例句 COUNTRYcountry/nation1 a country2 a country that is partly or completely controlled by another3 land that belongs to a particular country4 all the people who live in a particular country5 someone from a particular country6 the legal right to live in a particular country7 the country where you were born8 having a great love of your country9 people who want their country or area to be independent10 happening in, or relating to a particular country11 belonging to, provided by, or involving a particular country12 happening in or involving a lot of countriescountry/countryside13 the area away from towns and cities14 in or from the area away from towns or citiesRELATED WORDScome from a country 来自一个国家 COME FROMleave a country 离开一个国家 LEAVEan area of a country 一个国家中的地区 AREAsee alsoLAND/GROUNDWORLD1 a country 国家 country /ˈkʌntri/ [countable noun] a separate independent area of land whose people have their own government, president, king etc 国,国家 Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world. 巴西是世界上最大的国家之一。 The northeast of the country will experience heavy rainfall and high winds. 该国东北部地区将有暴雨,并刮大风。 Most people in this country are worried about the economy. 此国大多数人都在为经济担心。all over/all around the country Riots and demonstrations broke out all over the country after the assassination of Martin Luther King. 马丁·路德·金遭暗杀后,全国各地都爆发了骚乱和示威游行。 nation /ˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] a country considered especially in relation to its people and its social and economic conditions and structures 〔尤指从国民以及社会经济状况与结构考虑的〕国家 Japan has become one of the richest nations in the world. 日本已成为世界上最富裕的国家之一。 Representatives from the world's leading industrial nations will meet in Geneva. 来自世界上各主要工业国的代表将在日内瓦举行会议。nation of We are a nation of both great wealth and terrible poverty. 我们是个集巨大财富和极度贫困于一身的国家。 state /steɪt/ [countable noun] a country considered especially as a political unit that has a particular type of political organization 〔尤指从政治组织上考虑的〕国家 In 1830, Greece became an independent state. 1830年,希腊成为独立国家。 The state of Israel was created in 1948. 以色列国建于1948年。a democratic/one-party etc state with that type of government 民主国家/一党制国家等 For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state. 七十多年来,苏联一直是一党执政的国家。member state a country belonging to an international organization 成员国 the member states of the European Union 欧盟各成员国 power /ˈpaʊəʳ/ [countable noun] a strong country that is able to influence other countries politically or economically 强国,大国 The western powers hardly knew how to react to this threat. 西方各大强国几乎不知道如何应对这种威胁。 France was the only European power not to sign the treaty. 法国是唯一拒绝签署该条约的欧洲大国。world power having influence all over the world 世界强国 Germany's strong industrial base has helped maintain its status as a major world power. 德国强大的工业基础有助于保持其世界主要强国的地位。 superpower /ˈsuːpəʳˌpaʊəʳ, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [countable noun] a nation that has very great military and political power 超级大国 The book traces the emergence of China as a superpower in the 21st century. 该书探讨了21世纪中国崛起为超级大国的前因后果。 land /lænd/ [countable noun] country - use this especially in stories and in formal speeches 国家,国度〔尤用于故事和正式演讲中〕 His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs. 他在外国的游历为他提供了许多诗与歌曲的灵感。 Our story takes place in a far-off land, long, long ago. 我们的故事发生在很久很久以前的一个遥远的国度。2 a country that is partly or completely controlled by another 局部或全部被另一国家控制的国家 colony /ˈkɒləniǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] a country that has no independent government of its own and is controlled by another, more powerful country 殖民地 The United States was once a colony of Great Britain. 美国以前曾是英国的殖民地。 In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia gained independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe. 1980年,原为英国殖民地的罗得西亚获得独立,成为津巴布韦共和国。 colonial /kəˈləʊniəl/ [adjective] The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule. 非洲人民反抗殖民统治的斗争已取得成效。3 land that belongs to a particular country 某个国家的领土 territory /ˈterɪtəri, ˈterətəriǁ-tɔːri/ [uncountable noun] Colombian guerrillas had reportedly been operating in Venezuelan territory. 据报道,哥伦比亚游击队一直在委内瑞拉领土上活动。 Ecevit campaigned in May 1991 to have foreign troops removed from Turkish territory. 1991年5月,埃杰维特发起运动要求外国军队撤出土耳其领土。 soil /sɔɪl/ [uncountable noun] on British/French/US etc soil on land that belongs to Britain, France, the US etc - use this to talk especially about important events 在英国/法国/美国等国土上〔尤用于谈重大事件 The treaty will be signed on US soil. 该条约将在美国国土上签署。 This was the first time that the Pope had set foot on Cuban soil. 这是教皇首次踏上古巴国土。4 all the people who live in a particular country 某个国家的全体国民 the people /ðə ˈpiːpəl/ [singular noun] all the people of a country 人民,国民 It was a fair election, the people have made their decision, and we must all accept it. 这是一场公平的竞选,人民已经作了决定,我们必须接受他们的判断。the American/British/Thai etc people UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the British should stand shoulder to shoulder with the American people. 英国首相布莱尔说英国人民应当同美国人民肩并肩站在一起。my/our people ‘Millions of our people are still victims of poverty,’ said Mandela. “数百万人民仍旧在受贫穷之苦。”曼德拉说。the people of To what extent did the people of Italy support the new government? 意大利国民支持新政府到何种程度? the nation/the country /ðə ˈneɪʃən, ðə ˈkʌntri/ [singular noun] all the people of a country, considered together as a group - use this especially to talk about important events that affect everyone in the country 全体国民〔尤用于谈论举国上下都受到影响的重大事件〕 The President will make a radio broadcast to the nation this evening. 总统将于今晚向全国人民发表广播演说。 When Churchill died, the whole nation went into mourning. 丘吉尔逝世,举国哀悼。 The president seems to no longer care what the country thinks. 总统好像已不介意人民的想法。 People think our country has lost its sense of purpose and direction. 民众认为我们国家已经失去了目标感和方向感。 population /ˌpɒpjɑˈleɪʃənǁˌpɑː-/ [countable noun usually singular] the total number of people who live in a particular country or the total number of a particular group of people 人口 In many Western European countries the population is no longer increasing. 在许多西欧国家,人口已停止增长。population of The population of Germany is about 80 million. 德国人口大约有8,000万。the Jewish/Russian/Asian etc population The country's Jewish population was angered by the prime minister's remarks. 该国的犹太人被总理的言辞激怒了。5 someone from a particular country 某个国家的人 citizen /ˈsɪtɪzən, ˈsɪtəzən/ [countable noun] someone from a particular country, especially someone who has rights in that country, such as the right to vote and the right to live there permanently 公民,国民 Noriko's a Japanese citizen, but her parents are originally from South Korea. 典子是日本公民,但她的父母原籍韩国。 Fahd became a British citizen after living there for several years. 法德在英国居住几年后成为英国公民。citizen of Claire is now a citizen of the US. 克莱尔现在是美国公民。 national /ˈnæʃənəl/ [countable noun] someone who is a citizen of a particular country - use this about someone who is living in another country 侨民 Polish/American etc national There are many Russian nationals living in Frankfurt. 法兰克福居住着许多俄国侨民。foreign national During the war, foreign nationals were forced to leave the country. 战争期间,外国侨民被迫离开该国。 a native of /ə ˈneɪtɪv ɒv/ [noun phrase] formal someone who was born in a particular country, used especially to talk about the life of a famous person who moved to another country 【正式】…的本国人 a native of Spain/France/Scotland etc Picasso was a native of Spain, although he spent much of his life in France. 毕加索是西班牙人,虽然他大半生是在法国度过的。6 the legal right to live in a particular country 居住在某个国家的合法权利 nationality /ˌnæʃəˈnælɪti, ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/ [countable/uncountable noun] The application form asks you to state your name, age, and nationality. 申请表要求填上姓名、年龄和国籍。French/German/British etc nationality Despite being born in Germany, these children do not have an automatic right to German nationality. 尽管这些孩子在德国出生,他们并不能自动获得德国国籍。dual nationality nationality of two countries 双重国籍 Jeanne has dual nationality because her mother is French and her father is English. 珍妮具有双重国籍,因为她母亲是法国人,父亲是英国人。nationality of The nationalities of the plane crash victims have not yet been released. 飞机失事罹难者的国籍尚未公布。 citizenship /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp, ˈsɪtəzənʃɪp/ [uncountable noun] the legal right to live in a country, use this especially when this right is given to someone who comes from another country 公民资格,公民身份〔尤指侨民、移民等〕 After five years in the US, foreign nationals can apply for full US citizenship. 在美国居住五年后,外国侨民可以申请美国公民身份。grant somebody citizenship officially give someone citizenship 正式给予公民身份 Krebs was granted French citizenship in 1992. 1992年,克雷布斯正式取得法国公民身份。7 the country where you were born 出生国 home country /ˌhəʊm ˈkʌntri/ [countable noun] Many of the refugees are keen to return to their home countries now that the fighting has stopped. 战争结束,许多难民渴望回到祖国。 Jesper Parnevik became the first Swedish golfer to win a European Tour event in his home country. 杰斯珀·帕内维克是首位在瑞典赢得欧洲巡回赛的瑞典高尔夫选手。 After spending seven years in Japan, Claude returned to his home country of France. 在日本住了七年后,克劳德回到了祖国法国。 native land /ˌneɪtɪv ˈlænd/ [countable noun] formal or written the country where you were born 【正式或书面】祖国,故土 Connery is a nationalist and fiercely proud of his native land. 康纳里是位民族主义者,极以自己的祖国为傲。 Thousands of Irish families left their native land and went to America in search of a better life. 千千万万爱尔兰家庭背井离乡,前往美国寻求更好的生活。8 having a great love of your country 非常爱国的 patriotic /ˌpætriˈɒtɪk◂, ˌpeɪ-ǁˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk◂/ [adjective] At Llewellyn's funeral service, she was remembered as a patriotic American who had served her country well. 在卢埃林的葬礼上,她被人视为为国尽忠的爱国的美国人而受到缅怀。patriotic duty something you must do if you love your country 爱国者的义务 Voting is part of your patriotic duty. 投票是爱国之心的部分表现。 patriot /ˈpætriət, -triɒt, ˈpeɪ-ǁˈpeɪtriət, -triɑːt/ [countable noun] someone who has a great love for their country: 爱国者 De Gaulle will always be remembered as a great French patriot. 作为法国一位伟大的爱国者,戴高乐将永远被人们所怀念。 patriotism /ˈpætriətɪzəm, ˈpeɪ-ǁˈpeɪ-/ [uncountable noun] great love for your country: 爱国主义 One of McCarthy's most evil tactics was to question the patriotism of his opponents. 麦卡锡最恶毒的策略之一就是对反对者的爱国心表示怀疑。 nationalistic /ˌnæʃənəˈlɪstɪk◂/ [adjective] someone who is nationalistic is very proud of their own country, but often has no respect for people from other countries because they believe that their own country is much better 民族主义的;国家主义的 The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals. 那位参议员强烈的民族主义观点在许多自由派看来很可怕。 As nationalistic feelings grew, life became increasingly difficult for immigrants. 随着民族主义情绪的高涨,移民的生活越来越艰难了。9 people who want their country or area to be independent 希望本国或本地区独立的人 nationalist /ˈnæʃənəlɪst, ˈnæʃənələst/ [countable noun] His father was a nationalist during the civil war. 内战时期,他的父亲是民族主义者。 Indian nationalists finally won independence for their country in 1947. 1947年,印度民族主义者终于为他们的国家赢得了独立。 nationalist [adjective only before noun] The Scottish Nationalist Party wants Scotland to be independent of the UK. 苏格兰民族党希望苏格兰脱离英国独立。 Nationalist candidates managed to win only one seat in the elections. 民族主义候选人仅在大选中获得一个席位。 The newspaper has campaigned vigorously for the nationalist cause. 该报大力鼓吹民族主义。 nationalism [uncountable noun] nationalistic feelings: 民族主义 The end of the Cold War was followed by an increase in nationalism in Eastern Europe. 冷战结束后,民族主义在东欧兴起。10 happening in, or relating to a particular country 在某国发生的,或与某国有关的 national /ˈnæʃənəl/ [adjective only before noun] happening in or relating to all of a particular country, not just part of it 国家的;国内的;全国的 The national news comes on at 18:30. 18点30分播报国内新闻。 Winners of the regional competitions compete in the national finals. 地区比赛的优胜者参加全国决赛的角逐。 domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ [adjective only before noun] happening in or relating to your own country, not other countries 本国的,国内的 domestic issue The President's speech covered a range of foreign and domestic issues. 总统的演讲涵盖了一系列国内外事件。domestic market when a company sells goods in the country where it is based 国内市场 Volkswagen produce cars both for the domestic market and for export. 大众公司生产的汽车供应国内市场和出口。domestic flight within a country 国内航班 Security on domestic flights in the US has been stepped up considerably. 美国国内航班上的安全措施已显著加强。 internal /ɪnˈtɜːnlǁ-ɜːr-/ [adjective only before noun] internal affairs/problems/matters things that concern a particular country - use this especially to say that foreign countries should not become involved in them 国内的事件/问题/事情〔尤用于指外国不应干预〕 Each country has the right to control its own internal affairs. 每个国家都有自己处理内政的权利。 Western countries have been accused of interfering in Brazil's internal problems. 有人指责西方国家干预巴西国内问题。 at home /ət ˈhəʊm/ [adverb] events that happen at home happen within your own country and do not involve any other countries, used especially when you are comparing what is happening in your country with what is happening in foreign countries 在本国;在国内〔尤用于比较国内外的事时〕 Sales of electrical goods have increased, both at home and abroad. 国内外电器的销量都增加了。 Shocked by the events at home, the president cut short his trip to Europe. 总统对国内发生的事感到震惊,中止了欧洲之行。11 belonging to, provided by, or involving a particular country 属于某国、由某国提供或涉及某国的 national /ˈnæʃənəl/ [adjective only before noun] Alitalia is the national airline of Italy. 意大利航空公司是意大利的国家航空公司。 a national policy for energy 国家的能源政策 the National Museum of Film and Photography in Bradford 位于布雷德福德的国家电影与摄影博物馆 federal /ˈfedərəl/ [adjective only before noun] controlled by or involving the central government, rather than the governments of the separate states that make up a large country 联邦政府的 Medicaid is a large federal health care program for the poor. 医疗补助制度是一种帮助穷人的大型联邦保健计划。 Several federal officials have been charged with corruption. 几名联邦官员被控受贿。 Most people want to see new federal gun laws introduced. 大多数人希望看到新的联邦枪支管理法案出台。12 happening in or involving a lot of countries 在许多国家发生的或涉及许多国家的 international /ˌɪntəʳˈnæʃənəl◂/ [adjective] This is CNN, bringing you all the latest international news. 这里是美国有线新闻网,随时向您报道所有最新的国际新闻。 an international agreement on the disposal of toxic waste 一项关于有毒废弃物处置的国际协议 The goal of the program is to increase international understanding and good will. 这一计划的目的在于增加国际间的理解和亲善。 multinational /ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənəl◂/ [adjective only before noun] multinational company/firm/corporation etc a big company that trades and employs people in several different countries 跨国公司 The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations. 政府试图通过吸引跨国公司来刺激经济。 Multinational companies have often been accused of employing cheap labour in developing countries. 经常有人指责跨国公司在发展中国家雇用廉价劳动力。 multinational [countable noun] Several multinationals were fined for environmental pollution. 数家跨国企业因污染环境被罚款。 multilateral /ˌmʌltɪˈlætərəl◂/ [adjective only before noun] multilateral agreement/treaty/negotiations etc involving or done by the governments of several different countries 多边协议/条约/谈判等 EU ministers proposed a multilateral agreement on arms control. 欧盟各国部长提出一项多边武器控制协议。13 the area away from towns and cities 远离城镇的地区 the country /ðə ˈkʌntri/ [singular noun] They've gone to the country for the weekend. 他们去乡村度周末了。in the country Clarisa didn't care for New York, she wanted to live in the country. 克拉丽莎不喜欢纽约,她想住在乡村。 We've found a lovely little cottage in the country. 我们在农村地区找到一间漂亮的小村舍。 Living in the country, you feel much closer to nature. 居住在农村里,你会感受到与大自然是如此地接近。 countryside /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ [uncountable noun] use this especially when you are talking about the beauty or good qualities of this kind of area 乡间,乡村〔尤用于谈论这种地区的秀丽景色或其他优点时〕 Somerset is famous for its rolling hills and beautiful countryside. 萨默塞特以平缓的山丘和美丽的乡村著名。the countryside She went to an expensive girls’ school situated deep in the heart of the countryside. 她上了一所位于乡村腹地的昂贵的女子学校。countryside of The countryside of Tuscany is a wonderful landscape of fields and valleys, with many historic monuments. 托斯卡纳的乡间全是漂亮的田地和山谷,有许多名胜古迹。the French/Sussex/German etc countryside The Provençal countryside provided the inspiration for many artists. 普罗旺斯的乡村为许多艺术家提供了灵感。14 in or from the area away from towns or cities 在或来自远离城镇的地区 country /ˈkʌntri/ [adjective only before noun] It took us an hour to reach the farm house, driving along winding country roads. 我们沿着蜿蜒曲折的乡间道路行驶了一小时才到达农庄住宅。 Old country churches are a big tourist attraction. 古老的乡村教堂对游客具有很大的吸引力。 Brattleboro offers all the pleasures of a small country town. 布拉特博罗能提供一个乡村小镇的所有乐趣。 Umbria is a wonderful region where life is simple and the people are decent country folk. 翁布里亚是个好地方,那里生活朴素,乡民正派。 rural /ˈrʊərəl/ [adjective usually before noun] use this especially to talk about social problems or conditions that exist in the country 乡村的〔尤用于谈论社会问题或农村地区的条件〕 a rural development program 一项乡村开发计划 There continues to be a shortage of jobs for young people in many rural areas. 在许多乡村地区,适合年轻人的工作一直短缺。 The committee will investigate ways of recruiting doctors and nurses for rural communities. 该委员会将研究为农村社区招募医生、护士的方法。 At that time, much of rural Ireland was desperately poor. 那时,爱尔兰大部分农村地区极度贫困。 rustic /ˈrʌstɪk/ [adjective] use this especially to talk about things or people in the countryside that are interesting, attractive, or old-fashioned 〔尤指物或人〕乡村的;乡村风味的;质朴的 rustic charm/beauty/simplicity American tourists are fascinated by the village's rustic charm. 来自美国的游客被村子里的这种乡村风情深深地吸引住了。 The rustic beauty of the countryside attracted many prominent citizens to Marin County. 乡村地区质朴的美吸引了许多知名人士来到马林县。rustic scene The picture showed a typical rustic scene. 这幅画描绘一种典型的乡村风光。

