例句 ADULT1 adult2 to become an adult3 the time when someone is an adultRELATED WORDSoppositeCHILDBABYyoung person who is almost an adult 快要成年的年轻人 YOUNG (4)films, books about sex 与性有关的电影、书籍 SEXsee alsoOLDYOUNG1 adult 成年人 adult /ˈædʌlt, əˈdʌlt/ [countable noun] someone who is no longer a child - use this to talk about someone who is at least 18 大人,成年人〔指至少已满18岁的人〕 The cost of the trip is $59 for adults and $30 for children. 旅行费用是成年人59美元,儿童30美元。 Since I left school, my parents have started to treat me like an adult. 自从我离开学校后,父母就开始把我当大人看待了。 Children cannot be admitted to the museum unless they are accompanied by an adult. 小孩没有大人陪同不得进入博物馆。 adult [adjective only before noun] The book is intended for adult readers. 这本书是给成年读者看的。 Over 30% of the adult population were illiterate. 百分之三十以上的成年人不识字。 The government has announced plans to increase spending on adult education. 政府已宣布计划增加成人教育的开支。 grown-up /ˌgrəʊn ˈʌp◂/ [countable noun] an adult - used especially by children or when you are talking to children 大人〔尤作儿语〕 Grown-ups are so boring! All they ever do is talk! 大人真无聊!他们总是说个没完! At home there was always a grown-up to turn to if you were in trouble. 如果你碰到什么麻烦,家里总有一个大人可以依靠。 grown-up /ˈgrəʊn ʌp/ [adjective] She has three grown-up sons. 她有三个已经成年的儿子。 Our children are all grown-up now. 我们的孩子现在都已长大成人。 This was the first grown-up party she'd ever been to. 这是她参加的第一个成人聚会。 grown man/woman /ˌgrəʊn ˈmæn, ˈwʊmən/ [countable noun] an adult man or woman - used especially when you think someone is not behaving in the way an adult should behave 成年男子/女子,成年人,大人〔尤用于认为某人的行为方式不像成年人时〕 Elsie had never seen a grown man cry before. 埃尔茜以前从没见过一个成年男子哭。 He' s a grown man - he should be able to cook for himself! 他是个成年人—应该能自己做饭了! She's crazy -- a grown woman letting a girl order her around like that. 她真可笑—一个成年女人竟然让一个小女孩那样差来遣去的。 full-grown/fully grown /ˌfʊl ˈgrəʊn◂, ˌfʊli-/ [adjective] a full-grown or fully grown animal has reached its full adult size 〔动物〕已经长成的,成年的 A full-grown blue whale may be up to 30 metres long. 一头成年的蓝鲸可能会长达30米。 Many of these animals die before they are fully grown. 这些动物有许多还未成年就死了。 Will my tank be big enough for all these fish when they are fully grown? 等到这些鱼完全长成,我的鱼缸还能都装得下吗?2 to become an adult 成年 grow up /ˌgrəʊ ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大了想干什么? We plan to go and live in Florida when the children have all grown up. 我们打算等到孩子们全部长大就搬到佛罗里达去住。 mature /məˈtʃʊəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to become fully grown or developed 成熟,长大 Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally. 女孩子不管在生理上还是感情上都往往比男孩子成熟得快。 The fly matures in only seven days. 这种蝇七天就能成熟。 come of age /ˌkʌm əv ˈeɪdʒ/ [verb phrase] to reach the age when you have the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult, usually 18 or 21 - used in legal contexts 成年,达到法定年龄〔通常是18岁或21岁;用于法律上〕 Emma will inherit a fortune when she comes of age. 埃玛成年后将继承一笔财产。 They planned to marry as soon as she came of age. 他们打算等她一满法定年龄就结婚。3 the time when someone is an adult 某人成年后的时间 adult life /ˌædʌlt ˈlaɪf/ [uncountable noun] the part of someone's life when they are an adult 成年时期,成年的生活 He has spent most of his adult life in the States. 他成年后大部分时间是在美国度过的。 adulthood /ˈædʌlthʊd, əˈdʌlthʊd/ [uncountable noun] the time when someone is an adult - use this especially to talk about people reaching this time 成年时期;成年〔尤用于表示人到了成年〕 Children with the disease have little chance of surviving to adulthood. 患有这种疾病的儿童几乎没有可能活到成年。reach adulthood Nowadays young people want to leave home as soon as they reach adulthood. 如今的年轻人一到成年便想离家。 maturity /məˈtʃʊərɪti, məˈtʃʊərəti/ [uncountable noun] if a person, animal, or plant reaches maturity, they have grown or developed completely 〔人、动物或植物的〕成熟期 reach maturity The plant reaches maturity after two years. 这种植物两年后就到达成熟期。 Sharks take 10 years to reach maturity. 鲨鱼要十年才成年。

