioun þat purgiþ roten fleume.Ibid., Þe blac morphe is curid wiþ ofte purging of malancoli.c1440Promp. Parv. 343/1 Morfu, sekenesse, morphea.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde iv. vi. (1634) 201 This is also very good for the Morphew, and other discoloration or staining of the skin.1562Turner Baths 1 The bathes of brimstone..are good for the whyte morphewe and black.1586Bright Melanch. xxi. 124 Then altereth the colour, and fairenesse is turned into morphe.1688Holme Armoury ii. 428/1 Morphew is a disease that dyeth the skin yellow.1748–9Gen. Advertiser No. 4440 Tetters, Ring-worms, Morphew, Sun-burn.1794–6E. Darwin Zoon. (1801) III. 124 Morphew or freckles—Tawny blotches on the skin of the face and arms of elderly people.1810Splendid Follies II. 106 A few morphews and wrinkles incident to her age.1835Browning Paracelsus iv. 117 My outward crust Of lies, which wrap as tetter, morphew, furfair, Wrap the sound flesh.
fig.1610Bp. Hall Apol. Brownists 29 He cannot but acknowledge..a true face of a Church (though ouer-spreade with some morphue of corruptions).1647Ward Simp. Cobler 21 No man ever saw a gray haire on the head..of any Truth, wrinckle, or morphew on its face.
attrib.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. Q iv b, The seconde is a morfewe colour & derke.1640H. Mill Nts. Search 147 The morphew wals are growne so bleake and thin, They have..lost the outward skin.
Hence ˈmorphewed ppl. a., afflicted with morphew; also fig.
1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. v. 26 Whose..sullen rags bewray his Morphew'd skin.1610R. Tofte Honours Acad. iv. 150 Thogh the Sunne sheweth himselfe pale, morphewed and ghastly, yet was he by all creatures..desired.1646G. Daniel Poems Wks. 1878 I. 7 Sometime put A gracefull mole, for a dull morphew'd Spot.1694Westmacott Script. Herb. 65 Mark that, you women, and morphew'd ladies.

