
例句 SEND1 to send a letter, message, parcel etc2 to send something to someone after it has come to you3 to send someone somewhere4 when something sends out signals, light, heat etcRELATED WORDSsee alsoLETTERMESSAGE1 to send a letter, message, parcel etc 寄信、发送信息、寄包裹等 send /send/ [transitive verb] Send a cheque for £50 with your order. 随订单附寄一张50英镑的支票。 How many Christmas cards did you send? 你寄出了多少张圣诞卡片?send somebody something Perhaps I should send him a note of apology. 也许我应该给他写封道歉信。 She sent him a furious email. 她给他发了一封愤怒的电子邮件。send something to something He sent a dozen red roses to his girlfriend on her birthday. 女朋友生日那天,他送了一打红玫瑰给她。 MI5 intercepted a message sent from a business firm in Paris to The Hague. 军情五处截获了巴黎一家商业公司发到海牙的一条情报。 sender [countable noun] The sender of the first correct answer wins a trip to London. 第一个来信答对的人可赢得一次伦敦之旅的机会。 post British /mail especially American /pəʊst, meɪl/ [transitive verb] to send a letter, package etc by putting it in a letter box or taking it to the post office 邮寄,寄出 I must remember to post Joey's birthday card. 我一定要记住给乔伊寄生日贺卡。 You may choose not to mail the payment until the due date. 你可以等到到期那天才寄货款。post/mail something to somebody Could you mail those photographs to me? 你可以把那些照片寄给我吗? Tickets will be posted to you unless otherwise requested. 若无特别要求,票将邮寄送达。post/mail somebody something I mailed my dad a postcard from Alaska. 我从阿拉斯加给我爸寄了一张明信片。 fax /fæks/ [transitive verb] to send someone a copy of a document or message electronically down a telephone line, using a fax machine 传真 Shall I fax the report or mail it? 我用传真发送那份报告还是邮寄?fax something to somebody The order will be faxed directly to the manufacturer. 订单将直接传真给生产商。fax somebody something They've agreed to fax us their proposals tomorrow. 他们同意明天把他们的提议传真给我们。 faxed [adjective] sent by fax 通过传真发送的 In a faxed letter, he said he would not be returning to work. 在一封传真发来的信中,他说他不回来上班了。 email/e-mail /ˈiːmeɪl/ [transitive verb] to send a message directly from one computer to another computer, using the Internet 发送电子邮件 You can email Richard in Sydney. 你可以发电子邮件到悉尼给理查德。email somebody something I'll e-mail you his address when I get home. 我到家后把他的地址发电子邮件给你。email something to somebody She spent the next hour e-mailing her resume to prospective employers. 接着的一小时里,她通过电子邮件发个人简历给有可能成为雇主的公司。 send off /ˌsend ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send something somewhere so that it can be dealt with 寄出;发送〔以便处理〕 send something off I must send this film off to be processed. 我必须把这胶卷送去冲洗。send off something When did you send off your application form? 你的申请表是什么时候寄出去的? send in /ˌsend ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send something to an organization by mail, so that it can be dealt with 寄送,寄去〔某机构以便处理〕 send something in We've sent our passports in to get them renewed. 我们已把护照寄去更新了。send in something The final date for sending in completed application forms is July 3rd. 填写完整的申请表最后寄还日期是7月3日。 Almost 1000 questionnaires have already been sent in. 问卷已经寄出了将近1,000份。 send out /ˌsend ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send something to a lot of people 发出,分发〔给许多人〕 send out something The club sends out a monthly newsletter to all its members. 俱乐部给所有会员发一份每月一期的简讯。 Officials are sending out information packs to 4000 firms in the area. 政府官员将给本区的4,000家公司发送信息包。send something out We posted the wedding invitations in batches, rather than sending them all out at the same time. 我们分批邮寄婚礼请柬,而不是同时寄出。 circulate /ˈsɜːʳkjɑleɪt/ [transitive verb] to send a letter or written message to each person in a group in order to make sure that everyone receives the information you want them to receive 分发,传阅〔信件或书面信息〕 While Shelley was still at school, he circulated a pamphlet attacking religion. 谢利还在读书的时候就散发过攻击宗教的小册子。circulate something around/to/through etc Sneed had circulated a letter round the department explaining the new pay cuts. 斯尼德在部门里传阅过一封信,解释新近的减薪计划。 A list of well-known fraudsters was circulated to all local police chiefs. 著名诈骗犯的名单传发给了当地所有的警长。be widely circulated circulated to a lot of people 被广泛传阅 The results of the survey were widely circulated. 这次调查的结果被广泛传阅。 dispatch/despatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ [transitive verb] formal to send something to someone, especially something they have ordered or are expecting 【正式】分发,发送〔尤对方订购或期待的东西〕 The seller had agreed to dispatch the goods free of charge. 卖方同意免费送货。dispatch something to something The proofs were then despatched to London for printing. 然后校样被送到伦敦付印。 get something off /ˌget something ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to send something by mail, especially when it is urgent 【非正式】寄出〔尤指紧急的邮件〕 She managed to get all the letters off before five o'clock. 她设法在5点之前把所有的信都寄了。get sth off to I'll get this off to you first thing in the morning. 我明天一早就把它寄给你。 put something in the post /ˌpʊt something ɪn ðə ˈpəʊst/ [verb phrase] British to put a letter, parcel etc into a post box or take it to a post office to be sent 【英】邮寄某物 I'll put a cheque in the post for you tonight. 今天晚上我寄一张支票给你。2 to send something to someone after it has come to you 收到某物后把它转给某人 forward /ˈfɔːʳwəʳd/ [transitive verb] to send something to another person after it has come to you, so that they can deal with it 转交,转送;转寄 I asked the landlord to forward all my mail, but he didn't. 我叫房东转寄我所有的邮件,可他没有这样做。forward something to somebody After the report had been translated, it was forwarded to Admiral Turner. 报告翻译好以后就转交给了特纳上将。forward somebody something Could you forward me her email, and I'll get back to her. 你把她的电子邮件转发给我好吗,我再和她联系。 send on /ˌsend ˈɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send someone's letters or possessions to them at their new address because they have moved house 〔因为某人已搬家而把信件或所有物〕转寄至新地址 send something on (to somebody) If any letters arrive, please send them on to me in Los Angeles. 如果有信,请帮我转寄到洛杉矶来。send on something I promised that I'd send on her final salary cheque. 我答应把她最后一个月的工资转寄给她。 send back/return /ˌsend ˈbæk, rɪˈtɜːʳn/ [transitive verb] to send something back to the person who sent it. Return is more formal than send back and is used especially in writing. 寄回;退还〔return更正式,尤用于书面〕 send something back She sent all Patrick's letters back without opening them. 帕特里克的所有来信,她拆都没拆就退了回去。send back something Complete all the details, then send back the form. 表格详细填写好再寄回来。return something (to somebody) I would be grateful if you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me. 敬请在本函所附的文件上签字后寄还给我。 redirect /ˌriːdaɪˈrekt, -d-/ [transitive verb] to write someone's new address on a letter or parcel that has arrived for them, and send it to them 〔写上新地址后〕改寄 I've asked the new owners to redirect all our letters. 我请新业主把我们所有的信件都改寄给我们。redirect something to something I'm redirecting all his letters to his college. 我把他所有的信都改寄到他学校去。3 to send someone somewhere 派遗某人到某地 send /send/ [transitive verb] to make someone or something go somewhere 派遣;打发;送往 send somebody/something out/to/back etc He sent the children out of the room so we could talk. 他把孩子们打发到房间外面去,这样我们就可以谈话了。 There are no plans to send British troops to the area. 没有计划派英国军队到该地区。 He travelled all over the world, but decided to send his son to school in England. 他游历了世界各地,但还是决定送儿子去英格兰上学。 pack off /ˌpæk ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send someone to another place very quickly, especially so that you do not have to deal with them or they do not cause you any problems 匆匆把…打发走 pack somebody off (to) They gave her her supper and then packed her off to bed. 他们让她吃了晚饭就打发她上床了。be packed off (to) To prevent a scandal, John was rapidly packed off to another city. 为了避免丑闻,约翰被匆匆调往别的城市。 dispatch/despatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ [transitive verb] formal to send someone or something to a place, especially so that they can help in a difficult or dangerous situation 【正式】调遣;发送〔尤为了帮助解决困境或危险〕 The government dispatched 150 police to restore order. 政府调派了150名警察去恢复秩序。 As soon as the news reached them, a second airplane was despatched. 消息一传到他们那里,第二架飞机就派出去了。dispatch somebody/something to A recovery vehicle was immediately dispatched to the area. 一辆抢救车被立刻派往那个地区。 send in /ˌsend ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send a group of soldiers, police, medical workers etc somewhere to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation 派遣,调派〔士兵、警察、医护人员等以处理困境或危险情况〕 send in somebody After the earthquake, the Red Cross sent in medical teams from around the world. 地震发生之后,红十字会从世界各地派来了医务小组。send somebody in Sending troops in would only make the situation worse. 派兵只会使形势恶化。 send out /ˌsend ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send someone somewhere to do a particular job, especially somewhere far away 派出〔某人到远方做某工作〕 send out somebody The paper sent out several teams of reporters to follow the progress of the war. 这家报社派出了好几个记者团跟进报道战事。 Their top computer engineers were sent out to tackle the problem. 他们最顶尖的电脑工程师被派去处理这个问题了。send somebody out We'll send a mechanic out as soon as we can. 我们会尽快派一名机械工过来。 be posted /biː ˈpəʊstd/ [verb phrase] if someone such as a soldier or government official is posted to a place, especially somewhere abroad, they are sent there to do their job 派驻,调派〔尤指士兵、政府官员等到国外〕 be posted to My father was posted to Hong Kong when I was six. 我六岁时父亲被派往香港。 He joined the company three years ago and is hoping to be posted to Asia soon. 他三年前加入这家公司,希望不久能被派到亚洲去。be posted as Terry's just heard he's been posted as liaison officer on the USS Nebraska. 特里刚得知他要调到美国军舰内布拉斯加号上当联络官。 be stationed /biː ˈsteɪʃənd/ [verb phrase] if a member of an army, navy, or air force is stationed somewhere, they are sent to that place for a period of military duty 〔陆军、海军或空军〕被派驻 be stationed in/at/there etc My uncle was stationed in Burma during the war. 战时我叔叔驻扎在缅甸。 At the weekend, all the local bars were full of soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg. 周末的时候,当地的酒吧家家满座,都是驻扎在布拉格堡的士兵。4 when something sends out signals, light, heat etc 某物发出信号、光、热等 send out /ˌsend ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] The beacon sends out a beam of light every thirty seconds. 灯塔每隔30秒就发出一柱亮光。 He lit a fire, which sent out clouds of dense smoke. 他生了一堆火,火堆冒出团团浓烟。 The radar sends out radio waves and listens for echoes from enemy craft. 雷达发出无线电波,捕捉敌机的反射信号。 give out /ˌgɪv ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send out light, sound, heat etc 发出〔光、声音、热等〕 The oil lamp gave out a pleasant yellowish light. 油灯发出柔和的黄色亮光。 The musical triangle gives out a clear, beautiful note when struck. 三角铁敲击时会发出清脆悦耳的声音。 The stun gun, when applied to the body, gives out a sharp electric shock. 电击枪击中人体会产生强烈的电击。 give off /ˌgɪv ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to send out heat, smells, gas etc as a result of a natural or chemical process 〔由于自然过程或化学过程而〕发出〔热、气味、气体等〕 The plant gives off a delicate smell of lemons. 这种植物发出一种柠檬清香。 Gas heaters should only be used in well-ventilated rooms as they give off carbon monoxide. 煤气炉会释放一氧化碳,所以必须放在通风良好的房间里使用。 emit /ɪˈmɪt/ [transitive verb] formal to send out heat, light, smells, gas etc 【正式】发出〔热、光、气味、气体等〕 When minerals such as quartz are heated, they emit light. 石英等矿物加热后会发光。 The Earth emits natural radiation. 地球会发出自然辐射。 radiate /ˈreɪdieɪt/ [transitive verb] especially written to send out light or heat in all directions from a central point 【尤书面】散发,放射〔指从中心向四处散发光或热〕 The sun radiates both warmth and light. 太阳散发光和热。 The old and faded lights radiated a feeble glow upon the walls. 那些已经褪色的古老的灯散发着微弱的红光映照在墙上。 cast/throw /kɑːstǁkæst, θrəʊ/ [transitive verb] to send out light onto a surface or onto a particular area - used especially in stories and descriptions 投射,照射〔尤用于故事或描写中〕 The sun shining through the trees cast a pattern of light and shade on the footpath. 太阳照过树丛,在小路上投下斑驳的影子。 Candles in tarnished holders threw a warm light over the room. 蜡烛在失去光泽的烛台上发出融融的光,照亮了整个房间。

