
单词 whale-bird
释义 ˈwhale-bird
Name of various birds which inhabit the places where whales are found, or which feed on their oil or offal: (a) a petrel of the genus Prion or Procellaria; (b) the turnstone, Strepsilas interpres; (c) the red or grey phalarope; (d) the ivory gull.
1768Phil. Trans. LX. 117 Another bird, not much unlike a quail, which they call here the whale-bird, from its feeding on the offal of those fish.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Whale-bird, a beautiful little bird seen hovering in flocks over the Southern Ocean.1875Melliss St. Helena 200 The Whale Bird (Procellaria glacialoides).1879Bulletin U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 15. 85 Phalaropus fulicarius,..‘Shatgak’, Cumberland Eskimo. ‘Whale-bird’, or ‘Bow⁓head Bird’, of whalemen.

